5 episodes

Poverty and homelessness are the result of failed policy decisions. Each month, join a staff member from the National Health Care for the Homeless Council as they talk to expert guests to explore the connection between structural and social policy issues and poverty. If you're curious about how to help the 40 million people living under the poverty line and the millions more harmed by poverty policies, this podcast is for you.

Poverty Policy Podcast Poverty Policy Podcast

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Poverty and homelessness are the result of failed policy decisions. Each month, join a staff member from the National Health Care for the Homeless Council as they talk to expert guests to explore the connection between structural and social policy issues and poverty. If you're curious about how to help the 40 million people living under the poverty line and the millions more harmed by poverty policies, this podcast is for you.

    Build Back Better?

    Build Back Better?

    For this episode of the Poverty Policy Podcast we’re teaming up with the Healthcare-NOW! and their Medicare for All podcast for a crossover episode. We discuss the Build Back Better bill and weigh its potential impact on individuals experiencing poverty and homelessness.

    Courtney Pladsen, DNP, FNP-BC, RN: Director of Clinical and Quality Improvement at NHCHC

    Barbara DiPietro, PhD: Senior Director of Policy at NHCHC

    Benjamin Day: Executive Director at Healthcare-NOW!

    Gillian Mason: Director of Communications and Development at Healthcare-NOW!

    Medicare For All Podcast from HC-NOW! https://www.healthcare-now.org/medicare-for-all-podcast/

    NHCHC's Health Insurance Enrollment Brief https://nhchc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HCH-Insurance-Issue-Brief_2020.pdf

    NHCHC's Build Back Better Bill Summary https://nhchc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/BBB-Bill-Summary-Nov-29-2021.pdf

    NHCHC's Letter to Congressional Leadership on BBB Health Provisions

    • 46 min
    Episode 14: Housing is Health Care

    Episode 14: Housing is Health Care

    On this episode we are cross-posting the Voices for Human Needs Podcast on the topic of "Housing Is Health Care"

    Episode Summary: "In this episode of the Voices for Human Needs podcast, we discuss issues of housing, health care, and policy to address the challenges for those experiencing poverty and facing homelessness. Listeners will hear from two members of the National Health Care for the Homeless Council: Dr. Courtney Plasden from Portland, Maine, the council’s clinical director, and Art Rios Sr., the Chair of the National Health Care Consumer Advisory Board based out of Portland, Oregon. Courtney and Art share how their lived experiences with homelessness influence their ongoing work providing direct services to homeless populations both before, and during, the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In addition, we are joined by Steve Berg, the Vice President of Policy and Programs at the National Alliance to End Homelessness in Washington D.C. Steve shares how advocates at the grassroots and federal levels must continue to push forward policies during the budget reconciliation process and economic recovery legislation that could make a real difference in the lives of those at risk of, or facing, homelessness. "

    You can find a blog post with the episode overview, calls to action, and transcript on the Voices for Human Needs Blog https://www.chn.org/voices/episode-4-podcast-housing-is-health-care/

    • 38 min
    Episode 13: Vaccines

    Episode 13: Vaccines

    This episode of the Poverty Policy Podcast is on the COVID-19 vaccine. Regina speaks with Katie League, COVID-19 Policy Manager at the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) and author of the latest vaccine policy brief (linked below) and David Peery, NHCHC Board Member and NHCHC Consumer Advisory Board Co-Chair. Regina, David, and Katie discuss David’s experience on a COVID-19 vaccine trial and what policies are needed to allow for fast and equitable distribution of the vaccine. They also talk about the role of both historical and present-day mistreatment of people of color in the health care system and how to foster trust within communities for the vaccine.

    NHCHC’s Vaccine Policy Brief: https://nhchc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Issue-brief-10-COVID-19-HCH-Community-Vaccines.pdf

    NHCHC's Vaccine Webinar: https://nhchc.org/webinars/covid-19-the-hch-community-vaccines-for-clients-and-staff/

    Homeless Mortality Data Toolkit: https://nhchc.org/homeless-mortality/

    • 26 min
    Episode 12: Evictions

    Episode 12: Evictions

    Regina interviews Noëlle Porter (Director of Government Affairs, National Housing Law Project) and attorney and artist, Rasheedah Phillips (Managing Attorney for Housing Policy at Community Legal Services of Philadelphia). In this episode, we talk about the past and present of the eviction crisis, current policies to prevent evictions and allow for adequate legal representation, and the policy changes needed to address evictions and poverty amidst a pandemic.


    National Housing Law Project Website:https://www.nhlp.org/

    National Housing Law Project Policy Resources: https://www.nhlp.org/advocacy-and-litigation/advocacy/

    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia Website:https://clsphila.org/

    Rasheedah's Art Exhibit: https://apexart.org/yu.php?utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=ImaginingPR&utm_medium=email

    Aspen Institute Research on Housing and Evictions:https://www.aspeninstitute.org/blog-posts/the-covid-19-eviction-crisis-an-estimated-30-40-million-people-in-america-are-at-risk/

    Action Alert on COVID19 Relief: https://nlihc.secure.force.com/actions/TakeActionNew?actionId=AR00928

    • 27 min
    Episode 11: Disasters & Housing

    Episode 11: Disasters & Housing

    On this episode of the Poverty Policy Podcast Regina interviews Joey Lindstrom, the Field Director for the National Low Income Housing Coalition, about disaster response and housing needs. Joey talks about what an equitable disaster response looks like and what it means to restore a community back to normal when “normal” means living without home. Joey shares information about bills that will help create an equitable disaster response and how to advocate on the bills to Congress. During the discussion Joey also addresses the intersection of this issue with the upcoming election and the eviction crisis (which will be covered more in depth on a future episode).

    Our Homes Our Votes Campaign: www.ourhomes-ourvotes.org

    Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition Landing Page: https://nlihc.org/explore-issues/projects-campaigns/disaster-housing-recovery

    Reforming Disaster Recovery Act- Fact Sheet: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/TAKE-ACTION_Reforming-Disaster.pdf

    Reforming Disaster Recovery Act – Action Alert: https://nlihc.secure.force.com/actions/TakeActionNew?actionId=AR00926

    • 27 min

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