32 min

The Book of Mormon as a Missionary Teaching and Study Tool – with Jasmin Rappleye of Book of Mormon Central Latter-day Saint MissionCast

    • Christianity

The Book of Mormon is considered by many to be THE teaching and study tool of missionary work. This book has come forth in our day by the gift and power of God, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, to bring to the world a knowledge of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. As important as the Book of Mormon is to the Latter-day Missionary effort, it is not always the center of our study, or our teaching efforts.

There is a new study app out called Scripture Plus (Scripture +). It is a free app that combines the scripture text with convenient study helps, resources, and media content that will help to supplement your scripture study like no other app. It is available for Apple, Android, and Amazon Kindle.

Screenshots of Scripture+ app

Jasmin Gimenez-Rappleye from Book of Mormon Central - Episode Guest

Our guest on this episode is Jasmin Gimenez-Rappleye. Jasmin is the Web Architect and Content Manager for Book of Mormon Central. She administrates all the web properties of Book of Mormon Central and provides computer support for our users. She also serves as their chief Graphic Designer and the Peer Review Coordinator for the publication of KnoWhys. She enjoys creating new ways to visualize the Book of Mormon, and enjoys managing Book of Mormon's volunteers.

Jasmin graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University in 2015 with a Bachelor's degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. At Book of Mormon Central, she gets to combine her passion for religion in antiquity with her visual and technical skills. She enjoys creating new ways for users to digitally interact with the study of the scriptures.

Book of Mormon Central also has some quality podcast content that features Latter-day Saint MissionCast host, Nick Galieti. Check it out here.

The Book of Mormon is considered by many to be THE teaching and study tool of missionary work. This book has come forth in our day by the gift and power of God, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, to bring to the world a knowledge of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. As important as the Book of Mormon is to the Latter-day Missionary effort, it is not always the center of our study, or our teaching efforts.

There is a new study app out called Scripture Plus (Scripture +). It is a free app that combines the scripture text with convenient study helps, resources, and media content that will help to supplement your scripture study like no other app. It is available for Apple, Android, and Amazon Kindle.

Screenshots of Scripture+ app

Jasmin Gimenez-Rappleye from Book of Mormon Central - Episode Guest

Our guest on this episode is Jasmin Gimenez-Rappleye. Jasmin is the Web Architect and Content Manager for Book of Mormon Central. She administrates all the web properties of Book of Mormon Central and provides computer support for our users. She also serves as their chief Graphic Designer and the Peer Review Coordinator for the publication of KnoWhys. She enjoys creating new ways to visualize the Book of Mormon, and enjoys managing Book of Mormon's volunteers.

Jasmin graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University in 2015 with a Bachelor's degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. At Book of Mormon Central, she gets to combine her passion for religion in antiquity with her visual and technical skills. She enjoys creating new ways for users to digitally interact with the study of the scriptures.

Book of Mormon Central also has some quality podcast content that features Latter-day Saint MissionCast host, Nick Galieti. Check it out here.

32 min