9 episodes

On November 4th 2006 our lives changed with the addition of our Little Pickle, Charlotte Rose. As first time parents we will make mistakes, have adventures and try to laugh every step of the way. We want to share our adventures with you.....

Little Pickle noreply@blogger.com (Emilie and Michael)

    • Kids & Family

On November 4th 2006 our lives changed with the addition of our Little Pickle, Charlotte Rose. As first time parents we will make mistakes, have adventures and try to laugh every step of the way. We want to share our adventures with you.....

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    Merry Late Christmas/New Years

    Merry Late Christmas/New Years

    Happy New Year, Merry Santa Day, its been a long lazy time between posts. We have finally recovered from the holidays. We had a great time, put thousands of miles on our car, Charlie had the stomach flu (we did learn that she needs to learn to chew her food), and only 346 days until we will do it all again.

    Charlie had a great Christmas even though she had no idea what was going on. In fact the unwrapping of presents freaked her out a bit. Emilie and I have been so diligent in teaching her not to rip books that the concept of ripping off wrapping paper was a bit scary for her. Ultimately Charlie conquered this fear and a good thing she did; she got thousands of gifts.

    Of course the best part of the holiday was getting to hang out as a family. It is crazy how many tricks Charlie has learned (see Dec 12, 2006 for a comparison). Charlie can identify most of her body parts, use sign language so say 6-8 words (she learned this at day care), she can identify people in pictures, make a ton of animal noises on command, dance on command, etc... There are too many new skills to list. Most importantly these tricks can be done on command for her parents' amusement.

    Over the holidays Charlie really got into music. Incidentally I should thank my parents for giving Charlie a 5 piece must set that includes symbols - very stimulating and loud. Her love of music has also encouraged the development of problem solving skills. Check out the video below - Charlie wants to shake her rattle, but she also wants to use both hands to play the music table.... she comes up with a unique solution.

    P.S. New Years resolution - more frequent posts - lets see how that works out

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    The Old Lady's Party

    The Old Lady's Party

    Charlie turned 1 on November 4th. Weird. Who would of thought we could have kept a baby alive for a whole year. To be fair, Chrissy and Henrik have kept Emma alive for the same length of time, so I guess we are not that special.

    In celebration of their longevity Emma and Charlie had a joint 'first birthday' party. This means they each got twice as many presents. Charlie and Emma invited 12 kids (all under 3) to their party. Each of the 12 kids brought along at least one adult. It was a pretty rocking party for our pretty small house.

    Emma and Charlie played very well together; not surprising given that they are old school chums. Charlie also got to play with her next door neighbours Ellie and Gillian. As you can see Charlie loves Ellie.

    Charlie received more gifts than we know what to do with. All the presents were very thoughtful. Special thanks to Maggie and Bruno for buying the toy with the most small parts that are scattered all over the house and inevitably end up under foot; a sweet revenge for the similar toy we got their daughter Sydney.

    Charlie's birthday will always be crazy as it is directly preceded by Halloween and followed by Christmas. Charlie's first Halloween was fantastic as well. Our neighbourhood is infested with children; it would be no exaggeration to say we had 150 kids come to our door. As usual Emilie and I put off preparing for Halloween until the last minute. Charlie was a make-shift bunny (we used a recycled infant bunny hat and a taped on pom pom). I carved the pumpkin at 6:45 on Halloween night. The pumpkin was a sad sight, it looked like something a blind, left handed child, who was having a seizure would carve. Charlie had a great time answering the door and staying up past her bed time. Emilie and I had a great time eating the bags of candy charlie collected.

    Only 1106 hours until Christmas....

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    How Do You Like Them Apples

    How Do You Like Them Apples

    Charlie seems to be developing a bit of a stubborn streak. A few days ago we were in the grocery store when Charlie spotted a bin of shiny red apples. She pointed at them, laughed and gave us the hugest, cutest grin. As we moved away from the apples the grin turned into a frown and then Charlie started with her fake baby cry. We gave in a bought two apples for the princess to hold. She held on to them the whole way home, and then for TWO more hours. Charlie loved those apples. Eventually her bed time rolled around and we had to take the apples away. As you can see, in this video expose, Charlie was not amused.

    P.S.: Charlie forgot about the apples when she woke up the next morning - in fact she now feels completely indifferent about apples.

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    Fall Fall Fall Fall

    Fall Fall Fall Fall

    September is over! It has been a crazy busy month. I started and finished my first jury trial, Emilie went back to work (for real), and Charlie started school (aka: daycare).

    I think our lives may be more manageable now that Charlie is in structured care. The daycare seems like a great place. The food is prepared by Steven Bekta (the owner and chef at one of the best Ottawa restaurants). It turns out that his son is in the same grade as Charlie. No more wienies and beans for the kids - curried chicken and butternut squash pure is way more classy. The daycare also has a web cam so I can watch Charlie from work. Presumably this will prevent Charlie from being abused on camera. It also is a great time killer - I could watch Charlie play for hours. Yes, a classy, high-tech daycare.... almost work every penny (150,000 of them every month).

    We finally made it up to the Cottage this month. It was very entertaining to let Charlie truly experience fall. She loves leaves - she likes to point at them, grab them, give them as gifts, eat them, lick them, crinkle them, and throw them; she has even vomitted a leaf. I can only imagine how much she is going to love the snow.

    Charlie has also taken to feeding herself with a spoon. It is amazing how much pride she takes in this simple act. It is her favorite and, coincidentally, messiest part of the day. She is growing up fast. Only one month until her birthday......

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    Jolly Spinner

    Jolly Spinner

    We have always said that we would like Charlie to be able to think outside of the box. Charlie seems to do this every day (exemplified by acts such as eating shoes rather than wearing them). Today she thought of a new way to use the Jolly Jumper. You may also note that in the video she is holding a pillow, don't ask me why, but she loves it.

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    Splish Splash

    Splish Splash

    On Friday we offered to babysit Emma while her parents went to a FIFA soccer game. Emilie and I always welcome a chance to hang out with Emma. It is amazing that babies that were born on the same day can be so different. Emma possesses some sort of super strength. She can move into a sitting position from her back, she can almost stand on her own and she can crawl - a real baby crawl that is very unlike Charlie's worm-like wriggle. While Charlie may not be as active, she excels in other areas; she is very verbal. She also has a refined sense of humor, when ever Emma cried Charlie laughed.

    The above was exemplified during bath time. Charlie needs a bath every night due to her smelly helmet head. Emma appeared clean to us but we could not resist a chance to see the babies play in the bath together. I bathed Charlie and Emilie looked after Emma. We documented this adventure and it is safe to say Emilie had the wetter experience.

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