81 episodes

We all live in this world sharing life with various sentient beings; think humans, animals, reptiles, insects…and the list goes on. Yet, why is it that we appear separate from one another? What if we looked at all life as different species, but one in unity? Would that not change up our relationships together? Marybeth Haines, The GAL Who Speaks With Animals sure thinks so! As an animal communication specialist, psychic medium, author, and coach/facilitator, she invites you to join her as she channels knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration directly from the animals who have come forward to teach. Listen to awe-inspiring revelations through direct messages from them, interviews with those who have profound experiences with them, and also guidance in ensuring you, the listener’s questions, are answered as well. Animals are here to help expand humanity’s consciousness and make our life journeys more enjoyable. They radiate love, compassion, and understanding in a way that humans have not been able to master….yet! Are you ready for personal growth, healing, transformation, and unity? If so, make the choice! Choose to Awaken With Animals & Activate A Deeper Meaningful Life. Connect with Marybeth and receive your very own FREE Animal Communication Kit at www.thegalspeaks.com.

Awaken With Animals Marybeth Haines

    • Kids & Family

We all live in this world sharing life with various sentient beings; think humans, animals, reptiles, insects…and the list goes on. Yet, why is it that we appear separate from one another? What if we looked at all life as different species, but one in unity? Would that not change up our relationships together? Marybeth Haines, The GAL Who Speaks With Animals sure thinks so! As an animal communication specialist, psychic medium, author, and coach/facilitator, she invites you to join her as she channels knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration directly from the animals who have come forward to teach. Listen to awe-inspiring revelations through direct messages from them, interviews with those who have profound experiences with them, and also guidance in ensuring you, the listener’s questions, are answered as well. Animals are here to help expand humanity’s consciousness and make our life journeys more enjoyable. They radiate love, compassion, and understanding in a way that humans have not been able to master….yet! Are you ready for personal growth, healing, transformation, and unity? If so, make the choice! Choose to Awaken With Animals & Activate A Deeper Meaningful Life. Connect with Marybeth and receive your very own FREE Animal Communication Kit at www.thegalspeaks.com.

    EP 80: It's been a long time...so nice to reconnect once again!

    EP 80: It's been a long time...so nice to reconnect once again!

    Firstly, it's so nice to connect with you! It's been a long time! I'm here to share some exciting updates and a new episode of the Awaken With Animals podcast! :)

    This episode is a special one that will give you some updates as to what's been happening! It also shares a touching story about a school girl's view of things when it came to a special exercise their teacher had them do.

    Although this story originates with a child's view, it nicely ties in with what our animals share with us all the time. And it's a nice reminder too!

    Therefore, I'm sharing this inspiration forward and I hope you enjoy it! :)

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you! 

    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 21 min
    EP 79: Paw Prints On The Couch With Special Guest Kim Lengling

    EP 79: Paw Prints On The Couch With Special Guest Kim Lengling

    Paw prints of love, joy, and celebration come into our lives in magnificent ways! From the large equine family, to the cats and dogs, and even down to the smallest insect, there is a blessing to receive from every species. 

    Of course all of these different species don’t have paw prints per se, but they sure do have sentience! For each one is a sentient being, and this means that they have the ability to think, and feel, as well as make decisions.

    Today we are greeted by a special guest who has joined this episode. Her name is Kim Lengling and she’s someone who loves nature, animals, and tossing Nuggets of Hope into the world in an authentic way.

    Come listen to a natural and organic conversation between two pet loving humans who share heart to heart. Listen to the stories of an animal’s gift and how they have taught us many things. Most importantly, come expand your heart with us and be a part of something pretty cool when it comes to animals and their messages of guidance and love.

    We’ll also be talking about Kim’s newest published book entitled; Paw Prints on the Couch and the many stories that bring a smile to your heart.

    Let’s talk with Kim Lengling and let’s do that now!

    About Kim Lengling:

    As a multi-published author, Kim shares her love of nature, animals, living with PTSD, and her mission of tossing Nuggets of Hope into the world through writing and her podcast.

    Kim is the lead author and coordinator of a collaborative 3-book series titled When Grace Found Me and two stand-alone anthologies, When Hope Found Me (released November 2022) and Paw Prints on the Couch (released August 2023.)

