22 min

315. From murky markets to the stock apocalypse FundCalibre - Investing on the go

    • Investing

Alec Cutler, manager of the Orbis Global Balanced fund, discusses the shifting market environment, often referred to as the "four horsemen of the stock apocalypse," and how he navigates through these turbulent times. He provides insights into his contrarian investment approach, thriving in the current murky conditions to identify and capitalise on undervalued opportunities. Explore Alec's perspectives on global markets, specific investment opportunities in the UK and Japan, and the broader im...

Alec Cutler, manager of the Orbis Global Balanced fund, discusses the shifting market environment, often referred to as the "four horsemen of the stock apocalypse," and how he navigates through these turbulent times. He provides insights into his contrarian investment approach, thriving in the current murky conditions to identify and capitalise on undervalued opportunities. Explore Alec's perspectives on global markets, specific investment opportunities in the UK and Japan, and the broader im...

22 min