10 episodes

Each episode Dan speaks with an interesting person in some interesting discipline, getting them to say interesting things. Then the funny happens. Or the depth. Did he or his guest get it wrong? Go on the podcast and correct his crazy ways and understand your point of view. He’s up for the chat!

Dan is a centrist by nature, occasionally taking sides on either side of the political spectrum. Old-school definitions call this “critical thinking”, or perhaps “willing to compromise”. Modern spin calls it being “indecisive”, and “wishy-washy”. That said, this ain’t no leftie or rightie talk show. If you’re looking for a regular dose of politics, you’ll need to look elsewhere. The talks will be with interesting people, people like YOU… because you’ve found this podcast and are interested in conversations in some way or other. That said, people may occasionally say the word “butt”. Cover your ears!

The show is not about winning, about being the strongest voice in the room who can talk over the other person. It's about airing it out.
It’s about going


IN DEEP With Dan Podcast Dan Reams

    • Comedy

Each episode Dan speaks with an interesting person in some interesting discipline, getting them to say interesting things. Then the funny happens. Or the depth. Did he or his guest get it wrong? Go on the podcast and correct his crazy ways and understand your point of view. He’s up for the chat!

Dan is a centrist by nature, occasionally taking sides on either side of the political spectrum. Old-school definitions call this “critical thinking”, or perhaps “willing to compromise”. Modern spin calls it being “indecisive”, and “wishy-washy”. That said, this ain’t no leftie or rightie talk show. If you’re looking for a regular dose of politics, you’ll need to look elsewhere. The talks will be with interesting people, people like YOU… because you’ve found this podcast and are interested in conversations in some way or other. That said, people may occasionally say the word “butt”. Cover your ears!

The show is not about winning, about being the strongest voice in the room who can talk over the other person. It's about airing it out.
It’s about going


    IN DEEP With Dan 10: Artist Paula (Rose) Wood reflects on a tumultuous 18 months of intense life-changes including divorce, eldercare for her parents, and re-defining herself.

    IN DEEP With Dan 10: Artist Paula (Rose) Wood reflects on a tumultuous 18 months of intense life-changes including divorce, eldercare for her parents, and re-defining herself.

    PLEASE send comments and suggestions to INDEEPWithDan@gmail.com or a voicemail, via Skype, using the same email address. I would love to read and hear them, and I’ll try to include them on the show if you mention it’s okay for me to do so. If you leave us a Skype message your very voice can be on the show! How cool is THAT?!
    This episode
    Paula is originally from Manitowoc, Wisconsin, up in the nort der hay. She is reinvigorating her Facebook page so give it a visit at Rosewood Studio Arts at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/RosesAllegory or on Facebook at
    https://www.facebook.com/RosewoodStudioArts/ .
    Paula and Dan used to work together but she had to move away to take care of her parents. Dan missed her and looked her up to see how she was doing, and this talk is the result.
    Wine is something that should be consumed. Perhaps drunk from a hat, not as a vessel, but as a holder). A vessel would be ghetto, but a hat with holders is almost bougie. (see https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bougie )
    Paula left her job and her home and her husband all in a year and a half period. She went back home, in upper Wisconsin, to take care of her elderly parents. She found her mom had brain cancer and dementia and her dad had given up, overwhelmed. She got a job, lost a job (had Pneumonia), got a new job. Works in Human Services. Then she fell down the stairs and broke her shoulder, in April, and her dad passed away in May. She and her brothers and their spouse(s) took care of her mom 24x7. Her mom wasn’t deteriorating as had been predicted, and it turned out her tumor had disappeared. Gone. Outta there. Wild.
    Paula was told when she was younger that taking care of elderly and deteriorating parents is hard. She confirms this. Buckle up. You’ve got to rise above it or crash and sink. It will blow a hole through your whole life. You have to decide that you are going to rebuild your life after that, who you are going to be after that.
    Don’t dis The Borg. Sure, they live in cubes, but they are honest about their assimilation intentions. Okay. That part isn’t quite in the show, but Dan is just seeing if you’re still reading at this point.
    Paula and Dan discuss the differences in ages as to when they got the freedom from their parents telling them what to do. Dan opens up about his mom’s and step-dad’s deaths when he was 16.
    “Straighten up and fly right” is what Paula’s dad used to say, and that programming is the foundation of what she became.
    The conversation strayed a bit in the stream of consciousness realm, then settled down to the talk of life coaches, spirituality, and energy. Is one self-aware enough to reflect upon whether free will is a factor? Are we self-aware enough to look upon our own lives, to spectate? Interesting stuff.
    They talked about drug addiction. Neither of them are addicts, but man, addiction is nasty. Dan mentioned an old Chris Rock joke about crack and VCR’s. You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQMI6GjQsHU And that’s a VCR for $1.50, not $5. Inflation for sure! Dan stands corrected. Dan would have prepared a better Chris Rock impression had he had the time to do so. It’s really better if you go and watch the real master at work, and that YouTube link works well for that.
    Paula’s dad decided to die first, once his wife got sick. He ended up doing so. Paula and her sibs had to get over resentment related to that. They did.
    Rituals are important in life. They help one heal, help one come to grips with life’s changes.
    Dan used to use VHS tape as audio masters for recording jam sessions. Eventually Dan might harvest those old recordings and digitize them. That’d be fun.

