48 min

Ep.06: Taking ownership of your career - With Peter Hill Efeito Cascata

    • Management

Algo muito comum na vida de todos nós é a busca por uma carreira profissional que nos promova satisfação e atenda nossos objetivos. Melhor ainda se for conectada ao nosso propósito! Neste episódio, nosso convidado compartilha sua expertise internacional para nos ajudar nessa busca.

Peter Hill é um especialista em transição de carreira internacional com décadas de experiência apoiando profissionais de negócios globais em sua busca por um trabalho que os tire da cama pela manhã. Sua jornada profissional abrange 9 anos na China, 6 anos no Japão, 2,5 anos no Reino Unido e mais de 10 anos nos EUA.


Something very common in all of our lives is the search for a professional career that promotes satisfaction and meets our goals. Even better if it is connected to our purpose! In this episode, our guest shares his international expertise to help us in this quest.

Peter Hill is an international career transition expert with decades of experience supporting global business professionals along their quest for work that gets them out of bed in the morning. His professional footprint comprises 9 years in China, 6 years in Japan, 2.5 years in the UK, and 10+ years in the US.

Kompass Career Kickstarter Program

50% OFF the full program price of $200. So $100 for the Efeito Cascata (Ripple Effect) community. Call to action: Email peter@phiconsulting-llc.com for your personalized access.

The Kompass Career Kickstarter Series is a single resource that combines over 50 years of global experience in career research and coaching delivered by 2 award winning, global career coaches, Gaj Ravichandra and Peter Hill.  The 8 conversational video modules comprise over 4 hours of content, along with a downloadable toolkit have been specifically curated for their proven effectiveness in job searches! 

The information in this series is the distilled experience from having worked with over 10,000 individuals from over 140 countries across 5 continents with leading educational institutions, consultancy firms, government departments, start-ups and Fortune 500 companies.

The Career Strategy Series

Attractive discount off the normal price of $897 which will resume in January 2021.
- November cohort $197
- December cohort $297

Call to action: visit www.yourcareerstrategy.com then click on "Book Your Free Discovery Call" to speak with us!

The Career Strategy Series comprises transformational workshops to professionals who are seeking more meaning in their careers. Our workshops are designed to drive subjective self-reflection, create the space for 360-degree peer-to-peer feedback, and provide the tools and resources for participants to target a purposefully aligned career. Our series is complemented by virtual 1-1 coaching for participants who are looking for end-to-end support to strategically execute on their career strategy.

Algo muito comum na vida de todos nós é a busca por uma carreira profissional que nos promova satisfação e atenda nossos objetivos. Melhor ainda se for conectada ao nosso propósito! Neste episódio, nosso convidado compartilha sua expertise internacional para nos ajudar nessa busca.

Peter Hill é um especialista em transição de carreira internacional com décadas de experiência apoiando profissionais de negócios globais em sua busca por um trabalho que os tire da cama pela manhã. Sua jornada profissional abrange 9 anos na China, 6 anos no Japão, 2,5 anos no Reino Unido e mais de 10 anos nos EUA.


Something very common in all of our lives is the search for a professional career that promotes satisfaction and meets our goals. Even better if it is connected to our purpose! In this episode, our guest shares his international expertise to help us in this quest.

Peter Hill is an international career transition expert with decades of experience supporting global business professionals along their quest for work that gets them out of bed in the morning. His professional footprint comprises 9 years in China, 6 years in Japan, 2.5 years in the UK, and 10+ years in the US.

Kompass Career Kickstarter Program

50% OFF the full program price of $200. So $100 for the Efeito Cascata (Ripple Effect) community. Call to action: Email peter@phiconsulting-llc.com for your personalized access.

The Kompass Career Kickstarter Series is a single resource that combines over 50 years of global experience in career research and coaching delivered by 2 award winning, global career coaches, Gaj Ravichandra and Peter Hill.  The 8 conversational video modules comprise over 4 hours of content, along with a downloadable toolkit have been specifically curated for their proven effectiveness in job searches! 

The information in this series is the distilled experience from having worked with over 10,000 individuals from over 140 countries across 5 continents with leading educational institutions, consultancy firms, government departments, start-ups and Fortune 500 companies.

The Career Strategy Series

Attractive discount off the normal price of $897 which will resume in January 2021.
- November cohort $197
- December cohort $297

Call to action: visit www.yourcareerstrategy.com then click on "Book Your Free Discovery Call" to speak with us!

The Career Strategy Series comprises transformational workshops to professionals who are seeking more meaning in their careers. Our workshops are designed to drive subjective self-reflection, create the space for 360-degree peer-to-peer feedback, and provide the tools and resources for participants to target a purposefully aligned career. Our series is complemented by virtual 1-1 coaching for participants who are looking for end-to-end support to strategically execute on their career strategy.

48 min