100 episodes

International BestSelling Author, Intuitive Guide & Award Winning Media Host Cari Murphy is the Founder and Host of this Global Teleseminar Series devoted to Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness Expansion, Sacred Empowerment, Energy Healing, Ascension Guidance, and Quantum Living! Visit our marketplace for offerings from our speakers at www.StraightTalkfortheSoul.com

Straight Talk for the SOUL Cari Murphy

    • Religion & Spirituality

International BestSelling Author, Intuitive Guide & Award Winning Media Host Cari Murphy is the Founder and Host of this Global Teleseminar Series devoted to Spiritual Awakening, Consciousness Expansion, Sacred Empowerment, Energy Healing, Ascension Guidance, and Quantum Living! Visit our marketplace for offerings from our speakers at www.StraightTalkfortheSoul.com

    Expanding Your Intuition & Cosmic Connections with Your Pets & Animal Companions!

    Expanding Your Intuition & Cosmic Connections with Your Pets & Animal Companions!

    Pet Intuitive and Numerologist Denise Mange brings such a clear and empowering energetic approach to pet training AND to understanding the role our pets play in heightening our divine gifts and abilities during these powerful times on our planet! We spoke about the unconditional love that opens our hearts with our pets leading to an expansion of our intuition and capacity to connect with our cosmic & galactic families! We spoke about our pets ability to clear energetic clutter in our spaces as well as clearing energy collectively. So many topics and audience questions were answered as Denise offered mini pet readings for callers! The love was flowing, as always!!

    Certified dog trainer, pet intuitive, pet numerologist and founder of Pet Prana®, Denise believes everyday interactions with our pets have the power to transform us. Her work combines traditional obedience training with energetic considerations of pet guardianship to facilitate meaningful connections and behavioral shifts for both you and your pets.

    As a thought leader in her field, Denise’s articles have been featured in publications spanning from pet guardianship to conscious living. Denise has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and podcasts, has sat on expert panels, and has been a featured speaker on keynote stages.

    • 1 hr 40 min
    Activate Your Supernova Starseed Consciousness + Cosmic Weather Report!!

    Activate Your Supernova Starseed Consciousness + Cosmic Weather Report!!

    Another brilliant and illuminating experience with Catherine offering a divine invitation for quantum mastery!! As an empathic astrologer and galactic guide,Catherine offered a cosmic weather update and shared what’s happening in the stars! We spoke about the equinox energies, the eclipses and the opportunities for expansion available to us all. Catherine is supremely gifted as a visionary who has the capacity to ignite and activate our true eternal identity while dissolving and clearing all the energy that has attempted to distort or distract you from your activating and sharing your unique genius!! We had fun playing in what we called our “Supernova Temple!!” Many gems, treasures, and pearls of wisdom shared for our Unity Community and for the courageous starseeds who called in and participated live with us! What a journey it was!! Thank you to everyone who joined us or who will tune in! This is designed for YOU!

    Catherine Rosenbaum is a gifted teacher, guide, and visionary. A true empath who, through love, compassion, humor, and joy, lives out her Human Design as a REFLECTOR. They are rare! (like unicorns!) Only 1% of the human population are Reflectors…they are pure lunar essences, who can reflect back to us the deep, and often hidden, intimate (jeweled) facets of ourselves.

    She is a Reflector, blending all Universal maps with Astrology, Quantum knowledge, Gene Keys and anything that includes the Awakening of Humanity codes! She gets to the heart of what matters, and when revealed, that once-held energy is free to be available for new opportunities that arise for our highest personal growth and for the upliftment of all. To sit with a Reflector is a unique experience that can be revelational. Catherine’s clarity, insight, and support through a session can open up profound pathways of self-understanding.

    Catherine is an international empathic teacher and guide thru time. She has all been written up in New York Times and Interviewed on TV. She has been living her design since 2011 and has been teaching Human Design in classes for many years now in Sarasota Florida.

    • 1 hr 50 min
    Reset & Recalibrate Your Consciousness + Cultivate New JoyFULL Daily Spiritual Practices!

    Reset & Recalibrate Your Consciousness + Cultivate New JoyFULL Daily Spiritual Practices!

