6 min

Positive Affirmations Children with Value

    • Parenting

Hi everyone thank you for being here today what is going on is everyone okay ?
Today we are going to talk about something that I just cant stress enough is Positive Affirmations
If i could be the advocate for something that i know produces so much self esteem and is honestly the best thing for you or your child is Positive Affirmations
i honestly cannot stress enough on how important and impactful it REALLY IS
With that being said is probably worth me talking what Positive Affirmations actually are
So let's start with the meaning of it Positive Affirmations or as the psychologist call them Self affirmations in a easy-to-understand term is basically when you say phrases that are positive to yourself repeatedly.
I mean if you were to type Positive Affirmations on Google right now you will have lots of different lists that you could start saying in your morning routine.
Your question might be How do I start that ? Well that's simple
Go to google type Positive Affirmations and try to think of things that you want to focus on , example if you think your childs (or even your own ) self esteem need a little love , then find a list that reflects that. With phrases like I am loved I matter I add value to others . Does that make sense?
Once you find a list you like or even video theres sooo many good videos of even songs about positive affirmations .
I want you to Set an alarm to remind you everyday to spend 30 seconds on it .
Yes 30 seconds because I dont want anyone telling me they havent got the time.
The alarm reminds you it's time to start for Poisitive Affirmations and you just say them and ask your child to repeat them
It is as simple as that

Good ways you can remind yourself to say those things is also having it written in your bathroom mirror even if your child can't read , if you are standing next to them just tell them you wrote I am beautiful on the mirror or whichever affirmation you wrote
Or in little post stick notes in your child's lunchbox or even around the house like the fridge there are many ways you can do it
the choices are endless or even little text messages saying those affirmations.

Cool now that we covered the What is it And How do I do it ...
you are probably wondering why will i bother?

My answer is I dare you to , honestly just try it for a week .
Let me know how it goes
In terms of the science behind it there has is a few theories on it but I want to leave those little gems for another podcast but honestly it's good let me tell you .

With that being said let us do some Positive Affirmations now ..
Repeat After me :
I always do my best
I am loved
I radiate hapiness
I am enough
I believe I can do it
I am confident
Everyday I find reasons to smile
I love Myself

How do you feel ? When I first started I felt a bit skeptical and even said them with a sarcastic tone to my voice because it didn't feel natural because deep down I didn't believe in those things , and if that was the case with you Well done for trying and go and do it everyday.
Then your cchild will lead by example -
Go set that alarm
Go and google Positive Affirmations
and just do them .
Follow my Instagram CHILDRENWITHVALUE AND YOU WILL HAVE EVERYDAY motivation and quotes and often time affirmations for you to practice also it will remind you .
because you can do it.
you are loved
you radiate hapiness everyday .
okay ...

With that being said our Reflection moment is If my child leads by example What are my actions teaching them ?

Go follow me on Instagram Facebook or Tiktok just type Children With Value can't wait to see you next week and Stay Tuned

Hi everyone thank you for being here today what is going on is everyone okay ?
Today we are going to talk about something that I just cant stress enough is Positive Affirmations
If i could be the advocate for something that i know produces so much self esteem and is honestly the best thing for you or your child is Positive Affirmations
i honestly cannot stress enough on how important and impactful it REALLY IS
With that being said is probably worth me talking what Positive Affirmations actually are
So let's start with the meaning of it Positive Affirmations or as the psychologist call them Self affirmations in a easy-to-understand term is basically when you say phrases that are positive to yourself repeatedly.
I mean if you were to type Positive Affirmations on Google right now you will have lots of different lists that you could start saying in your morning routine.
Your question might be How do I start that ? Well that's simple
Go to google type Positive Affirmations and try to think of things that you want to focus on , example if you think your childs (or even your own ) self esteem need a little love , then find a list that reflects that. With phrases like I am loved I matter I add value to others . Does that make sense?
Once you find a list you like or even video theres sooo many good videos of even songs about positive affirmations .
I want you to Set an alarm to remind you everyday to spend 30 seconds on it .
Yes 30 seconds because I dont want anyone telling me they havent got the time.
The alarm reminds you it's time to start for Poisitive Affirmations and you just say them and ask your child to repeat them
It is as simple as that

Good ways you can remind yourself to say those things is also having it written in your bathroom mirror even if your child can't read , if you are standing next to them just tell them you wrote I am beautiful on the mirror or whichever affirmation you wrote
Or in little post stick notes in your child's lunchbox or even around the house like the fridge there are many ways you can do it
the choices are endless or even little text messages saying those affirmations.

Cool now that we covered the What is it And How do I do it ...
you are probably wondering why will i bother?

My answer is I dare you to , honestly just try it for a week .
Let me know how it goes
In terms of the science behind it there has is a few theories on it but I want to leave those little gems for another podcast but honestly it's good let me tell you .

With that being said let us do some Positive Affirmations now ..
Repeat After me :
I always do my best
I am loved
I radiate hapiness
I am enough
I believe I can do it
I am confident
Everyday I find reasons to smile
I love Myself

How do you feel ? When I first started I felt a bit skeptical and even said them with a sarcastic tone to my voice because it didn't feel natural because deep down I didn't believe in those things , and if that was the case with you Well done for trying and go and do it everyday.
Then your cchild will lead by example -
Go set that alarm
Go and google Positive Affirmations
and just do them .
Follow my Instagram CHILDRENWITHVALUE AND YOU WILL HAVE EVERYDAY motivation and quotes and often time affirmations for you to practice also it will remind you .
because you can do it.
you are loved
you radiate hapiness everyday .
okay ...

With that being said our Reflection moment is If my child leads by example What are my actions teaching them ?

Go follow me on Instagram Facebook or Tiktok just type Children With Value can't wait to see you next week and Stay Tuned

6 min