126 episodes

Meet host of the Zimmerman Podcast, Jessica Zimmerman, as she shares what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love. To make sure you never miss an episode, hit subscribe now!

Zimmerman Podcast Jessica Zimmerman

    • Business

Meet host of the Zimmerman Podcast, Jessica Zimmerman, as she shares what it takes to grow your business while living the life you love. To make sure you never miss an episode, hit subscribe now!

    126. If Your Life Feels Small, It's Time to Shed Your Limiting Beliefs

    126. If Your Life Feels Small, It's Time to Shed Your Limiting Beliefs

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 126
    Last week, we talked about how shame disconnects us from our true self. Shame and limiting beliefs are like two sides of the same coin. Shame tells us that we are bad and wrong, and often, limiting beliefs can tell us that others are bad and wrong.

    Often, a limiting belief isn’t something we even realize we agree with until we… stop believing in it. That’s what makes them so hard to identify! But typically these are beliefs we have about what leads to success, what’s going to get us a “good” life or make us a “good” person.

    It’s like some sort of script we believe we have to stick to if we want the fairytale ending. And usually, we’re so young when we get handed this script that we don’t even have the tools to question whether it’s true or real or leading to any kind of happy ending that we actually want!

    Let me give you an example during today’s podcast.

    - Shame and limiting beliefs are like two sides of the same coin.
    - There is no right or wrong choice. There is only truth. There’s only what’s right and true for each person.
    - Limiting beliefs aren’t helping you or protecting you. They are simply lies based in fear.

    My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
    For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me, on The Path Back to You.

    My Ted Talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    • 12 min
    125. Silencing the Voice of Shame That's Running Your Life

    125. Silencing the Voice of Shame That's Running Your Life

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 125
    I remember when I turned thirty-nine and bought my first crop top. It was an act of beautiful rebellion. Not against age, nope! I’ve never had a problem with growing older, and no part of me wanted to dress like a teen in some sort of mid-life crisis.

    I was rebelling against shame. Against all the messages I’d heard growing up that sunk in deep and made me feel like revealing any part of myself– both physically and emotionally– was something to be ashamed of.

    Like most women throughout history, but even specifically those growing up like I did, in the American south in the last half a century, showing any amount of skin was met with disapproving glares, gossipy whispers, and choruses of “bless her heart.”

    Can you relate? Find out in today’s podcast.

    - How does a crop top equal freedom
    - Shame is one of the main things that can keep you from being who you were meant to be and living the life you were made to live
    - Choosing to honor your own inherent value by standing up to shame, and what this looks like in hustle culture

    My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
    For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me, on The Path Back to You.

    My Ted Talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    • 13 min
    124. Exchanging Ego for Soul: Your Body is Your Oldest Ally

    124. Exchanging Ego for Soul: Your Body is Your Oldest Ally

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 124
    In Part One of this past chapter on Exchanging Ego for Soul, we talked about how obsession with our bodies and the physical form can expand our Ego, feed our obsession with how we’re perceived, and distract us from nourishing our souls.

    Today, however, we’re going to give our bodies the credit they deserve. Because when we learn to honor our souls, the body can be one of the greatest sources of wisdom, working in tandem with our souls to direct us and lead us on the path back to our true selves.

    Our bodies aren’t evil. They’re not bad. There’s a reason we’re not disembodied souls floating around a spirit world made of fog and twilight. But we’re often so busy telling our bodies what to be, what to do, and what to look like, that we forget to listen to their inherent wisdom.

    Your mind will often lie to you about your body. But your body never lies.

    When you’ve retrained your mind to trust your soul’s truth, your body becomes your best ally.

    Let me tell you what I mean with a little throwback story involving a fourteen-year-old Jess, in today’s podcast.

    - Your mind will often lie to you about your body. But your body never lies.
    - Sometimes, it’s easier for us to trust our bodies when they warn of something bad, but that same trust doesn’t apply when our bodies recognize something good.
    - Living a deeply soulful life requires trusting your body. All day long, your body is talking to you. Will you listen?

    My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
    For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me, on The Path Back to You.

    My Ted Talk: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    The Instagram post I mentioned in the episode: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7O4ufXuty3/

    More Helpful Zimmerman Podcast Links and Resources: zimmermanpodcast.squarespace.com/zimmerma…st-links

    • 13 min
    123. Exchanging Ego for Soul: Listening for Soul Messages from the Spiritual World

    123. Exchanging Ego for Soul: Listening for Soul Messages from the Spiritual World

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 123

    Have you ever been going about your day, doing something totally normal like getting groceries, logging into your email, picking your kids up from school, or going on a hike, and something happens that stops you in your tracks… some little coincidence or a moment of deja vu, or a text from a long lost friend you just had a dream about the night before?

