186 episodes

Engaging, weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jeff Struecker

2 Cities Church Podcast Jeff Struecker

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Engaging, weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jeff Struecker

    Genesis: The Rebirth of a Nation. / Troy Singleton

    Genesis: The Rebirth of a Nation. / Troy Singleton

    Big Idea: The Rebirth of a Nation.

    In the Beginning: Jacob

    Genesis 35:16-29 CSB

    I. What’s in a name?   16-20

    They set out from Bethel. When they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth, and her labor was difficult. During her difficult labor, the midwife said to her, "Don't be afraid, for you have another son." With her last breath-for she was dying-she named him Ben-oni (son of my sorrow), but his father called him Benjamin (son of my right hand). So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). Jacob set up a marker on her grave; it is the marker at Rachel's grave still today.

    II. A blessed and dysfunctional family.   21-26

    Israel set out again and pitched his tent beyond the Tower of Eder. While Israel was living in that region, Reuben went in and slept with his father's concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard about it. Jacob had twelve sons: Leah's sons were Reuben (Jacob's firstborn), Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Rachel's sons were Joseph and Benjamin. The sons of Rachel's slave Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali. The sons of Leah's slave Zilpah were Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob, who were born to him in Paddan-aram.

    III. Celebration of life.   27-29

    Jacob came to his father Isaac at Mamre in Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), where Abraham and Isaac had stayed. Isaac lived 180 years. He took his last breath and died, and was gathered to his people, old and full of days. His sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

    Next Steps: 

    Believe: I need a rebirth of the Holy Spirit to change my heart.
    Become: Today I will not let strife and contention separate me from the things of Christ.
    Be Sent: I want a renewed interest in experiencing God this week.

    Group Discussion Questions: 

    Do you think a rebirth is needed in our world today? If so, how do you think it should be done?
    How does God’s affirmation of renaming Jacob to Israel reflect God’s faithfulness to Abraham’s descendants?
    How does Jacob’s situation challenge us to balance obedience to God with managing complex family relationships and personal challenges?
    How does God’s command to Jacob to build altars inspire us to create space for worship in our lives?
    How do you handle the emotions of joy and sorrow, as Jacob did upon the birth of Benjamin and the death of Rachel?
    How can we lean on God's faithfulness in times of personal and family trials?
    Pray for a spiritual regeneration of the body of Christ in a chaotic world.

    • 40 min
    Genesis: Only God Almighty can renew families. / Jeff Struecker

    Genesis: Only God Almighty can renew families. / Jeff Struecker

    Big Idea: Only God Almighty can renew families.

    In the Beginning: Jacob

    Genesis 35:1-15

    I. Fathers, lead family repentance.   1-3

    God said to Jacob, “Get up! Go to Bethel and settle there. Build an altar there to the God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother Esau.” So Jacob said to his family and all who were with him, “Get rid of the foreign gods that are among you. Purify yourselves and change your clothes. We must get up and go to Bethel. I will build an altar there to the God who answered me in my day of distress. He has been with me everywhere I have gone.”

    II. Fathers, usher in family worship.   4-7

    Then they gave Jacob all their foreign gods and their earrings, and Jacob hid them under the oak near Shechem. When they set out, a terror from God came over the cities around them, and they did not pursue Jacob’s sons. So Jacob and all who were with him came to Luz (that is, Bethel) in the land of Canaan. Jacob built an altar there and called the place El-bethel because it was there that God had revealed himself to him when he was fleeing from his brother.

    III. Fathers, set your family’s path.   8-15

    Deborah, the one who had nursed and raised Rebekah, died and was buried under the oak south of Bethel. So Jacob named it Allon-bacuth. God appeared to Jacob again after he returned from Paddan-aram, and he blessed him. God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; you will no longer be named Jacob, but your name will be Israel.” So he named him Israel. God also said to him, “I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply. A nation, indeed an assembly of nations, will come from you, and kings will descend from you. I will give to you the land that I gave to Abraham and Isaac. And I will give the land to your future descendants.” Then God withdrew from him at the place where he had spoken to him. Jacob set up a marker at the place where he had spoken to him—a stone marker. He poured a drink offering on it and poured oil on it. Jacob named the place where God had spoken with him Bethel.

    Next Steps: 

    Believe: I want to become part of God’s family today. 
    Become: Today, I surrender my lesser gods to God Almighty.
    Be Sent: I will demonstrate that God is my Father this week.

    Group Discussion Questions: 

    Did your family have regular home worship?
    Was your view of God shaped by your father?
    Is God Almighty confronting areas of your life right now?
    Has God shown you his might recently?
    Did your father impact your life’s course?  If so, explain.
    Do you know a father who is struggling to lead his family?
    Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead fathers and families this week.