    This powerful call with Zoe just got better and better!! Please listen all the way through! You will have the opportunity to reset and recalibrate your nervous system AND your consciousness as Zoe guided us with her soulfully soothing voice into a state of pure presence, observation and sweet serenity! As we slow and soften we are able to hold a state of greater harmony. From this space, we no longer react from the ego or have trauma based responses to our challenges. We are empowered to respond from a renewed state of presence and clarity. We also spoke about cultivating joyful rather than obligatory spiritual practices as well as becoming aware and discerning about what we are entangling ourselves with each day! Are we entangling with fear or are we activating our personal creative power and aligning with our highest timeline potentials? We spoke of the invitation to adopt the daily mantra to “praise, celebrate and appreciate” while asking for daily divine support to activate and spread our worthiness wings to experience absolute abundance, vitality, joy and all things beautiful! EnJOY this sacred experience as we further expanded our portal of peace in our precious Unity Community!

    Zoe Davenport is a Multi-Dimensional Channel, Speaker, Writer, Divine Oracle, and Spiritual Mentor, dedicated to helping others uncover their true potential and inner wisdom. With a gift for seeing infinite possibilities and higher dimensions, Zoe guides individuals to ground their dreams into reality by releasing outdated patterns and constructs.

    Her journey began in childhood as a medium and clairvoyant, evolving into a career as a licensed massage therapist, reiki practitioner, and multidimensional healer. Over 14 years, she has empowered diverse individuals, from CEOs to practitioners, to embrace their deepest purpose.

    Today, Zoe’s mission continues, expanding her reach through virtual and live events, impactful writing, podcasts, and speaking engagements. Her journey remains a transformative odyssey, illuminating the path for others seeking self-discovery and empowerment.

    • 1 hr 37 min
    The Ring of Alchemy, The Fall Equinox, Gene Key Wisdom + Preparing for the Times Ahead!

    The Ring of Alchemy, The Fall Equinox, Gene Key Wisdom + Preparing for the Times Ahead!

    We are officially back and Season 28 has begun! What a brilliant entry into a PORTAL OF PEACE with Peter Tongue! As always, Peter’s insight, wisdom and clear guidance leads us out of our deepest shadows and wounds into the light of transmutation and transfiguration. Peter shared enlightening information regarding the fall equinox, the Gene Keys, the alchemical process and the 4 Gene Keys that make up the Ring of Alchemy; 40, 64, 47, 6. We took many audience questions and enjoyed feeling the love flowing in our Unity Community!!

    Peter Tongue has been on a Spiritual Path for much of his life.  Early explorations of chemistry and astrology quickly evolved into studies of alchemy and the afterlife.  Over the years, he has gained much insight on humanity’s innate ability to transform itself as well as the illusory veil that separates us from other dimensions. Peter offer Gene Key sessions. The Gene Keys take you on your own “Grail Quest” along the Golden Path to show you the key Gene Keys in your own unique hologenetic profile. The journey reveals to you the shadow energies lurking in your unconscious that are waiting to be transmuted and transformed into your most powerful gifts, and ultimately the Siddhis or Divine Essences that are at the core of your soul. This truly is a path to your enlightenment that only you can tread. The Gene Keys  is a system based upon the link between the Chinese “I Ching” 64 hexagrams and the 64 Codons that make up our DNA

    Peter was an Educator for thirty years and a High School Principal for thirteen years, during which time the Indigo Children provided him with first-hand accounts of their spiritual experiences as well as the limitations they were facing within the traditional school system. Inspired by these exceptional young people, Peter left his career in formal education and turned his attention to walking his true spiritual path while helping others to walk theirs. He now counsels individuals and groups in spiritual emergence, overcoming obstacles, and finding one’s true life purpose.  He is particularly attuned to the new children, helping them discover the gifts within their supposed “challenges”, as well as bridging communication between them and their parents, helping each to find a much deeper understanding of the other.

    In 2006, Peter had the rare privilege of co-creating at the Alchemical Furnace, which has given him tremendous insight into the process of transmutation for the human soul.  His deeply-grounded, heart-centred approach to science and spirituality offers a much-needed means for navigating one’s life at this potentially chaotic and confusing time.

    Peter has guided weekly visualization meditations for over twenty-five years and began hosting his own on-line radio show in 2007, with a public meditation for “Fire The Grid”. Since then, he has hosted two radio talk-shows, first on Blog Talk Radio, then on Voice America’s 7th Wave Network. Having completed five years and over 250 shows on “Awakening to Conscious Co-Creation”, Peter is now committed to contemplating, distilling, and modelling the abundant knowledge shared by his extraordinary guests.

