50 min

So I'm not allowed to think anymore then Lastname vs Lastname

    • Automotive

From the "meh" of Baku, we move on to what turned out to be another "meh" in Spain. We discuss how the 2019 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix turned out to be more exciting than we anticipated (but still pretty "meh"). Bonus: More ranting about how F1 doesn't show the battles between the midfield teams!

Join out Formula 1 Fantasy League at https://fantasy.formula1.com/join?league_code=5f5aaec9cc
Follow us on Twitter at @ChaiAsInTea and @vartakhimanshu

Title quote: Kimi Räikkönen
Title soundtrack: Dion Peete

From the "meh" of Baku, we move on to what turned out to be another "meh" in Spain. We discuss how the 2019 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix turned out to be more exciting than we anticipated (but still pretty "meh"). Bonus: More ranting about how F1 doesn't show the battles between the midfield teams!

Join out Formula 1 Fantasy League at https://fantasy.formula1.com/join?league_code=5f5aaec9cc
Follow us on Twitter at @ChaiAsInTea and @vartakhimanshu

Title quote: Kimi Räikkönen
Title soundtrack: Dion Peete

50 min