9 min

What's Your Dog's Personality Type? A Guide for Dog Owners The Unconventional Dog Trainer

    • Hobbies

Hey there, dog lover! Welcome to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. We hope you enjoy our battle tested, relationship based solutions for helping your unconventional dog shine, with your host, Luzelle Cockburn Let's dive in.

Let's talk about different personalities and dogs. This is probably one of my favorite topics because this is one of the first things one of my mentors taught me and this has really helped me see each dog as an individual. Now in every breed, you can have the four different personality types. So, what are they?

They're the same ones that apply to us people. You have your driver, which I call your company CEO. They like to make the rules. They're the fun Nazis. They want to see results. They don't care how it's done. They are not there to have fun. They are there to get shit done. That's your company CEO. Then you get your expressive or your company sales person.

These dogs are all about fun. Now I generally joke, I do not recommend this, and say you could hit this dog with a 4x2 over the head and they're not going to care as long as they get to do what they want. I fall into this category. You can do whatever you like to me. It is not going to squash me because as long as I get to do what I want, no matter how much pressure you put on me, no matter what you try and do to me is not going to work for you because I am going to find a way to do what I want and it's just going to suck to be you.

These dogs work on my nerves. I struggle with these dogs because I can see their bullshit a mile away. Now, generally, these dogs struggle with the company accountants or the analytics. So the analytical dogs are your company accountants. You do not hug your company accountant. They're all about data and information.

They are introverted. So you do not. Hug these dogs. They, they like to lie by your feet. They like to be social. They have a very small circle, whereas your expressives, like, they're friends with everybody, but you could die a slow painful death and they're not gonna care. That's your expressive. That's me. I love you, but if you disappeared, I probably might not notice.

And I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me. Um, so that's your expressive dogs. They don't care. Your analyticals form deep, meaningful relationships. They are loyal. Um, they need information. They have a very small bubble. So they have one or two really good friends, uh, the rest of the world can die a slow, painful death and they won't care.

Um, think like, more like Sheldon, engineers, accountants, these sort of people fall into the analytics. Analytical or company accountant category, and then you get your amiables. I call them the company receptionists. These dogs pretty much train themselves. They are the perfect dogs. They are so eager to please.

They just want to do everything right. But your driver or company CEO personality can squash these dogs. Um, so if you have a very dominant personality, I recommend you do not get a, um, a company receptionist type dog, an amiable dog, because you're going to squash this dog. Also, these dogs are very sensitive.

I've had a few, generally they're your golden retrievers. Um, your company salespeople are usually your labs, your company CEOs, uh, generally they can be in almost any breed, but they're very strong minded. So usually really strong Malinois, Rottweilers, uh, German shepherds, um, however, most German shepherds are your company accountants.

Your aimables is your, um, golden retrievers. And I've actually had a few who have gone in a depression when they've been rehomed. They are that sensitive. They feel things deeply. And when they, they lose their family, it's like they really, really, really struggle to cope. Now, these are generally the four personality types.

You can get multiple. Now, one thing that most people don't talk about when it comes to personality types is where you fit in a personality type quite often can change depending

Hey there, dog lover! Welcome to this episode of the Unconventional Dog Trainer. We hope you enjoy our battle tested, relationship based solutions for helping your unconventional dog shine, with your host, Luzelle Cockburn Let's dive in.

Let's talk about different personalities and dogs. This is probably one of my favorite topics because this is one of the first things one of my mentors taught me and this has really helped me see each dog as an individual. Now in every breed, you can have the four different personality types. So, what are they?

They're the same ones that apply to us people. You have your driver, which I call your company CEO. They like to make the rules. They're the fun Nazis. They want to see results. They don't care how it's done. They are not there to have fun. They are there to get shit done. That's your company CEO. Then you get your expressive or your company sales person.

These dogs are all about fun. Now I generally joke, I do not recommend this, and say you could hit this dog with a 4x2 over the head and they're not going to care as long as they get to do what they want. I fall into this category. You can do whatever you like to me. It is not going to squash me because as long as I get to do what I want, no matter how much pressure you put on me, no matter what you try and do to me is not going to work for you because I am going to find a way to do what I want and it's just going to suck to be you.

These dogs work on my nerves. I struggle with these dogs because I can see their bullshit a mile away. Now, generally, these dogs struggle with the company accountants or the analytics. So the analytical dogs are your company accountants. You do not hug your company accountant. They're all about data and information.

They are introverted. So you do not. Hug these dogs. They, they like to lie by your feet. They like to be social. They have a very small circle, whereas your expressives, like, they're friends with everybody, but you could die a slow painful death and they're not gonna care. That's your expressive. That's me. I love you, but if you disappeared, I probably might not notice.

And I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me. Um, so that's your expressive dogs. They don't care. Your analyticals form deep, meaningful relationships. They are loyal. Um, they need information. They have a very small bubble. So they have one or two really good friends, uh, the rest of the world can die a slow, painful death and they won't care.

Um, think like, more like Sheldon, engineers, accountants, these sort of people fall into the analytics. Analytical or company accountant category, and then you get your amiables. I call them the company receptionists. These dogs pretty much train themselves. They are the perfect dogs. They are so eager to please.

They just want to do everything right. But your driver or company CEO personality can squash these dogs. Um, so if you have a very dominant personality, I recommend you do not get a, um, a company receptionist type dog, an amiable dog, because you're going to squash this dog. Also, these dogs are very sensitive.

I've had a few, generally they're your golden retrievers. Um, your company salespeople are usually your labs, your company CEOs, uh, generally they can be in almost any breed, but they're very strong minded. So usually really strong Malinois, Rottweilers, uh, German shepherds, um, however, most German shepherds are your company accountants.

Your aimables is your, um, golden retrievers. And I've actually had a few who have gone in a depression when they've been rehomed. They are that sensitive. They feel things deeply. And when they, they lose their family, it's like they really, really, really struggle to cope. Now, these are generally the four personality types.

You can get multiple. Now, one thing that most people don't talk about when it comes to personality types is where you fit in a personality type quite often can change depending

9 min