    • 1 hr 12 min
    Cosplayer, mother, and author Kelly Guentner on Cosplay and Comics

    Cosplayer, mother, and author Kelly Guentner on Cosplay and Comics

    Dan first met Kelly Guentner back in 2012 or so when she and his wife worked at the same place. Dan and Kristie went over to Kelly’s place for a party and they fell in love with her and her friends. While Dan digs the comics world, whether comics, films, or TV shows, cosplay is something he has never gotten into but interests him, so who better than Kelly to have on the show to school him up?
    Please visit Kelly’s and her friend Crayle’s pages at the following links:
    Kelly stopped by the studio to have a vodka and Crystal Light with Dan. Halloween is kind of boring for cosplayers, said Kelly. They spoke of Netflix’s Sabrina and the reboot of Charmed. Kelly told the story of how she got into cosplay via a visit to the Illinois town of Metropolis, and then visiting the Superhero Costuming Forum.
    The use of glasses as a superhero disguise (The Clark Kent Effect)...Dan has a possible reason that this works. Hint: Genes for facial recognition.
    Kelly missed Dan’s political statements during his five month hiatus from Facebook. She found his words well stated.
    That said, he really thinks this episode is all about “Spittle, Lubricant, and Leakage”, so what does she know anyway?
    “Under the Red Hood” was released in 2010, so Kelly pretty much nailed her recollection of it being “Nine years old”.
    They talked of HBO’s “The Good Place” and how good it is. No spoilers are in THIS episode.
    Freeform TV used to be ABC Family. Dan recommends Cloak & Dagger, on that channel.
    Kelly talks about DC Universe, the subscription service, and how Titans is a good show. Dan is jealous. He later found out that it is available on Roku devices. Yay for Dan!
    They drank some more, taking a quick break to get more drink. Kelly mentioned “Let Dan Tell You How To Love Your Life While He Drinks Wine”. Dan asked Kelly if there was anythign specific he needed to tell her. She said she is having a hard time making the perfect sugar cookie. Dan suggested a means by which to accomplish this.
    Dan folded his underwear today. Kelly thought that quite zen of him.
    Please TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SHOW! Thanks so much!
    Check it out at https://indeepwithdan.com
    Thanks for listening!

    • 1 hr 3 min
    Podcast legend Joel Sherfinski virtually swings by the studio and talks about podcasting, music, the shared terribleness of an old company, and making peace with a life-work balance after suffering a heart attack.

    Podcast legend Joel Sherfinski virtually swings by the studio and talks about podcasting, music, the shared terribleness of an old company, and making peace with a life-work balance after suffering a heart attack.

