58 episodes

Our best self is all about sharing stories, lessons, and tips that will help us live a happy, healthy, and successful life. Topics covered include entrepreneur life; being a great parent; struggles and success, and stories of others. Join me as I document, pretty raw, this journey. You can find more at @jimmydatl on instagram, jamesdeluccia.com and on Medium too with great long form pieces.

Finding balance and success
Rocks and Happiness
CEO of your life
Innovate your life
Life is not an audition
Stories that build you up
A single father's path to gratitude
Documenting lessons to create success and happiness
The success driven mission
How to act and overcome fear
What works and what doesn't - happiness and success
A life well lived
The hot take on happiness, success, and achieving what you need
.. and other aspects of life.

Our Best Self Jimmy DeLuccia

    • Business

Our best self is all about sharing stories, lessons, and tips that will help us live a happy, healthy, and successful life. Topics covered include entrepreneur life; being a great parent; struggles and success, and stories of others. Join me as I document, pretty raw, this journey. You can find more at @jimmydatl on instagram, jamesdeluccia.com and on Medium too with great long form pieces.

Finding balance and success
Rocks and Happiness
CEO of your life
Innovate your life
Life is not an audition
Stories that build you up
A single father's path to gratitude
Documenting lessons to create success and happiness
The success driven mission
How to act and overcome fear
What works and what doesn't - happiness and success
A life well lived
The hot take on happiness, success, and achieving what you need
.. and other aspects of life.

    Making your missions matter

    Making your missions matter

    Join host James Deluccia on a transformative journey in our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the essence of having a mission that matters. Discover the secrets to rallying people towards collective success through aligned goals and unwavering commitment. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone striving to achieve greatness in their professional, personal, or health-related endeavors. Learn the importance of hard work, consistency, and perseverance, regardless of mood or circumstances. James shares his wisdom on how to ignite passion within your team, create a contagious mission, and avoid the pitfalls of meaningless tasks. Whether you're running a marathon, leading a business, or pursuing personal growth, this episode offers invaluable guidance on staying mission-focused and making every effort count. Tune in to transform your approach to success and embrace the power of a purpose-driven life.
    Exciting highlights from this episode:
    🌟 Unlock the Power of Purpose with James DeLuccia's Latest Podcast Episode!
    Discover the Art of Mission-Driven Success: Learn how to create a compelling mission that captivates and motivates. Master the Discipline of Hard Work: Uncover the secrets to maintaining high performance, no matter the challenges. Transform Your Team's Energy: Find out how to infuse passion and enthusiasm into every project. Avoid the Trap of Meaningless Tasks: Gain insights on aligning every action with your ultimate goals. For Professionals and Dreamers Alike: Whether you're a business leader, fitness enthusiast, or someone chasing a dream, this episode is for you! 🚀 Tune in now and start building a life driven by missions that truly matter! 🚀

    • 13 min
    Achieving Your Dreams: The Power of Actions and Goals

    Achieving Your Dreams: The Power of Actions and Goals

    Title: "Achieving Your Dreams: The Power of Actions and Goals"
    Description: Join us in this inspiring episode as we dive into the profound importance of setting goals and taking action to achieve your dreams. Our host shares valuable insights into the journey of pursuing your aspirations, whether they involve personal milestones or material possessions. Learn how to craft a clear path towards your goals, separate them into milestones and possessions, and daily actions to move closer to your dreams. Discover the secret to success: the consistent, disciplined work that turns your visions into reality. Don't just hope for the best; create your strategy and enjoy the ride to your dreams!
    Goals Actions Achieving Dreams Milestones Possessions Visualization Hashtags: #Goals #AchievingDreams #Actions #Visualization #SuccessJourney

    • 14 min
    Seizing Opportunities to Live a Life FREE of Regret

    Seizing Opportunities to Live a Life FREE of Regret

    Join us as we unravel the significant issue of regret and the imperative need to seize opportunities. Here's a promise - by the end of this candid conversation, you'll find the courage to approach every opportunity, be it a professional endeavor or a possible romantic interest, with renewed confidence and enthusiasm. We delve into the fear that often hinders our path to success and highlight the profound pain attached to missed opportunities. Our aim here is not just to inspire, but to also instill in you, the ability to learn from past mistakes and move forward without carrying the burden of guilt.
    In the latter part of our enlightening discussion, we shift our focus to the immense power that lies in embracing the present and giving your best shot each day. We emphasize the importance of persistently striving to achieve our goals instead of idly waiting for the so-called 'perfect moment.' Here's an interesting fact - success doesn't come to those who wait, but to those who hustle! Our goal is to encourage you to develop the discipline and skills necessary to honor your commitments. Ultimately, this episode is about urging you to step out of your comfort zone, take your shot, and embrace a life devoid of regret. It's time to make the most out of today and look forward to a future shaped by your present efforts and choices.
    (0:00:01) - Regret and Importance of Taking Shots (14 Minutes)
    Today, we talk about taking shots at the things we want in life and how to avoid regret. We discuss how to become better humans, parents, team members, and leaders, and how not taking the shot - even when we've done the research and taken the first steps - can have a long-term impact. Whether it's an internal opportunity or a potential romantic relationship, we must take a chance, reach out, and try our best to make it work. We must also learn to appreciate that we don't make shots that we don't take and to not live with guilt or regret for the things that we didn't do.
    (0:13:37) - Power of Giving Your Best Today (2 Minutes)
    We explore how to stop holding ourselves back from living our best lives and achieving our goals. Everyone is in the same boat, and the key to success is to give our best effort today, rather than waiting until we are perfect or 'ready'. We also discuss the importance of having the skills and discipline to stay true to our word, and how to move forward and avoid letting the past dictate our future. So let's get out there and put in the work and effort to give our best version of ourselves today.
    About the author:


    I have 30+ years in technology. Building companies. Running global services teams. Consumer and business direct customers. I have led cybersecurity compliance, standards, security, consulting, and product teams.

    My global work and deep research and experiences I draw on to share ways I and you can become our best self. These are meant to reflect the ups and downs of life.

    I am always at the tip of the spear in technology and will certainly share that as they are valuable ideas.

    Finally, my efforts are devoted to the following. Welcome others always in these journeys to do good work:

    - Dad and Husband - Cybersecurity innovation and AI product innovations

    - Bottling and operating coffee craft shops

    - Charity programs around kids with behaviors and organic farming

    - Regenerative farming, cattle, and vertical farm greenhouses

    - Fitness (coached 1,000+ athletes), and how we can live well


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Checkout the Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/16AGBV32xPuT81u16XUWCs?si=12a7b9cfea31480c

    Prefer reading the full essays: https://stepstobestself.substack.com/


    Professional inquiries on LinkedIN please: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdeluccia/

    Interactions and discussions on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/JDeLuccia


    Things we dive into will reflect what I've le

    • 15 min
    Embracing Personal Responsibility

    Embracing Personal Responsibility

    Discover the empowering truth that has the potential to transform your life. Join us on this episode as we delve into the profound message: "It's always been you—only you, always." You are the key to making a difference, improving your world, enhancing your health, growing your business, and fostering love in your family. No one else can save you, and no one else truly cares like you do.
    In this episode, we explore the following key points:
    🔹 The Power of Personal Responsibility: Learn why taking ownership of your actions and outcomes is the first step towards success and happiness.
    🔹 Overcoming Negativity: Discover how to let go of unrealistic expectations of others and embrace gratitude instead of judgment.
    🔹 The Pitfalls of Handouts: Understand why self-reliance and hard work are essential for lasting success, and how shortcuts can hinder your growth.
    🔹 Breaking Free from Victim Mentality: Leave behind the victim mindset and take control of your destiny.
    🔹 Embracing Self-Improvement: Start your journey towards personal growth, learning, and achieving greatness.
    Join us in this eye-opening discussion that will inspire you to unleash your potential and thrive. It's time to take action, and it all starts with you.
    PersonalEmpowerment #SuccessMindset #SelfImprovement #PositiveImpact #SelfReliance #Podcast (0:00:02) - The Power of Personal Responsibility (8 Minutes)
    Nobody else will save you or do it for you and that's freeing. We also discuss how we can eliminate disappointment and stress in our lives by not creating expectations of others and instead showing gratitude and eliminating judgment. Remind yourself who is capable, who has been put in this position to act, and who will fix it? It's you.
    (0:07:43) - Taking Responsibility for Personal Growth (12 Minutes)
    We examine how our expectations of others can lead to stress and negative relationships. We explore how we can support and encourage those around us instead of judging them. We also discuss how receiving gifts and handouts can prevent us from developing our own abilities and how only by achieving things on our own can we build our own life and succeed in the long run.
    (0:20:13) - Taking Initiative, Doing the Right Thing (1 Minutes)
    We discuss how to take responsibility for our own lives and do the right thing without waiting for someone else to tell us what to do. We explore how small actions like picking up trash or helping out a co-worker can lead to a simpler and more peaceful life. We also look at how we can create positive relationships with others by not expecting them to do things for us.

    • 21 min
    Getting unstuck to achieve your goals

    Getting unstuck to achieve your goals

    How you and I can apply discipline and overcome our goals that are stalled. This video I share from personal experience and challenge. I know you can do what you are pursuing, sometimes we just need to know why and how.
    Use this episode to achieve your goals, get unstuck, and have the impact you seek in your life.
    (0:00:02) - Achieving Goals and Overcoming Challenges (9 Minutes)
    Why is it difficult to prioritize our personal goals, and why is it important to be respectful of our goals and ourselves in our journey towards achieving them? We discuss how to make progress on large goals that we own, emphasizing the need to be committed to our deadlines and making time for the goals we set for ourselves. We also explore the importance of doing our best with the time and resources we have, in order to make the most out of our personal goals.
    (0:08:33) - Setting Finish Lines and Deadlines (14 Minutes)
    Why is it important to be mindful of our goals and set absolute deadlines for ourselves to maintain motivation? We explore strategies to break down large goals into more manageable pieces, such as setting a daily goal or focusing on only one important task. We also examine the importance of setting both time, dollar, and effort boundaries to achieve our goals.
    (0:22:57) - Achieving Goals Through Support and Accountability (2 Minutes)
    We discuss the importance of breaking down large goals into smaller, more achievable tasks and setting absolute deadlines to stay motivated. Having supportive people around you to cheer on your progress and celebrate the actions you take towards your goals, not just the end results, is also important. Finally, finding the best version of yourself is essential. Are you having trouble achieving your personal goals?