    • 45 min
    Stories from yesterday, trusting tomorrow. / Piet de Wet

    Stories from yesterday, trusting tomorrow. / Piet de Wet

    Big Idea: Stories from yesterday, trusting tomorrow.

    I. Testify to marvel at Jesus

    Mark 5:20 So he went out and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and they were all amazed.

    II. It’s like a pillar of faith.

    Joshua 4:6-7 In the future, when your children ask you, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ you should tell them, ‘The water of the Jordan was cut off in front of the ark of the Lord’s covenant. When it crossed the Jordan, the Jordan’s water was cut off.’ Therefore these stones will always be a memorial for the Israelites.

     III. Testimony is loving apologetics.

    1 Peter 3:15 ...but in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy, ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.

    Next Steps: 

    Believe: I need to start a relationship with Jesus today. 

    Become: I will live an active faith that impacts others this week.

    Be Sent: I will share my testimony with 1 person this week. 

    Group Discussion Questions: 

    Has anyone helped you learn how to share your testimony?
    Is there part of your story that all people can benefit from hearing?  Explain your answer.
    Is it possible for another person to refute your sincere testimony?  Explain your answer.
    Name a pillar of faith that impacted what you believe about Jesus.
    Are all personal testimonies equally supernatural?  Explain your answer using Scripture. 
    Is there a difference between making Christ Lord and declaring him Savior? 
    Pray for the opportunity to share your personal story of faith with 1 person this week. 

    • 40 min
    Genesis: God gets more glory when you trust Him than when you get revenge. / Jeff Struecker

    Genesis: God gets more glory when you trust Him than when you get revenge. / Jeff Struecker

    Big Idea: God gets more glory when you trust Him than when you get revenge.   

    In the Beginning: Jacob

    Genesis 34: 1-31

    I. Ignoring evil won’t make it go away.        1-10

    Leah’s daughter Dinah, whom Leah bore to Jacob, went out to see some of the young women of the area. When Shechem—son of Hamor the Hivite, who was the region’s chieftain—saw her, he took her and raped her. He became infatuated with Jacob’s daughter Dinah. He loved the young girl and spoke tenderly to her. “Get me this girl as a wife,” he told his father. Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled his daughter Dinah, but since his sons were with his livestock in the field, he remained silent until they returned. Meanwhile, Shechem’s father Hamor came to speak with Jacob. Jacob’s sons returned from the field when they heard about the incident. They were deeply grieved and very angry, for Shechem had committed an outrage against Israel by raping Jacob’s daughter, and such a thing should not be done. Hamor said to Jacob’s sons, “My son Shechem has his heart set on your daughter. Please give her to him as a wife. Intermarry with us; give your daughters to us, and take our daughters for yourselves. Live with us. The land is before you. Settle here, move about, and acquire property in it.”

    II. Don’t use faith as a weapon.  11-17

    Then Shechem said to Dinah’s father and brothers, “Grant me this favor, and I’ll give you whatever you say. Demand of me a high compensation and gift; I’ll give you whatever you ask me. Just give the girl to be my wife!” But Jacob’s sons answered Shechem and his father Hamor deceitfully because he had defiled their sister Dinah. “We cannot do this thing,” they said to them. “Giving our sister to an uncircumcised man is a disgrace to us. We will agree with you only on this condition: if all your males are circumcised as we are. Then we will give you our daughters, take your daughters for ourselves, live with you, and become one people. But if you will not listen to us and be circumcised, then we will take our daughter and go.”

     III. Deceit is more dangerous than the sword.   18-23

    Their words seemed good to Hamor and his son Shechem. The young man did not delay doing this, because he was delighted with Jacob’s daughter. Now he was the most important in all his father’s family. So Hamor and his son Shechem went to the gate of their city and spoke to the men of their city. “These men are peaceful toward us,” they said. “Let them live in our land and move about in it, for indeed, the region is large enough for them. Let’s take their daughters as our wives and give our daughters to them. But the men will agree to live with us and be one people only on this condition: if all our men are circumcised as they are. Won’t their livestock, their possessions, and all their animals become ours? Only let’s agree with them, and they will live with us.”

    IV.      Riots don’t accomplish revenge.    24-31

    All the men who had come to the city gates listened to Hamor and his son Shechem, and all those men were circumcised. On the third day, when they were still in pain, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took their swords, went into the unsuspecting city, and killed every male. They killed Hamor and his son Shechem with their swords, took Dinah from Shechem’s house, and went away. Jacob’s sons came to the slaughter and plundered the city because their sister had been defiled. They took their flocks, herds, donkeys, and whatever was in the city and in the field. They captured all their possessions, dependents, and wives and plundered everything in the houses. Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have brought trouble on me, making me odious to the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites. We are few in number; if they unite against me and attack me, I and my household will be destroyed.” But they answered

    • 41 min
    Genesis: God’s church is marching toward home. / Jeff Struecker

    Genesis: God’s church is marching toward home. / Jeff Struecker

    Big Idea: God’s church is marching toward home. 

