50 min

4.29 Kedoshim 5784 Panorama of Halacha

    • Judaism

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode:

This week’s Shiur is dedicated by Mr & Mrs Pinchas Rabin שיחיו in honour of the engagement of their son הרב מרדכי שאול שי' to Miss Etty Halperin תחי' of Monsey.

1)In the Annotated edition of the Chabad Sidur, in the word דקודשא in Kaddish, has sometimes an asterisk above the second ד' – denoting a Sheva-Na, and sometimes there is no asterisk – denoting a Sheva-Nach. Which is correct?

2)Another Dikduk question: In the 1st portion of the Shema, should one say Uv-kumecho, or U-veKumecho etc.?

3)I have a Shabbos-belt. Is it necessary to clip the keys into place before Shabbos, or may I do so on Shabbos?

4)May I transport my reading-glasses from home to Shul via a belt around my waist?

5)Does a walk-in fridge or freezer room require a Mezuzah?

6)Where should I place the Mezuzah for a set of sliding-doors to the outside of the house? There are two such sets in the same room; both have one panel that is fixed in place and the other panel slides. In one set it is the outer panel that slides, in the other set it is the inner panel that slides.

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode:

This week’s Shiur is dedicated by Mr & Mrs Pinchas Rabin שיחיו in honour of the engagement of their son הרב מרדכי שאול שי' to Miss Etty Halperin תחי' of Monsey.

1)In the Annotated edition of the Chabad Sidur, in the word דקודשא in Kaddish, has sometimes an asterisk above the second ד' – denoting a Sheva-Na, and sometimes there is no asterisk – denoting a Sheva-Nach. Which is correct?

2)Another Dikduk question: In the 1st portion of the Shema, should one say Uv-kumecho, or U-veKumecho etc.?

3)I have a Shabbos-belt. Is it necessary to clip the keys into place before Shabbos, or may I do so on Shabbos?

4)May I transport my reading-glasses from home to Shul via a belt around my waist?

5)Does a walk-in fridge or freezer room require a Mezuzah?

6)Where should I place the Mezuzah for a set of sliding-doors to the outside of the house? There are two such sets in the same room; both have one panel that is fixed in place and the other panel slides. In one set it is the outer panel that slides, in the other set it is the inner panel that slides.

50 min