    In addition to writing, she hosts the podcast Let Fear Bounce, spotlighting people who make a difference in the world, whether by writing, film production, philanthropy, teaching, founding non-profits, and more. 

    You can regularly find Kim drinking copious amounts of coffee and taking long walks with her dog.

    Contact Kim at her website through Dexter, her Canine Office Manager :)  at www.kimlenglingauthor.com.

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you! 

    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 1 hr 11 min
    EP 78: Healing Personal Trauma With Animals

    EP 78: Healing Personal Trauma With Animals

    Animals bring us messages all the time! Did you know this?

    There are many reasons why animals show up in our lives and why we connect together with them in such unique ways. This includes domesticated animals and also those in the wild.

    When we are not aware of their messages, we miss a lot of the symbolisms and energy medicine an animal provides. And that’s okay, because we are human beings. As we move through our life experiences, we have feelings, emotions and thought processes, and because of this, we aren’t always present to receive the bigger picture and deeper meaning of an animal’s lesson for us.

    The key here is to be aware that their messages exist, and the  animals show up for us, whether we are conscious of them or not.

    For me, I’m the type of gal who can get quite caught up in her thoughts, and I can easily become distracted by what my mind is stuck on. What brings me comfort is to remember that it’s okay to not have all the answers, but also to know that even though I might miss messages from animals, I can set the intention to receive their message on another level in which I can still embrace for what will be in the highest and best.

    This brings us to this particular episode and you are invited to learn how you can heal personal trauma through an animal’s visitation or experience with you.

    As I work with a particular animal who came to help me shift into great healing from personal trauma, you can join me and learn how to do this with animals yourself. Come receive guidance for healing personal trauma, and become empowered with tools on how you can do that now!

    Will you be joining me? Let’s go! See you on the inside!

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you! 

    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 1 hr 2 min
    EP 77: Animal Dream Interpretation With Special Guest Andrea Shane

    EP 77: Animal Dream Interpretation With Special Guest Andrea Shane

    When I was younger, I would always remember my dreams. Some dreams were fun, and others scary. I remember waking up confused as a child because of the feelings I would have upon awakening from a dream.

    Fast forward to early adulthood, and after my dad passed away, my dreams became so vivid, and I would have visitations from dad in my dreams. I remember feeling him so strongly and when I would awake, I would feel so happy for his connection, and yet saddened that it had to end.

    Coming forward now to present time, I’ve been having a harder time remembering my dreams. I know I do dream, but the recall of them is what has been challenging.

    Dreaming about people, situations, circumstances, and of course dreaming about animals, did you know that their messages, the symbolisms, and so much more can come through our dreamtime? In fact, when we dream, we actually are working through things in a unique way. Did you know that?

    What messages are your dreams sharing with you?

    Each night, our dreams assist us in recovering forgotten pieces of ourselves and attempt to bring all our parts into a state of harmony and wholeness. However, our dreams speak a magical language of symbols and visions that can be challenging to understand.

    That’s what Andrea Shane shares on her website at dreamofferings.com.

    And I’m so pleased to share with you that in this very episode, Andrea joins us as our special guest. She and I have a delightful chat together and discuss all things dreams!

    We delve into the symbolisms and message a dream provides. We talk about our animals, and the difference between a dream where we are working through our emotions with/about them, and an actual visitation from them. 

    I learned so much from Andrea in this episode, and it’s brought my understanding of the dreams I’ve been learning how to recall (that Andrea is teaching me), and to better understand the deeper meaning of them.

    Let’s get into dreams and learn more about the many messages we receive from them. And of course, we will be talking about animals and their many gifts through dreams as well.

    Let’s dive right in shall we? I’ll see you on the inside!

    About Andrea Shane:

    Andrea Shane has been fascinated by dreams since backpacking in India in 2012. While there, she experienced vivid, emotionally-intense dreams and became curious about the messages that dreams present. Upon returning to the United States, she apprenticed with world-renowned dream expert Jeremy Taylor for five years until his passing in 2018. She pursued a Master's degree in Depth Psychology, which focuses on understanding the unconscious through working with dreams, symbols, art, mythology, and more.

