36 min

Doing Differently with Bobbie Racette WOMEN REDEFINING Entrepreneurship in Alberta

    • Entrepreneurship

This week,  Shannon Pestun talks to Bobbie Racette, the Founder & CEO at The Virtual Gurus and askBetty.  

Bobbie gets real about life as an introvert, finding her calling, overcoming imposter syndrome, and reclaiming her power. After 170 rejections from investors and with $300 in savings, Bobbie has grown The Virtual Gurus into an award-winning company, recognized by Startup Canada and Forbes. Although the journey hasn’t always been easy for Bobbie, who calls entrepreneurship her medicine, her north star is clear. 

The Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) shares research and resources on women entrepreneurs in Canada as part of the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy. Learn more: Follow us on LinkedIn | Twitter | wekh.ca

Website: thevirtualgurus.com

Social media handles:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/your-virtual-gurus

Twitter: @Bobbie_Racette | @virtual_gurus

Instagram: @virtual_gurus

Facebook: @yourvirtualgurus

This week,  Shannon Pestun talks to Bobbie Racette, the Founder & CEO at The Virtual Gurus and askBetty.  

Bobbie gets real about life as an introvert, finding her calling, overcoming imposter syndrome, and reclaiming her power. After 170 rejections from investors and with $300 in savings, Bobbie has grown The Virtual Gurus into an award-winning company, recognized by Startup Canada and Forbes. Although the journey hasn’t always been easy for Bobbie, who calls entrepreneurship her medicine, her north star is clear. 

The Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub (WEKH) shares research and resources on women entrepreneurs in Canada as part of the Government of Canada’s Women Entrepreneurship Strategy. Learn more: Follow us on LinkedIn | Twitter | wekh.ca

Website: thevirtualgurus.com

Social media handles:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/your-virtual-gurus

Twitter: @Bobbie_Racette | @virtual_gurus

Instagram: @virtual_gurus

Facebook: @yourvirtualgurus

36 min