39 episodes

For over 20 years Colleen Lemma has been an intuitive reader, astrologer, numerologist, Reiki Master, spiritual teacher, certified in hypnosis and past life regression. She is here to assist on your journey of evolution, growth and healing through her spiritual guidance and sharing of messages from the Higher Realms.

Sacred Soul Empowerment Colleen Lemma

    • Religion & Spirituality

For over 20 years Colleen Lemma has been an intuitive reader, astrologer, numerologist, Reiki Master, spiritual teacher, certified in hypnosis and past life regression. She is here to assist on your journey of evolution, growth and healing through her spiritual guidance and sharing of messages from the Higher Realms.

    September 2021 Monthly Intuitive Reading

    September 2021 Monthly Intuitive Reading

    01:11 Stones of Choice 

    03:38 Numerology  

    11:22 Astrological Energies 

    24:20 Messages from our Angels and Guides

     34:44 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

    This month of September is a 5 Universal Month in a 5 Universal Year. This signifies that the energies of change and freedom are strong this month. The full double digit in numerology for September is karmic number 14. This is about past life karmic challenges regarding our sense of freedom. This is both on a collective, as well as a personal level.   

    The 14th Major Arcana in the Tarot is Temperance. Temperance is about the blending of various energies to create something new. It is also about balance and moderation in all things. Try not to move into extremes this month, and have patience as things unfold. In the Sirian Starseed Tarot the Temperance Card is called Alchemy. This is about taking an energy and transforming it into something different. Perhaps we can transform a situation in our lives this month.  

    The astrological highlights for the month are:  September 6th - New Moon at 14 degrees Virgo to signify new beginnings with our thoughts, perceptions and communications. Also on this day, the Sun in Virgo is connecting with Uranus, planet of freedom and sudden shifts in direction. We may be breaking free of a circumstance or belief system at this time. The South Node is at 5 degrees Sagittarius and connecting with the Lunar Eclipse Point from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26th. This also supports that the Virgo New Moon time is strong with endings and new beginnings.  

    September 10th - Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, is moving into Scorpio until October 7th. In relationships she is more passionate and intense. In finances she is more empowered and focused.  

    September 14th  - Mars, planet of energy and action, is shifting into Libra until October 30th. This warrior planet is now actively looking for balance, fairness and equality in all relationship matters. 

     September 20th - We have a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces. Full Moons are about healing, letting go and the completion of a cycle. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so is also about completion and wrapping up a cycle of energy.  

    September 26th - Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is turning to retrograde motion at 25 degrees Libra and will stay retrograde until October 18th. If we include the "shadow period" of his retrograde motion is starts on September 7th and lasts until November 3rd. During this time we are revisiting, revising, re-examining, researching and re-evaluating situations that involve the "others" in our lives,  The message from our angels and guides starts out by telling us that we need to reflect and rest. Our minds may be overburdened or overwhelmed from what is going on in our lives. Meditation and alone time to recuperate is necessary. Both our mental bodies and emotional bodies are in need of self-care. When looking at possibilities, make sure to look for an idea that is not readily seen or perceived.   

    There could be a karmic purging or healing that takes place. Perhaps we are undergoing a karmic redirection in our lives. Keep your heart in a place of unconditional love for all, realizing that we are all going through our own spiritual challenges at this time. The spiritual unfolding of a higher situation is at hand. Listen to the "calling" that the Universe is sending out. Messages are coming that can guide and direct you to the next steps.  We are feeling dis-enchanted lately and are ready to walk away from a situation or an energy that no longer serves us. Emotionally we are feeling jaded or disempowered. Walk with courage towards what will empower you and bring you joy and happiness again. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

    • 44 min
    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 30th - September 5th, 2021

    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 30th - September 5th, 2021

    01:45 Stones of Choice 

    05:45 Astrological Energies this Week 

    16:52 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

    29:15 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

    This week we start out with Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, shifting into Libra, sign of partnerships. He will be in the sign of the Scales until November 5th....an extra long time because of a retrograde cycle he will go into at the end of September.During this time we are focusing on balance, harmony and equality in communications with others.  

    On August 31st the Sun, our vitality, creates an odd aspect to Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation. We may need to make some adjustments to how we are thinking and perceiving our reality.  

    On September 2nd Mars, planet of energy and action, is opposing Neptune, ruler of dreamy, ethereal energy. We may be confused with our thoughts and our actions may be confused and convoluted.  

    September 3rd has Venus, planet of love, in an odd connection with Neptune, ruler of illusion, and the Sun, our identity, in an odd connection to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and challenges. We are trying to heal our sense of self as well as our relationships, and bring things into a balance and equality.  

    On September 4th Mercury, ruler of the mind, is in a positive connection with Saturn, planet of structure and form. This can bring productive and grounded interactions with others.  

    On Sunday, the 5th, loving Venus is challenging powerful Pluto. There may be power and control energies in partnerships and we need to take back our power to bring transformation and healing.   

