31 min

Learning Kindness From Parent-Child Bonding Kindness Moves

    • Documentary

Learning Kindness From Parent-Child Bonding

[show open]

Lois Paula: Whether you're hoping to heal the world or heal yourself, this podcast is here for you to highlight how kindness moves.

Nan: Yes, how kindness moves you to take action, you yourself, or just makes you feel something so good it's contagious. You might have been touched by a simple act of kindness. You might want tips on how you can act now in your community or you just love the feeling of doing good. Hi everyone!

Lois Paula: Welcome to Kindness Moves, a new podcast brought to you by the INC Giving Project. We're your hosts LP and Nan. Now in a previous episode we discussed how to teach kindness to kids.

Lois Paula: And in that discussion we met Teresa and learned about her daughter Katelyn and the importance of, you know, fostering a child's urge to share kind acts. Now in today's episode we continue the discussion of sharing acts of kindness with your child but we dive a little bit deeper and shift the perspective now to a father–a father of three who actively encourages his children to join outreach efforts that help their community. Now, as a mother, that's something I inspired to do because it's, it's really these kinds of activities that promote, you know, parent-child bonding and teach kindness at the same time.

Nan: Yeah, you know, I'm really, really glad that we're continuing this discussion LP because it's such an important topic right? I mean parent child bonding and being able to do these acts of kindness together. But I'm even more excited because we get to hear from a father. You know sometimes the perception is that it's generally the mother that children learn kindness from, which I totally understand. You know, I learned a lot from my mom about kindness and being caring and she really influenced me greatly. But I would also like to highlight all the dads out there that make it a point to teach kindness, you know.

Lois Paula: Yes.

Nan: My dad definitely took the time to teach me those lessons so I just wanted to highlight all the dads out there and also tell my dad thank you. So thanks dad!

Lois Paula: Yes, yes, that's right. Now speaking of dads, shout out to all of the fathers, to all of the husbands out there. Just want to say thanks to my husband as well. You know, you're right. We really do try our best to take every opportunity to be, you know, the best parents. But there are a ton of dads out there, you know, who are doing the same thing–trying to set a great example. And it just so happens that we are meeting one today. Yes! So he joins us all the way from New Jersey, let's welcome Ted Pascual. Hi Ted.

Nan: Hi Ted.

Ted Pascual: Hello Nan, hello LP. Thank you for having me here today.

Nan: We’re so so excited to have you. 

Lois Paula: Yeah.

Nan: You know we're really happy that you could join us today all the way from New Jersey and I mentioned earlier that I was really excited to have you on the podcast. 

Nan: As a father, you've encouraged volunteering and acts of kindness, which I'd like to highlight even more because we have all the awesome moms, but I also want to show all the awesome dads. And before we jump into your fatherhood though, I would like to start from the beginning–if you could tell us a little bit about your childhood. Who or what were your biggest influences when it c...

Learning Kindness From Parent-Child Bonding

[show open]

Lois Paula: Whether you're hoping to heal the world or heal yourself, this podcast is here for you to highlight how kindness moves.

Nan: Yes, how kindness moves you to take action, you yourself, or just makes you feel something so good it's contagious. You might have been touched by a simple act of kindness. You might want tips on how you can act now in your community or you just love the feeling of doing good. Hi everyone!

Lois Paula: Welcome to Kindness Moves, a new podcast brought to you by the INC Giving Project. We're your hosts LP and Nan. Now in a previous episode we discussed how to teach kindness to kids.

Lois Paula: And in that discussion we met Teresa and learned about her daughter Katelyn and the importance of, you know, fostering a child's urge to share kind acts. Now in today's episode we continue the discussion of sharing acts of kindness with your child but we dive a little bit deeper and shift the perspective now to a father–a father of three who actively encourages his children to join outreach efforts that help their community. Now, as a mother, that's something I inspired to do because it's, it's really these kinds of activities that promote, you know, parent-child bonding and teach kindness at the same time.

Nan: Yeah, you know, I'm really, really glad that we're continuing this discussion LP because it's such an important topic right? I mean parent child bonding and being able to do these acts of kindness together. But I'm even more excited because we get to hear from a father. You know sometimes the perception is that it's generally the mother that children learn kindness from, which I totally understand. You know, I learned a lot from my mom about kindness and being caring and she really influenced me greatly. But I would also like to highlight all the dads out there that make it a point to teach kindness, you know.

Lois Paula: Yes.

Nan: My dad definitely took the time to teach me those lessons so I just wanted to highlight all the dads out there and also tell my dad thank you. So thanks dad!

Lois Paula: Yes, yes, that's right. Now speaking of dads, shout out to all of the fathers, to all of the husbands out there. Just want to say thanks to my husband as well. You know, you're right. We really do try our best to take every opportunity to be, you know, the best parents. But there are a ton of dads out there, you know, who are doing the same thing–trying to set a great example. And it just so happens that we are meeting one today. Yes! So he joins us all the way from New Jersey, let's welcome Ted Pascual. Hi Ted.

Nan: Hi Ted.

Ted Pascual: Hello Nan, hello LP. Thank you for having me here today.

Nan: We’re so so excited to have you. 

Lois Paula: Yeah.

Nan: You know we're really happy that you could join us today all the way from New Jersey and I mentioned earlier that I was really excited to have you on the podcast. 

Nan: As a father, you've encouraged volunteering and acts of kindness, which I'd like to highlight even more because we have all the awesome moms, but I also want to show all the awesome dads. And before we jump into your fatherhood though, I would like to start from the beginning–if you could tell us a little bit about your childhood. Who or what were your biggest influences when it c...

31 min