    In the Beginning: Jacob

    Genesis 33: 1-20

    I. Worship is a weapon of warfare. 1-7

    Now Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming toward him with four hundred men. So he divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and the two slave women. He put the slaves and their children first, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last. He himself went on ahead and bowed to the ground seven times until he approached his brother. But Esau ran to meet him, hugged him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. Then they wept. When Esau looked up and saw the women and children, he asked, “Who are these with you?” He answered, “The children God has graciously given your servant.” Then the slaves and their children approached him and bowed down. Leah and her children also approached and bowed down, and then Joseph and Rachel approached and bowed down.

    II. Your property is temporary. 8-11

    So Esau said, “What do you mean by this whole procession I met?” “To find favor with you, my lord,” he answered. “I have enough, my brother,” Esau replied. “Keep what you have.” But Jacob said, “No, please! If I have found favor with you, take this gift from me. For indeed, I have seen your face, and it is like seeing God’s face, since you have accepted me. Please take my present that was brought to you, because God has been gracious to me and I have everything I need.” So Jacob urged him until he accepted.

    III. Pitch your tent before pagans. 12-20

    Then Esau said, “Let’s move on, and I’ll go ahead of you.” Jacob replied, “My lord knows that the children are weak, and I have nursing flocks and herds. If they are driven hard for one day, the whole herd will die. Let my lord go ahead of his servant. I will continue on slowly, at a pace suited to the livestock and the children, until I come to my lord at Seir.” Esau said, “Let me leave some of my people with you.” But he replied, “Why do that? Please indulge me, my lord.” That day Esau started on his way back to Seir, but Jacob went to Succoth. He built a house for himself and shelters for his livestock; that is why the place was called Succoth. After Jacob came from Paddan-aram, he arrived safely at Shechem in the land of Canaan and camped in front of the city. He purchased a section of the field where he had pitched his tent from the sons of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for a hundred pieces of silver. And he set up an altar there and called it God, the God of Israel.

    Next Steps: 

    Believe: I need to be adopted into God’s family today. 
    Become: I will live for eternity this week. 
    Be Sent: I will invite someone far from Jesus into my life.

    Group Discussion Questions: 

    What is the longest you’ve ever been away from home?
    Do you find it difficult to keep your focus on eternity? 
    Do you believe it’s okay to build wealth and success here on earth, knowing it’s just temporary?
    Can you have an equal hold on here and heaven simultaneously?  Explain. 
    Christians are accused of being too much like everyone else (don’t care about heaven) - or not care at all about everyone else (don’t care about here).  How did you do on that spectrum this week?
    Did you live out your faith before someone far from Jesus this week? If so, explain.
    Ask the Holy Spirit to help you focus more on eternity tomorrow. 

    • 37 min
    Genesis: That’s going to leave a scar. / Jeff Struecker

    Genesis: That’s going to leave a scar. / Jeff Struecker

    Big Idea: That’s going to leave a scar.

    In the Beginning: Jacob

    Genesis 32: 24-32

    I. You don’t have to fight for what Jesus already offers you. 24-29

    Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he could not defeat him, he struck Jacob’s hip socket as they wrestled and dislocated his hip. Then he said to Jacob, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” “What is your name?” the man asked. “Jacob,” he replied. “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” he said. “It will be Israel because you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he answered, “Why do you ask my name?” And he blessed him there.

    II. You don’t have to fear what Jesus has already conquered for you. 30-32

    Jacob then named the place Peniel, “For I have seen God face to face,” he said, “yet my life has been spared.” The sun shone on him as he passed by Penuel—limping because of his hip. That is why, still today, the Israelites don’t eat the thigh muscle that is at the hip socket: because he struck Jacob’s hip socket at the thigh muscle

    Next Steps: 

    Believe: I need Jesus to change my heart today.
    Become: I have let fear come between me and Jesus.
    Be Sent: I want people to see that I’m a person who has been with Jesus.

    Group Discussion Questions: 

    Do you have a regular habit of spending alone time with God?
    If God wants a close relationship with people, why can’t we see his face and life?
    If Jesus has all the power, why couldn’t win the wrestling match?
    Do you have to wrestle with God to get his blessing?  Explain your answer. 
    When was the last time that you struggled with God?
    Does your family have an important tradition influenced by faith?
    Pray for the Holy Spirit to shape us into Christ’s likeness this week. 

    • 33 min

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