All Things Seniors: A Podcast For Caregivers

Rafiq Punjani
All Things Seniors: A Podcast For Caregivers Podcast

In this podcast we talk with experts about 'All Things Seniors' - Transportation, Food, Housing (Downsizing, Retirement Communities, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Personal Care Homes etc.), Health (Dementia, Alzheimer, Arthritis, Parkinson, Posture, Hearing Loss, Blindness etc.), Abuse, Loneliness, Isolation and much more. The purpose is to provide information and learning for Caregivers about these challenges. Most caregivers end up in the role of Family Caregiver for the first time in their lives - they crave this knowledge. Most caregivers are from a Sandwich generation, where on one hand they have their own life (kids, jobs, wife, their own health etc.) and on the other hand they also have older parents to take care of. These sandwich generation caregivers crave for these knowledge nuggets, as to how to support Mom/Dad, to be able to provide better care to their loved ones. If you would like us to address a topic that you currently don’t find in any episodes, let us know and we will address your questions with a relevant industry expert. You can connect with us at

  1. 23/04/2021

    70 to 100 in a blink - Lifestyle Planning: 5 Key Principles to Aging Well

    Did you know that in 2018 the number of people older than 64 surpassed the number of children under five years old? It was the first time in history that this was the case. The timing of this change, though, varied significantly between countries.  In higher-income countries with low fertility rates and longer life expectations, it has been shifting for decades. Take the United States, for example, where the under-fives were already outnumbered by those older than 64 in 1966; in Spain, it was 1970; in South Korea, it was 2000. For many countries, this crossover point is yet to come. In India, for example, it is projected to be 2028 and 2036 in South Africa.  In low-income countries with high fertility rates and a lower life expectancy, this point is still many decades away. For example, in Nigeria, under-fives will outnumber those older than 64 by 2087. As the number of older adults grows around the world, aging people need seniors advocates. Today we have one such advocate with us who has been doing this awe-inspiring work for decades, Barbara Kirby. After 15 years of caring for her parents with complex health issues, Barb recognized the gaps and barriers in services for seniors and their families. Thus, she chaired and co-chaired the family council in her dad's care home for over ten years; subsequently, she became a board member of advocates for care reform.  Before her parents passed in 2019, she started in 2009. Its mandate is to treat older people with respect, provide all options to make informed choices to live as they choose, and ensure they and their caregivers have support when they need it most. Focusing on planning, navigating, and management, she has published numerous articles and authored multiple books. She is a trainer, public speaker, and change agent.   Topics: What 'to be an advocate for an older adult' means What she means by many faces of advocacy What are the signs of caregiver abuse and how to prevent it Her concept on lifestyle planning over financial planning The five basic principles of living well in later life On continuing to educate yourself  On being prepared to take action On refraining your thought On self-aware What radical collaboration is On knowing who we are and what our values are On investing time to learn more about your loved ones On building a support network Who can be an advocate On sharing the responsibility with others Why working through these support networks is essential to an elder Her tips for the listeners Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Barbara's LinkedIn: Barbara's Website: Barbara’s Twitter: @SeniorsAdvocate  Barbara's Facebook: Barbara's Book: Life Planning, Support & Advocacy for Seniors & their Families:

    52 min
  2. 16/04/2021

    Elder Care Made Easier

    Did you know that nearly 25% of all households are providing care for the elderly? Although you may be willing to help, you may find unexpected challenges in doing it. Matters you never thought about are now your responsibility: healthcare, housing, financial, legal matters, day-to-day issues involving nutrition, and personal safety. With these, you may find yourself worried, overworked, and exhausted. Listeners, being primary caregivers, can relate to this. Today, we have with us Dr. Marion Somers, a leading Geriatric specialist. Over the past 45 years, she has helped thousands of individuals and their families struggling with these matters.   Topics: 10 Steps of Doctor Marion to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One  On using the personal pronoun I The importance of listening Her experience with her father and putting safety first Improving the lifestyle and simple examples Making life easier with adaptive equipment Managing financial issues Taking care of legal matters Mobility in disability Finding the suitable housing Learning to let go Her experience on letting go that changed her life Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Dr. Marion's LinkedIn: Dr. Marion's Website: Dr. Marion's Book: Eldercare Made Easier: Doctor Marion's 10 Steps to Help You Care for an Aging Loved One: Mary Sue Wilkinson's Season 1 Episode 9 : Tim Ihrig's Season 1 Episode 13:

    43 min
  3. 09/04/2021

    Essential Planning for Solo Agers

    Did you know that over 50% of people over 60 years old in Asia and Africa live in extended family setups? This number is approximately 40% in Latin America and the Middle East. Meanwhile, in North America though, that's only 7%. In North America, people over 60 living as a couple is close to 50% while those living solo ager or those living by themselves are over 25%. Living alone brings its own unique sets of challenges and needs. What are these challenges and needs? To talk about these and more about living solo among the elderly, we are happy to have Dr. Sara Zeff Geber with us. She is an expert on this subject and a world-renowned speaker.  Dr. Sara is an author, speaker, and retirement coach. She has a soft spot for solo agers that inspired her to write her book Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers, published in 2018 and was selected as a Best Book on Aging Well by Wall Street Journal. Dr. Sara was named an Influencer in Aging and is also a regular contributor to   Topics: What solo aging is and how she got into it The three-legged stool How the solo ager needs are different from others How a solo ager should plan What to do seeing somebody who is in denial On expanding social network On planning for social network security  How a solo ager finds a reliable person Pros and cons of aging in place The purpose that solo agers seek Her tips to the listeners   Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Dr. Sara's LinkedIn: Dr. Sara's Twitter: @LifeEncore  Dr. Sara's Website: Dr. Sara's Email:   Did You Know Segment:,5%25%20of%20seniors%20live%20alone

    50 min
  4. 02/04/2021

    Becoming a Badass Advocate

    Did you know that the population of seniors, ages 65 and older, in Canada will grow approximately 70% over the next 20 years? While the older seniors, ages 75 and older, will grow at an even faster rate of 100% over the next 20 years, which is a steep increase in the number of seniors. With this information at hand, there is a need to improve care and advocacy for seniors in Canada and internationally to get more attention towards the subject.   Fortunately, today we have Erin Galyean, author of the book Badass Advocate to give more inputs on stepping up care and advocacy for seniors. Erin is a pharmaceutical trainer, professional speaker, a published author, and above all, she is an experienced family caregiver.  Erin has cared for and lost two of her loved ones. In 1997, Erin lost her father Mike to Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and in 2018, she lost her sister Meghan to rare lung disease. These heart-breaking life events, combined with her professional caregiving experience, taught her how to advocate for a patient effectively. Due to her life experiences, Erin's vision in life is to share her knowledge with others — people like us — so that we can learn from her experience and become badass advocates for our loved ones.  In her book, she shares eight strategies for advocating for a patient who is either homebound or hospitalized. This interview will touch-base on some of those. Topics: On building a support team The role of Director of Delight Other unique roles that they came up with The role of a Meal Train Organizer The role of a VP in Communications  On asking 'strong' questions What she means by being persistent and respectful from the caregivers perspective On giving pushback and asking for a second opinion The source of fatigue for caregivers and ways to avoid it What she means by letters of love What are the do's and don'ts while writing these letters Her take on living behind in unexpected gifts Her two tips to the listeners to make them better caregivers Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Erin's Instagram: #BadAssAdvocate Erin's Twitter: @BadAssAdvocate  Erin's  Website: Erin's  Facebook: Erin's  Email: Did You Know Segment:

    50 min
  5. 26/03/2021

    Top 5 Tips for Caregivers from Season 1 + 1 Bonus Tip

    In this episode, Rafiq will share five essential tips he learned from all the episodes in the first season that helped shape caregivers into becoming better caregivers to their loved ones. He will give a bonus tip for caregivers to enhance their knowledge on providing care to the elderly. He will share snippets of the particular episodes where those tips or recommendations came.   Tip 1: Teepa Snow's Episode 6 Title: Using A Positive Approach To Dementia Care Link:   Tip 2: Mary Sue Wilkinson's Episode 9  Title: The Power Of Music In Dementia Care Link:   Tip 3:  Judy Cornish's Episode 10 Title: Preserving Dignity In Dementia – the DAWN Method Link:   Tip 4: Debra Hallisey Episode 16 Title: “Caregiving Changes Relationships” Link:   Tip 5: Samantha Rodeck Episode 19 Title: Transportation For Seniors & Its Role In Purposeful Aging Link:   Topics: What people understand on sharing vulnerability  His take on “Someone who is singing with you or to you is probably not there to hurt you.” Mood management On the part of the caregiving journey when our relationship diminishes On encouraging people to continue walking Bonus tip that he learned being a family caregiver   Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: All Things Senior’s Spotify: All Things Senior’s iTunes:

    24 min
  6. 19/03/2021

    Guidance for Caregivers - Moving Later In Life and It's Unique Challenges

    I have four facts to share with you today: First, did you know that every day in North America, over 10,000 people turn 65? Second, seniors tend to rent as they age. 83% of seniors up to the age of 79 own a home, but when they enter the age category of 80+, the ownership statistics go down to 63%, a 20% drop, people tend to like to rent more when they age over 80. Third, 60% of seniors say that they have more things than they need and a whopping 75% say that the amount of these things that they own makes them reluctant to move. Lastly, a study found that seniors who moved as part of their retirement plan were happier than those who stayed put. And, seniors are most happy when they move to short-distance near their family and friends.  Moving later in life has its unique self-challenges. We are fortunate to have a guest with us today who is an absolute expert on this subject, Lisa Sinnicks. She is the owner and managing director of The Seniors Moving Company.  Lisa has over 25 years of experience in seniors housing. Her profession revolves around the following topics: physical and emotional health, conflict resolution, loneliness, isolation, effects of grief and loss, and many such things. It is a hefty chat about moving later in life in this episode and its challenges and the things to consider. Join us!   Topics: What are the common mistakes that people make in moving Why people think of moving and their considerations Making the whole process more positive and simpler  How she coaches caregivers to take this at face value and appreciate their feelings Challenges she sees during moving When is the good time to start the discussion Where to start moving Her tips to the listeners   Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Lisa's Instagram: #TheSeniorsMovingCompany Lisa's Website: Lisa's Facebook: Lisa's Email:   Did You Know Segment:

    48 min
  7. 12/03/2021

    No one wants Isolation. 5 Strategies for Connected Aging

    Did you know that over 25% or 1 out of 4 Canadians will be over the age of 60 by 2036? Did you know that 80% of retired Canadians have a fixed income with approximately 27,000 dollars for the median income?  With these facts in mind bundled with the sub-standard system for long-term care for seniors and shortage of retirement homes, there is a need for a lot more work for seniors. Caregivers also play an essential role in this as companions of their loved ones in their old-age journey.  Today, we have with us Sue Lantz to discuss this and more. Sue is the founder and managing director of Collaborative Aging, a creative consulting firm supporting individuals, organizations, businesses, and communities to improve and expand the "options" for aging in place.  Sue is a passionate advocate for resourceful and grassroots housing, healthcare, and neighborhood solutions connected to inclusive communities. She is a trusted policy expert and voice for seniors and people with disabilities.   Sue has worked over many years in Canada to generate innovative designs for home care and housing alternatives to institutional living.  She regularly speaks about empowered aging, including housing options, building stronger social connections, and supporting healthy and balanced caregiving.   Topics: What Collaborative Aging is and what she does Why she started this work What she means by boomers need to step up and co-design the solution and contribute The Five strategies that refer to the perspective of the caregiver When is the right time to move in housing choices Different housing options How to make a change and planning to move Her thoughts on mixed generation housing On having a support  About her latest book -- Options Open Her tips to make the caregiver's life better    Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Sue's LinkedIn: Sue's Twitter: Sue_Lantz Sue’s Instagram: #OptionsOpenGuide Sue's Website: Sue's Email:   Did You Know Segment:

    47 min
  8. 05/03/2021

    Green Burials and Funeral Arrangement Insights

    Death is inevitable. However, talking about death and dying are uncomfortable or upsetting, much more challenging to talk about someone we dearly love, and all the more if we talk about death while that loved one is still living. Study shows that having conversations about these subjects within families and communities can help the caregivers prepare emotionally and financially. There is so much to prepare for the death of a loved one. Among these are preparing for the funeral, expenses, wills, and others. These preparations sometimes get too much emotionally and mentally for the caregiver to bear. Getting an expert to help out during this grieving time is necessary.  Today, we have invited someone who can guide us to make this whole process less painful, Richard Rosin. Richard has been in the funeral industry for over 36 years, three decades, and more. He shares his knowledge and expertise to plan green burials, cremations, and funeral events. He also shares the importance of discussing pre-planning and presenting educational seminars.  Richard is a wonderful man who gives back to the community through the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra and Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce. He also helps fundraise for various not-for-profit organizations.     Topics: What is the role of a funeral director Why family needs a funeral director On having most funerals in the funeral homes than in homes The start of the funeral industry On having a conversation about pre-planning Some challenges and questions that families still have around the funeral time His advice in making conversations less painful The process for families of doing funeral by themselves What green burial is What he learned from green burial Going green burial financial-wise How should families manage the digital assets How to circumvent these challenges The STEP Organization How have the funerals been during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic His two tips to the listeners to make the whole process less painful   Links: Host’s email: Sponsor’s Link - Right at Home: All Things Senior’s Facebook: Richard's Email Address: Richard's Facebook: Richard's LinkedIn: Richard's Twitter: Richard's Website: STEP:

    45 min


In this podcast we talk with experts about 'All Things Seniors' - Transportation, Food, Housing (Downsizing, Retirement Communities, Assisted Living, Independent Living, Personal Care Homes etc.), Health (Dementia, Alzheimer, Arthritis, Parkinson, Posture, Hearing Loss, Blindness etc.), Abuse, Loneliness, Isolation and much more. The purpose is to provide information and learning for Caregivers about these challenges. Most caregivers end up in the role of Family Caregiver for the first time in their lives - they crave this knowledge. Most caregivers are from a Sandwich generation, where on one hand they have their own life (kids, jobs, wife, their own health etc.) and on the other hand they also have older parents to take care of. These sandwich generation caregivers crave for these knowledge nuggets, as to how to support Mom/Dad, to be able to provide better care to their loved ones. If you would like us to address a topic that you currently don’t find in any episodes, let us know and we will address your questions with a relevant industry expert. You can connect with us at

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