    The message from our angels and guides shows that we are experiencing fears, doubts and anxieties this week. We are not feeling grounded or balanced in our mental body. We may feel mentally stuck, confined or trapped. We are not speaking or expressing our truth. This is causing feelings of overwhelm. Our angels and guides are showing us that we need to empower ourselves. We need to find our courage and confidence again. Perhaps we need to take charge of a situation or circumstance that haas been disempowering to us. Find your will power and take action to move yourself in a better direction. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

    • 39 min
    Weekly Intuitive Reading for August 23rd - 29th, 2021

    Weekly Intuitive Reading for August 23rd - 29th, 2021

    02:30 Stones of Choice 

    08:40 Astrological Energies this Week 

    19:00 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

    31:50 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

    This week starts with Venus, planet of love and relationships in her home sign of Libra, in a positive connection to Saturn, the Great Teacher of Lessons, in Aquarius, the sign of equality and freedom. There are lessons to be learned and a restructuring of our relationships that is occurring. We are asked to have patience with the process.   

    On Tuesday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in logical Virgo is opposing Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in ethereal Pisces. Our thoughts, perceptions and communications may be lacking in focus and understanding right now.   

    Thursday sees Venus in Libra, sign of "the other" opposing Chiron, the ruler of past life wounds, in Aries, sign of the self. There are situations and energies that need healing regarding the balance of self and other now. It is time to balance our needs with the needs of the other people in our lives. Also on this day, Mercury is in a positive connection with Pluto so we are thinking and speaking in a more empowered way.  

    On Friday Mercury in Virgo makes an odd connection to Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion. Our perceptions and words can be exaggerated now and we should try to look at things from a different perspective.   

    On Saturday Venus in Libra is in an odd connection to Uranus, the Great Awakener. Freedom energies are strong now and we may have to adjust for more balance and equality within our relationships.   Finally, on Sunday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is shifting into Libra until November 5th, spending an extra amount of time in this sign because of a retrograde motion in September and October. This gives us the time to work on our interaction and communication skills with others. Libra wants all things to be just and fair and we are going to be learning how to express that through our words better over these next few weeks.  

    The message from our angels and guides starts by speaking about the Universal Karmic Law of Cause and Effect. What we put out will return to us. How have we been treating others and ourselves? There are new depths of soul growth and evolution taking place at this time. Ancient energies are at play. It is a time to clean up past karma so that we can move forward.  Speaking of moving forward, it may be a time where we are needing to trust and take a leap of faith now into a new direction. Be more light-hearted and trust like the child in the path that is right for you. Tap into your inner wisdom and learn to not take life so seriously. Laugh and play more, as the child does.  Maintain your inner strength in these times and do not give in or give up. Stand strong in your beliefs regarding yourself, your life and the direction in which you desire to go. Stay balanced and use moderation and patience as you move towards your dreams. New realms will be unfolding but you must have patience in the timing. Maintain a state of harmony and grace as you calmly move through lessons towards the changes that you wish to make. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

    • 42 min
    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 16th - 22nd, 2021

    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 16th - 22nd, 2021

    02:55 Stones of Choice 

    05:00 Astrological Energies this Week 

    20:35 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

    31:22 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

    This week there is, once again, a lot going on astrologically.   

    On Monday, August 16th we have Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources shifting from practical Virgo to relationship oriented Libra. The focus is on balance, harmony and equality in our interactions with others now.   

    The other major happening this week is Uranus, planet of freedom and change, turning to retrograde motion on Thursday, August 19th. We are feeling his energies of liberation, redirection, and surprises intensify this week as he shifts directions.   

    On Sunday we have the Sun who is leaving fire Sign Leo behind and moving into earth sign Virgo. For the next month this will bring a focus to logic, analysis, details, caution, discernment, organization and making a plan regarding situations and circumstances in our lives.   

    There are a lot of other connections with Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, and Mars, planet of energy and action, which brings a focus to information, messages, paying attention to details, healing our thoughts and perceptions, and making a plan for what comes next.  

    The message from our angels and guides tells us we need to stay balanced mentally in our thoughts and perceptions. We may be completing old energies and patterns that have to do with our belief systems now. There is a new beginning on a spiritual level. Our soul is taking a big leap of evolution and growth as we awaken to new levels of consciousness. There is an energy of transformation, death and rebirth happening now, at least on an internal level. We are asked to see how we weave our own fate and create our own reality with the power of our mind and thoughts. Our intuition is strong now so listen to your inner wisdom. There is a powerful energy of releasing the old and making way for the new, within ourselves, and perhaps in our outer circumstances as well. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

    • 45 min
    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 9th - 15th, 2021