    At about 5:52 into the interview segment Dan mentions Joel’s “other podcast”, but failed to mention its name, which is “Dig the Vibe” and Dan was specifically referring to the Green Day episode, available at http://digthevibecast.libsyn.com/green-day . Truly a fun episode, where Joel and Shane recommend other artists’ albums who have the “vibe” of Green Day.
    Check out A Band of Gamers podcast at https://www.abogpodcast.com/ and via the usual podcast apps.
    Dan and Joel wax technical for a little bit...just a bit...on audio production, not on details so much as how producing audio can make one hyper-aware of others’ techniques.
    Joel and Dan both had a Zune. Dan wondered if there had been two models. It turn out there were four generations. Check it out here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zune
    The guys reminisce about the age old, honorable action, in a video game, of crouching in rapid succession, upon one’s defeated opponent’s face. Perhaps the verb for that has something to do with tea. Dunno. For an excellent example of a typical post-game taunting, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=44&v=1TO_GJpj6MY . If you prefer visuals of the actual act, being portrayed in video games, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPTYtWg-GVA .
    Joel realized one can kill a horse in “Red Dead Redemption 2”.
    Joel, Shane, and Karl record their podcast via Google Hangouts.
    Dan asks Joel to describe how he got into podcasting, back in 2008. Joel had discovered Major Nelson. https://majornelson.com/ and dug being able to listen to gaming podcasts. Joel then befriended various podcasters. He was in a band. His thumb swelled up. He thought it was Tendonitis. It turned out it wasn’t. Things took a dark turn. He had had a heart attack. He describes how the “widow maker artery” had caused the thumb to swell. Now, years later, he is considering starting another band, but he would not want that to harm the podcast.
    Joel and Dan talk of their old toxic workplace and how things are so much better now.
    Life/Work Balance is what it’s all about, Deeplies!

    • 1 hr 7 min
    Listener Feedback and Advice

    Listener Feedback and Advice

    This episode is the first "Listener Feedback" episode! I've gotten some good comments and suggestions but would love to include more!
    You can post questions or comments, either identified or anonymous, via the methods listed on the contact page of the web site.
    If you have suggestions for interviews, ways to make the show better, problems you want me to solve, hit me.
    If you’ve left comments perhaps your name (or anonymous alias) is on the show!
    See the contact page at https://indeepwithdan.com/contact-comment-page to leave me a comment.
    Dan’s week and weekend
    Listener Feedback
    Tech Question - Cutting the cord. What devices and services does Dan use instead of cable?
    Related items:

    • 24 min
    Licensed Massage therapist Katie Weso loves dogs, talking about dogs, massage, and drinking, and talking about drinking.

    Licensed Massage therapist Katie Weso loves dogs, talking about dogs, massage, and drinking, and talking about drinking.

    Licensed Massage therapist Katie Weso loves dogs, talking about dogs, massage, and drinking, and talking about drinking.
    Passion topics- drinking, dogs, massage, the rage that bubbles up when people bring up happy endings, my inability to understand technology
    We spoke of massage and how the “Happy Ending” is a tired old joke that should be retired (Dan’s words).
    Dan describes his back, leg, and arm issues and asks if he is a candidate for massage therapy. Katie agrees and states he is a typical example of a customer. Dan’s trepidation at the thought of getting a therapeutic massage is alleviated by the realization that he is not so much of a “person”, while on the table, but more of a “meat suit” to be worked by the therapist. This is a good thing. To be the personification of Lady Gaga’s famous costume is to be a great massage customer.
    Katie gives a lot of advice for people who have never gone to a massage therapist. At the end of this session Dan thought, ‘Heck. I could go to a massage therapist after all!’
    There is some question as to whether Katie’s and her husband’s role-playing involve HAZMAT suits ala “Breaking Bad” (as seen here: http://filmgarb.com/breaking-bad-hazmat-suit/) . I will have to ask her “Little Pinkman” for his take. Katie brought up Walter White’s hat. It’s a Pork Pie hat, as shown here: http://www.heisenberghat.com/
    Can homemade Kahlua be made with Splenda?
    Talking about DIY projects. Katie is great with those unless they involve technology, which in this case means computer and electronics topics. Dan laments on how cool online learning via YouTube and similar avenues are. Katie hooked up her LAN (local area network) in her home.
    Katie thinks IT professionals are wizards. She’s not wrong.
    The talk then turns to matters of having a customer service mind-set, about caring about the customer on a human level. It is hard to wrap our meat-suit minds around apathy toward customers. It always comes back to the meat suit.
    Katie hadn’t seen Star Wars until she was dating her husband.
    Star Trek was able to tackle social issues due to their many-hours of content.
    Katie didn’t want to perform her best “pew pew” noise. But she came through in the end.
    Can massage therapists feel the tension spots? Answer: Yes!
    The conversation takes an odd turn into the land of Chia Pets, and if a Sia Chia would grow the little shrubs in a front-facing wig shape. It had never dawned on Dan that the ‘chia’ of ‘Chia Pet’ refers to the ‘Chia’ plant. More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chia_Pet .
    Dan proposes the “Chia Sia Pet”, where the chia plant grows out in an forward-facing wig, over the pet’s face. Katie approves.
    Katie has two dogs and two cats. It turns out both Katie and Dan got dogs from MADACC Milwaukee. Visit http://madacc.org/ for more information on how to rescue a dog in the Milwaukee area!
    It’s hard to say “out” or “treat”, aloud, due to the dogs having trained Dan.
    Both Katie and Dan are looking into getting king sized beds to have more room for the dogs.
    Camera conspiracy theories. Are our smart cameras spying on us?
    Dan wonders what would happen if a Star Wars storm trooper were to fire upon a Star Trek red shirt if the red shirt would even be injured.
    Make sure to visit https://www.facebook.com/ElbowGreaseMassage/ and to make an appointment with Katie if you are in the De Pere, Wisconsin/Green Bay Wisconsin area! Or just visit the page anyway because she has fun articles there about pain management and perhaps unintentionally ambiguous memes, if one has a naughty mind to consider them that way.

