34 min

S1E1 Stay The Hell Out Of The Water Shrieks And Geeks Double Feature

    • Visual Arts

Tonight we bring you two Eco-Horror flicks from the late 70s. Orca: The Killer Whaler starring Richard Harris and Charlotte Rampling, and Piranha! Staring Bradford Dillman and Heather Menzies. Join me as I talk about the actors, filmmakers, special effects, and some of my favorite behind the scenes stories. Whatever you do, stay out of the water. 

Tonight we bring you two Eco-Horror flicks from the late 70s. Orca: The Killer Whaler starring Richard Harris and Charlotte Rampling, and Piranha! Staring Bradford Dillman and Heather Menzies. Join me as I talk about the actors, filmmakers, special effects, and some of my favorite behind the scenes stories. Whatever you do, stay out of the water. 

34 min