    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 9th - 15th, 2021

    01:48 Stones of Choice 

    05:46 Astrological Energies this Week 

    22:38 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

    37:09 Special Message based on Stone of Choice

    This week we have a lot going on astrologically once again. We start out on Monday with Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in a connection with Pluto where we need to own the power of our words and ideas. Also on that day Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, is opposing Neptune, ruler of fantasy and illusion. This can either romanticize a situation or bring confusion in the realm of relationships and finances.  On Tuesday Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, is opposing Jupiter, planet of expansion and exaggeration, so everything is made to appear bigger in our mind and communications with others. This can be good or not good depending on the situation.  On Wednesday mental Mercury now shifts into analytical Virgo until August 30th. It is time to organize and make a plan on how to best implement information and ideas for the next 19 days. Also on Wednesday, Venus is now in a positive connection to mighty Pluto. The Divine Feminine is in a place of being more empowered now.  Friday we have Mars, ruler of energy and action, in detailed Virgo in a strange connection to Saturn, ruler of limitations and restrictions, in stubborn Aquarius. There may be delays in plans moving forward and lessons of patience to be learned.  On Saturday Venus, planet of beauty and harmony, in Virgo is in an odd connection to Jupiter,  ruler of our belief systems, in objective Aquarius. We may be stuck in certain patterns or perceptions that are doubtful, fearful, or limiting to us. Try to see the big picture of what is happening and why now. Also on this day, the Sun, ruler of our identity, in creative Leo is in a difficult connection to Neptune, ruler of illusion and confusion. We may not be seeing ourselves clearly now or not feeling very grounded or focused.   Finally, on Sunday we have Venus, ruler of love, relationships, values and money, moving into her home sign of Libra, sign of the Scales. She will be in this sign of balance and harmony until September 10th. During this time there is more of a focus on equality and compromise in relationships and financial matters.   The message from our angels and guides is one of the past vs. the future. We are receiving a "Call to Action" from the Higher Realms. There may be a need to reflect on the past but this is for healing and letting it go. We are being asked to move forward now and our past actions may have an influence on the future unfolding of events and situations.   There may be some decisions that will need to be made soon regarding certain circumstances in our lives. Listen to the Higher Guidance that you are receiving in the form of information and messages from others and your guides. Try to look at all that is happening from a Higher Perspective to understand the spiritual implications.   We may be feeling blocked emotionally, with feelings of indifference, depression and stagnation. There may be upsets or lack of equality in our relationships. We are feeling out of balance and not in total harmony with partnerships or our own emotions. Work on healing heart chakra wounds and/or opening and balancing the heart chakra to connect with, and express, love, compassion and forgiveness.

    • 48 min
    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 2nd - 8th, 2021

    Weekly Intuitive Reading August 2nd - 8th, 2021

    01:40 Stones of Choice 

    05:35 Astrological Energies this Week 

    21:22 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

    32:10 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

    This week is another busy week astrologically!   

    We start out on Monday with the Sun, ruler of our identity, in creative Leo opposing Saturn, planet of restrictions and limitations, in stubborn Aquarius. There may be a push-pull energy going on, and we may feel held back from expressing ourselves. Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in take charge Leo is in a positive connection to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, in Aires, sign of the self. We are supported in our thoughts and communications to heal our independence and self-confidence. Also on this day, we have Venus, planet of love and personal resources, in cautious Virgo in a positive connection to Uranus, planet of the sudden and unexpected, in fixed Taurus. We may be experiencing a need for more freedom in work or relationships, and in regards to a financial situation.  

    On Tuesday Mercury is square Uranus. Our communications with others may be challenged or people may not have a filter when they are expressing to others.  On Wednesday the Sun, ruler of our ego, is connecting to Chiron, the healer and shaman. This could allow us to heal an aspect of ourselves that is wounded in regards to our independence, identity or creative self-expression.  

    On Friday the Sun takes his turn in challenging Uranus. People may feel the need to break free, change or redirect certain circumstances in their lives.   

    Saturday we have Mercury in an odd connection to Neptune. We should be more clear when we are communicating with others and make sure we understand what they are expressing to us as well.   

    Sunday is the big day! We have a New Moon in Leo, sign of leadership, confidence and creative self-expression. New Moons are about new beginnings and this new beginning is on the day of 8-8 Lions Gate, which is a powerful portal of higher vibrational energies that has to do with the star Sirius. Also on this day, the South Node, a karmic point ruling the past and past life energies, is connecting to Juno, the partnership asteroid. The South Node and Juno have been traveling close together for about 4-6 weeks. This time period is bringing situations within partnerships, or our karmic patterns and belief systems within partnerships, to a place of completion.  

    The message from our angels and guides starts by letting us know that we have the power within us to move through this time. Our psychic abilities are heightened now and we should listen to the guidance that we are receiving. There is a doorway (an opportunity) ready to be open and made available to us. We need to own our power and use our intuition as to the next steps to take on our path. This time of the Lions Gate Portal is hugely important to our evolution and growth. We should focus, in meditation and other spiritual practices, on opening up our crown chakra to the higher dimensional energies that are available to us. We are near the end of some spiritual challenges that we have been experiencing and we have assistance from our angels and guides to lift the challenges away so that we can move forward. If we combine faith, trust and surrender with confidence, empowerment and action, we are able to experience positive movement on our paths. A new dawn is on the horizon so if we stay on course and move through any challenges with faith, we should see the relief that we are looking for. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

    • 42 min

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