    • 1 hr 11 min
    Renaissance Man, Guitarist, Blacksmith, and Disaster Prepared Chris Koterba visits the show to talk about Zombie Squad, Music, and Life

    Renaissance Man, Guitarist, Blacksmith, and Disaster Prepared Chris Koterba visits the show to talk about Zombie Squad, Music, and Life

    I met Chris Koterba at The Steaming Cup cafe (Waukesha, WI) a good 10 years ago, because he was noodling something fierce, on his guitar, and I was probably drunk and yelling "Wooooo!". This talk was just two guys having a conversation about whatever came up. Chris and Dan probably had never said more than a couple sentences to each other, ever. They made up for it this time, for sure. This is why this is the first of a two-parter, with the second part to be aired at an undisclosed time, in an undisclosed bunker, in the dystopian future. There was simply too much fun chatting to contain within a single show.
    Chris sees the “obvious horizon, off in the distance” (mortality), but until then, he’s livin’ this life.
    Topics include marrying at this age. Women get questions about “When are you having kids?” far more often and adamantly than men.
    Discussion of kids as a species.
    Discussion of Chris Cornell and Eddie Vedder. Dan told Chris about Eddie’s Ukulele albumn. Check out this sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W0B-1iF6S4 
    Chris said when working with mechanics one cannot show weakness, or they will ceaselessly play a tune that bothers one...ad nauseum.
    Dan thinks “Grace Under Pressure”, by RUSH, may be more well known than “Amazing Grace”. Probably not.
    Chris belongs to Zombie Squad, an emergency preparedness group, started out of St. Louis.
    Watch “Dead Snow”. Zombie Squad is a mentioned org in the Dead Snow sequel.DS is a Norwegian film. Chris talks about how the dead Nazi army (localized, one battalion) is coming for their booty. Uh-oh!
    Dan mentioned Gale Anne Hurd (Producer extraordinaire) having been on WTF (podcast) and talking about how the CDC contacted her (related to The Walking Dead) asking for her participation in helping the public with disaster preparedness. For more information see WTF episode 954 and the CDC’s site, https://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombie/index.htm .
    It turns out he wasn’t playing “Pong” during the interview.
    Influenced by Stevie Ray Vaughn, Brian Setzer. Was in “440 Hum” and also “50 Breaks”. Went punk.
    Blacksmithing, hand injured. Better now.
    Podcasting - He engineers ‘Plot Points’ show.
    Henry Rollins came up. Chris loves him, and Dan wants more Rollins. Chris suggests “Henry & Holly” podcast. Rollins has also been on “The Joe Rogan Experience.”
    Comedian Bert Kreischer was mentioned, also as having been on Joe Rogan’s show. Chris suggests Bert as someone to check out too. Great. Just when all my shows are back from hiatus...now I have more content to consume. Well then, I’d best get to it….

    • 1 hr 1 min

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