    • 1 hr 24 min
    Solar Light Language & Sonic Surgery to End Looping Trauma Cycles & Experience Heaven on Earth!

    Solar Light Language & Sonic Surgery to End Looping Trauma Cycles & Experience Heaven on Earth!

    Experience a Cosmic Bath, Receive HIgher Acoustic Frequencies + Diamond DNA Illumination with Mermaid Mahalia! She is a galactic scientist and a cosmic daughter and conduit for the Lyran High Council Family of Angels who interface with her from 1000 light years away. Mahalia transmits Solar Light Language for severe trauma recovery. Mahalia is the Scientist, Inventor, Maestro, Creator and Emissary of the Brain Bliss Technology and Academy offering extraordinary experiential and educational products and services rooted in advanced neuroscience that accelerate and optimize the human instrument to our ‘Birthright of Bliss’. Author of The Medical Musician, and her combination of Stellar X Ray vision and Sonic Shamanism have given countless clients miraculous, life changing results. Having recovered her 3D body from multiple concussions and PTSD, Mahalia leads from personal experience our Superhuman power to regenerate via the Divine Music within and all around us. We talked about no longer looping old trauma cycles, dissolving chaos bubbles and aligning with divine will to cultivate the stability to access Paradise, heaven on earth!!

    Mermaid Mahalia is cosmic daughter and conduit of the Lyran High Council Family of Angels who interface with her from 1000 light years away. She was ordained by the altruistic compassion, love and advanced healing technology of Whale & Dolphin Multidimensional Consciousness and dialect and has since become a beacon of Solar Light Language by the Alcyone ‘Sea Queen’ waves of the Great Central Sun King Source. Mahalia applies ‘The Bliss Family’ psycho-acoustic Light Sounds as a conductive scalar Pearl Beam known as ‘Allumina’ to the Liquid Lotus Diamond Heart of our music based DNA potential.

    Her audible and inaudible transmissions produce Cymatic Overtones that bathe old incoherent patterns held deep in the multiverse of the body temple. Once dense vibrations such as unresolved traumas and their emotions are reflected back to the purest Entropic Source, the body’s innate intelligence will find pathways to restore health, well-being and harmonic resonance.

    Mahalia is the Inventor, Scientist and Maestro of the Brain Bliss Technology and Academy offering extraordinary experiential and educational products and services rooted in advanced neuroscience that accelerates and optimizes the human instrument to our Birthright of Bliss.

    Author of The Medical Musician: Retune the Symphony of your Biology with the Keys of Creation is a psychedelic guide to translating interspecies acoustic communication. Her Stellar X Ray vision and Sonic Shamanism have given countless clients miraculous, life changing results.

    Having recovered her 3D body from multiple concussions and PTSD, Mahalia leads from personal experience of our Superhuman Power to regenerate via the Divine Music within and all around us.

    • 1 hr 30 min
    Expand Your Consciousness & Become the Conscious Composer of Your Life Through the Healing Frequencies in Music!

    Expand Your Consciousness & Become the Conscious Composer of Your Life Through the Healing Frequencies in Music!

    Tune the strings in your energy field and harmonize your soul song!! Allow the channeled codes and frequencies from Energy Healer and Musician Mark Romero to expand your consciousness and decode a new healthy, loving, prosperous reality for yourself! Mark reminded us that we don’t have to seek enlightenment, we just have to remove what is stopping us from being what we already are. He shared how you can reach within yourself and let go of any limiting belief or unhealed trauma to free yourself. We also talked about how our energy shapes and shifts the world around us, and by mastering it, we can become the conscious composers of our lives! Discover how you can leverage the challenges in your life to lift yourself to new heights and learn how to bring yourself into alignment with your divine unlimited Self! Mark also offered an absolutely beautiful live healing soundscape!! Set your intention, listen to the uniquely created musical mantra from Mark, and then look for evidence in your physical world in this energetic shift! Such a powerful call!

    Mark Romero is an internationally known Music and Energy Healer. A former top consultant to NASA discovered that Mark is a conduit for energy that enhances people’s connection to the creative universal source. With this connection, people are able to dramatically reduce stress, increase stamina, improve health, and open to higher levels of awareness. Through his music and energy harmonizations, Mark has helped thousands of people heal their lives, awaken to their innate divine power, and enhance their ability to compose the life of their dreams.

    • 1 hr 27 min

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