44 min

4. Michael Ali | A Lifestyle of Wonder Friend To Friend

    • Non-Profit

In this episode, we're hanging out with our great friend Michael Ali, aka the Children’s Cup web wizard. Michael's all about cheering on kids who are facing tough odds, which hits close to home from his own childhood journey. He had his fair share of struggles, but looking back, God placed special people - friends - on his path who saw his greatness and cheered him on. Now, as a new dad, he's rediscovering the joy of childhood with a fresh perspective and we can truly say his wonder is contagious. You’re gonna love this one.

In this episode, we're hanging out with our great friend Michael Ali, aka the Children’s Cup web wizard. Michael's all about cheering on kids who are facing tough odds, which hits close to home from his own childhood journey. He had his fair share of struggles, but looking back, God placed special people - friends - on his path who saw his greatness and cheered him on. Now, as a new dad, he's rediscovering the joy of childhood with a fresh perspective and we can truly say his wonder is contagious. You’re gonna love this one.

44 min