5 min

🎬 Master the Art of Dialogue: Pro Tips from Sir Anthony Hopkins and Laurence Olivier �‪�‬ The October Chronicles

    • Books

Imagine Sir Anthony Hopkins, most known for his role as Hannibal Lecter in Silence
of the Lambs.

Now, Sir Anthony Hopkins was  once
just Tony Hopkins, starting like all of us. He was 17 or 18, doing shows
wherever he could. In one play, he worked with Sir Laurence Olivier, considered
the greatest classical actor of his generation. Hopkins, playing a minor role,
mustered the courage to ask Olivier for advice on his performance.

Imagine Sir Laurence at his makeup table. Hopkins asks for advice, and Sir
Laurence turns and says:

"When you speak, you are the star."

Imagine Sir Anthony Hopkins, most known for his role as Hannibal Lecter in Silence
of the Lambs.

Now, Sir Anthony Hopkins was  once
just Tony Hopkins, starting like all of us. He was 17 or 18, doing shows
wherever he could. In one play, he worked with Sir Laurence Olivier, considered
the greatest classical actor of his generation. Hopkins, playing a minor role,
mustered the courage to ask Olivier for advice on his performance.

Imagine Sir Laurence at his makeup table. Hopkins asks for advice, and Sir
Laurence turns and says:

"When you speak, you are the star."

5 min