    Working with dreams and their messages has brought so much meaning to Andrea’s life, especially during periods when life has felt overwhelming or hopeless. Dreams are constantly attempting to remind us of our truest nature, and through her work with others, Andrea strives to serve each person by guiding them to uncover the messages of their dreams in a compassionate and non-judgmental way. Working with dreams has the potential to help us process our emotions, heal trauma, provide hints regarding next steps to take, connect with others on a deeper level, and to find deeper meaning in our day-to-day lives.

    Andrea lives in Savannah, Georgia, USA, but works with people all over the world via Zoom in one-to-one dreamwork sessions, as well as in small dreamwork groups. To learn more about her work or book an appointment, please visit her website at www.dreamofferings.com.

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you!

    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 1 hr 26 min
    EP 76: Awaken With Animals With Special Guest Troy Corupe

    EP 76: Awaken With Animals With Special Guest Troy Corupe

    What happens when you speak of someone often in your podcast? What do you do when you are talking and they keep coming up as part of your conversation? What might be best when you’ve talked about them enough times, that maybe your guests are getting to know them more than you think? What do you do?

    You invite them to be a guest on your podcast! That’s what you do!  :)

    I’m really happy and so excited to let you know that in this particular episode, my husband, and the person you hear me speak about so often, Troy Corupe, has agreed to join me in a natural, organic conversation.

    And guess what? We have no idea what we’re going to talk about!

    We’ve set the intention of the following; “Awaken with animals and activate a deeper and meaningful life with them”!

    Come join us! Come get to know Troy even better! Hear the stories that we talk about, the animals that have come forward, and so much more! Troy Corupe joins us in this very special episode!

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you!


    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 50 min
    EP 75: Flower Power; The Healing Wisdom of Flowers For Pets and People With Special Guest Pamela Maw

    EP 75: Flower Power; The Healing Wisdom of Flowers For Pets and People With Special Guest Pamela Maw

    About 10 years ago, from the date of this recording, I was introduced to a tool of vibrational support. It was something that I never used before, nor did I truly understand its effects.

    What is this tool of vibrational support that I’m talking about?

    I’m talking about the energetic frequency from flowers and how they can be placed into an essence that we can ingest, spritz, or simply integrate with on an energetic level.

    Moving forward in time from 10 years ago, and to the year of 2022, I was introduced to a new flower essence that really caught my attention! It’s an essence that helps both humans and animals with electrical protection from computer screens, radiation, atmospheric changes, astral energy, viruses, bacteria, human negativity, dissonant sounds, and so much more.

    Being someone who is highly sensitive, I feel things deeply. Receiving vibrations from animals through communication and energy support sessions, I need to ensure that I’m taking care of my own energy. I call it “energy management” or sometimes refer to it as “energetic hygiene”. 

    If I don’t clear, support, and strengthen my own energy regularly, and come back to grounding and anchoring inside my body, I start to feel off and even start to feel unwell. Therefore, it’s an absolutely must that I stay on top of this. For how can I be of support in this way to others if I am not supporting myself?

    I’ve found this particular flower essence that I’m speaking of, as well as other Flower essences to be a main tool in my energetic toolkit of support. 

    And that brings us to this particular episode! Come join me as we speak with Pam Maw. Pam is a Master Flower Essence Practitioner and she and I came together to talk more about flower essences. We discuss how they work, ways they can help us as humans and our animal family, and so much more! 

    I’m grateful to Pam for sharing her expertise in this area!

    Let’s talk about the vibrational tool of Flower Essences! See you on the inside! :)

    About Pam Maw:

    Pamela Maw has a Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. As well a Bachelor of Education, from the University of Queen’s, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Maw taught her specialties, Fine Art and Special Education at the High School level. After leaving her Headship of the Arts at Mitchell District High School, Maw moved to St. Catharines, Ontario, with her husband and dog. She is a Botanical Bio-frequencies Master Practitioner For People, and a Animal Botanical Bio-frequencies Practitioner (Level 1 and 2) working with Flower Essences, and has taken training and certification in animal communication, tuning forks and other complementary energy focused modalities.

    Contact Pam at:

    Cell: 905-658-6470

    Landline: 905-938-3617

    Location: 88 Lakeport Road, St. Catharines

    Email: pamelamaw11@gmail.com

    With love and heart hugs,


    PS. Want to connect further? I always would love to hear from you! 

    Drop me a line at: www.thegalspeaks.com and claim your FREE Animal Communication Kit there too!

    • 56 min

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