    About the author:


    I have 30+ years in technology. Building companies. Running global services teams. Consumer and business direct customers. I have led cybersecurity compliance, standards, security, consulting, and product teams.

    My global work and deep research and experiences I draw on to share ways I and you can become our best self. These are meant to reflect the ups and downs of life.

    I am always at the tip of the spear in technology and will certainly share that as they are valuable ideas.

    Finally, my efforts are devoted to the following. Welcome others always in these journeys to do good work:

    - Dad and Husband - Cybersecurity innovation and AI product innovations

    - Bottling and operating coffee craft shops

    - Charity programs around kids with behaviors and organic farming

    - Regenerative farming, cattle, and vertical farm greenhouses

    - Fitness (coached 1,000+ athletes), and how we can live well


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Checkout the Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/16AGBV32xPuT81u16XUWCs?si=12a7b9cfea31480c

    Prefer reading the full essays: https://stepstobestself.substack.com/


    Professional inquiries on LinkedIN please: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdeluccia/

    Interactions and discussions on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/JDeLuccia


    Things we dive into will reflect what I've learned in life; what my current research reveals, and lessons from my businesses and mentor programs. Adopt what serves you and pass along anything you enjoyed.


    Trying to better the world through these stages.


    Wishing you an amazing day!


    - Jimmy James DeLuccia IV


    • 24 min
    Mastering Your Craft: The Power of Small, Consistent Efforts

    Mastering Your Craft: The Power of Small, Consistent Efforts

    "Mastering Your Craft: The Power of Small, Consistent Efforts"
    Are you striving to become a better artist, accelerate your professional growth, or attain expertise? Often, there's a common misconception that 'more' equals 'better.' However, this notion can be both right and wrong. The challenge lies in choosing the right approach.
    Consider this scenario: whether you're making flavored syrups for coffee or honing your drawing skills, you face two choices. You can either create large batches (1 10-20oz) of syrup or complete one full drawing a week. Alternatively, you can opt for smaller batches (5-10 2oz) of syrup or sketch 10 times a week. Both options require a similar amount of time, but the latter provides a 10-fold increase in output.
    The allure of 'larger is better' is understandable. It's simpler, a single effort, and it feels satisfying to accomplish significant tasks. However, this can be a trap. While you may create more massive things, it doesn't necessarily translate to improvement or mastery. You've done it just once.
    In contrast, pursuing more frequent, smaller efforts yields remarkable benefits. If you engage in 5-10 batches or attempts in a week instead of just one, you learn with each iteration. The risk remains low, allowing you to experiment and try new methods. Moreover, you accumulate valuable experience with each repetition, be it in syrup making or sketching.
    The mathematics are clear: small batches or efforts grant you 5-10 repetitions weekly, while larger efforts yield just one. This means that what you learn in one week through small, consistent work would take the 'larger is better' crowd 5-10 weeks to achieve.
    Embrace a new mindset that entrusts your growth to:
    Small, quick efforts for better results. More repetitions for accelerated learning and bending time. Learning from each iteration for continuous improvement. Failing small to avoid long-term harm. Prioritizing quality in each effort, as it leads to the desired growth. Acknowledging that there are no shortcuts. Apply this mindset across your life, passions, and profession. Experiment, tinker, learn, explore, adapt, and grow. Remember, it's all about having fun while becoming the best version of yourself.
    About the author:


    I have 30+ years in technology. Building companies. Running global services teams. Consumer and business direct customers. I have led cybersecurity compliance, standards, security, consulting, and product teams.

    My global work and deep research and experiences I draw on to share ways I and you can become our best self. These are meant to reflect the ups and downs of life.

    I am always at the tip of the spear in technology and will certainly share that as they are valuable ideas.

    Finally, my efforts are devoted to the following. Welcome others always in these journeys to do good work:

    - Dad and Husband - Cybersecurity innovation and AI product innovations

    - Bottling and operating coffee craft shops

    - Charity programs around kids with behaviors and organic farming

    - Regenerative farming, cattle, and vertical farm greenhouses

    - Fitness (coached 1,000+ athletes), and how we can live well


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    Checkout the Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/16AGBV32xPuT81u16XUWCs?si=12a7b9cfea31480c

    Prefer reading the full essays: https://stepstobestself.substack.com/


    Professional inquiries on LinkedIN please: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdeluccia/

    Interactions and discussions on Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/JDeLuccia


    Things we dive into will reflect what I've learned in life; what my current research reveals, and lessons from my businesses and mentor programs. Adopt what serves you and pass along anything you enjoyed.


    Trying to better the world through these stages.


    Wishing you an amazing day!


    - Ji

    • 13 min

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