49 min

Free Yourself From Body Prison w/ Jennifer O'Neill Always Shine Brightly

    • Spirituality

Jennifer O’Neill is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is on a mission to help women free their bodies from the pain of dieting and negative body image, and lead them to a life of freedom, balance, and joy around eating and fitness. She put herself through diet hell for nearly 30 years of her life and knows that it’s simply not worth it. She guides her clients to take action around food, fitness, and body image from an aligned place of love instead of hate. It is only by changing our minds about ourselves that we can then begin to learn that the love we are so desperately seeking is already inside of us. She is also the host of the newly launched podcast, Free Yourself From Body Prison, where she’s created a safe space to discuss body image, binge/emotional eating, weight loss, exercise ad finding the balanced middle ground between diet culture and anti-diet culture. Her primary focus is helping women create a more loving (or accepting) relationship with their body image, food and exercise.

In this episode, Jennifer shares her personal journey to create a healthy relationship with her body, food and exercise. A huge turning point in her journey occurred when she read and studied A Course in Miracles (which also plays a foundational role in everything I teach!) as this is what shifted her relationship to her body, food and exercise from coming from self-hate and judgment to loving and accepting herself. It’s what helped her realize her worthiness did NOT come from how she did or didn’t look. This is a HUGE lesson that so many have yet to learn…mainly because our society does not teach us this. In fact, it teaches the opposite. I’m happy to have Jennifer on the podcast so this message of worthiness reaches more and more people.

We also discuss what diet and anti-diet culture is (I had no idea this was such a polarizing issue, but, with the times we’re in, I’m also not surprised), what body neutrality is (I love anything that helps us see from a more neutral perspective!), how NOT to give away our power to “the scale” and how to dig deep into understanding why we self-sabotage, binge and emotionally eat (truly understanding the root of our emotions so our core beliefs about ourself can be healed).

Ultimately, this is a message of empowering others to find what works for them without being swayed by all the noise that comes from the various camps of what one should or shouldn’t do when it comes to diet, exercise and healthily relating to our bodies.

Jennifer offers one-on-one coaching to help you heal your relationship with your body, food and exercise. She’s also in the process of creating courses to support you in this process. Check out her website for more information. You can also follow her on Instagram @luminouswellnesswithjennifer.

Host, Shanna Covey, is the author of A Call to the Heart, Shifting Out of Ego Into Spirit. You can follow her on Facebook (@ShannaKayCovey) and Instagram (@ShannaCovey).

Jennifer O’Neill is a graduate of The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is on a mission to help women free their bodies from the pain of dieting and negative body image, and lead them to a life of freedom, balance, and joy around eating and fitness. She put herself through diet hell for nearly 30 years of her life and knows that it’s simply not worth it. She guides her clients to take action around food, fitness, and body image from an aligned place of love instead of hate. It is only by changing our minds about ourselves that we can then begin to learn that the love we are so desperately seeking is already inside of us. She is also the host of the newly launched podcast, Free Yourself From Body Prison, where she’s created a safe space to discuss body image, binge/emotional eating, weight loss, exercise ad finding the balanced middle ground between diet culture and anti-diet culture. Her primary focus is helping women create a more loving (or accepting) relationship with their body image, food and exercise.

In this episode, Jennifer shares her personal journey to create a healthy relationship with her body, food and exercise. A huge turning point in her journey occurred when she read and studied A Course in Miracles (which also plays a foundational role in everything I teach!) as this is what shifted her relationship to her body, food and exercise from coming from self-hate and judgment to loving and accepting herself. It’s what helped her realize her worthiness did NOT come from how she did or didn’t look. This is a HUGE lesson that so many have yet to learn…mainly because our society does not teach us this. In fact, it teaches the opposite. I’m happy to have Jennifer on the podcast so this message of worthiness reaches more and more people.

We also discuss what diet and anti-diet culture is (I had no idea this was such a polarizing issue, but, with the times we’re in, I’m also not surprised), what body neutrality is (I love anything that helps us see from a more neutral perspective!), how NOT to give away our power to “the scale” and how to dig deep into understanding why we self-sabotage, binge and emotionally eat (truly understanding the root of our emotions so our core beliefs about ourself can be healed).

Ultimately, this is a message of empowering others to find what works for them without being swayed by all the noise that comes from the various camps of what one should or shouldn’t do when it comes to diet, exercise and healthily relating to our bodies.

Jennifer offers one-on-one coaching to help you heal your relationship with your body, food and exercise. She’s also in the process of creating courses to support you in this process. Check out her website for more information. You can also follow her on Instagram @luminouswellnesswithjennifer.

Host, Shanna Covey, is the author of A Call to the Heart, Shifting Out of Ego Into Spirit. You can follow her on Facebook (@ShannaKayCovey) and Instagram (@ShannaCovey).

49 min