    I think most of us have. One of the most beautiful things about believing that there is a bigger purpose for your life, a divine destiny for your soul that the whole universe is conspiring to unleash, is that you get to go through life expecting to be amazed by these little moments where the spiritual world and the physical world intersect. 

    It’s amazing how the further I’ve gotten from the rigid and sometimes dry faith of my childhood, the more I see God at work in the world around me. Can you relate?

    God got real and fun (and real fun!) for me when I truly began to experience God outside of the teeny tiny box God was put in for me growing up in the American South’s Bible Belt. God was church three times a week. God was bible study. God was in a building. I couldn’t imagine then how much more God could be. That God could be playful, fun, and near. Here’s how, in today’s podcast.

    - When God got real and fun (and real fun!) for me
    - The time an owl and I were locked in on each other, and the significance of this encounter
    - Angel numbers and why I was seeing 11:11 all the time

    My brand new course, The Path Back to You isn't about starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.
    For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me, on The Path Back to You.

    My Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    More information when I first shared about my spiritual advisor: https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/following-the-stars-part-three-staying-in-comfort-or-choosing-growth

    Energy: Everything is Energy: https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/everything-is-energy

    Check out the picture of the owl I encountered: https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/exchanging-ego-for-soul-listening-for-soul-messages-from-the-spiritual-world

    My Art Collection, Uncovering Divine Femininity: https://jessicazimmerman.com/art-shop

    More Helpful Zimmerman Podcast Links and Resources: https://zimmermanpodcast.squarespace.com/zimmerman-podcast-links

    • 26 min
    122. Exchanging Ego for Soul: What Does True Soul Freedom Look Like?

    122. Exchanging Ego for Soul: What Does True Soul Freedom Look Like?

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 122

    If you’re following along week by week, you know that last week we talked about the difference between ego and soul. This week, we’re going to talk about what soul freedom looks like. 

    The whole point of this series, and of my course The Path Back to You, is finding how to unlock the freedom to live your life out of soul freedom. Because if you’re not living out of freedom, what are you even doing?!? And yet, I’ve spent decades of my life living in bondage to people or stories that we haven’t chosen for ourselves. 

    When you’re not living life out of soul freedom, it’s usually because you haven’t figured out what you really want, or you haven’t given yourself permission to actually go after it. 

    So let’s talk about what soul freedom is and how you can choose it!

    True soul freedom comes when you have the autonomy of choice. So often, the lowest times in our lives happen when we have no good choices. Choice can be taken away from us in many different ways, some we can control. Others, we can’t. 

    Even when someone isn’t actively taking away your freedom, limiting beliefs that are passively handed down can also take freedom away. Even if you have had the best childhood imaginable, a marriage a Disney princess would be jealous of, a career that lights you up, and a family that champions you endlessly, you can still uncover messages you’ve believed that limit your freedom. 

    Let me give you an example and go more in depth in today’s podcast.

    - What following our envy can reveal
    - You’re not the only one devoid of freedom to choose; everyone you know, even those you least expect, feels suffocated in some aspect of their life. 
    - Soul freedom to me: Choosing the life I long for, even if there are painful consequences.Let’s get into it in today’s podcast.

    The Path Back to You
    When you feel like you're losing your mind, I’m here to help you restore your soul.
    In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.
    Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you. And just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me on The Path Back to You here: jessicazimmerman.com/the-path-back-to-you-course

    My Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    Subscribe to Zimmerman Podcast: zimmermanpodcast.squarespace.com/
    Rate and Review: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zimm…st/id1476438143
    Become a Zimmerman Insider: jessicazimmerman.com/#newsletter-home
    Get the Sparknotes Version of My Story: jessicazimmerman.com/about
    Get Sleeping with a Stranger: jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger
    Check out Zimmerman Education: jessicazimmerman.com/courses
    Follow Jessica on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jessicazimmerman_/
    Shop My Favorite Things: www.amazon.com/shop/jessicazimmerman_

    • 19 min
    121. Exchanging Ego for Soul: How to Remember Who We Are

    121. Exchanging Ego for Soul: How to Remember Who We Are

    Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 121

    My kids recently lost their great grandfather. It was an open casket. Before the visitation, I told my kids that even though they’d be looking at their great grandfather’s body, his soul was not there.

    Have you ever noticed that the body never really looks like the person did in life? There are many reasons for this, but the most important one, to me, is that a body isn’t really anything without a soul.

    I told my kids that just like our car is important to us because it takes us from school to piano to baseball and home again, our bodies are just vehicles for our souls. They are, at their best, functional for us. At worst, they can be the very things that keep us from embodying love, which is our greatest calling.

    On earth, we focus so much on our bodies, on our human forms. We exercise and diet and hang mirrors everywhere, and even if we’re not looking at our literal bodies, we’re thinking about satisfying cravings, elevating ourselves, getting ahead, and winning. This is all living from ego. What do I mean by that, and why does it matter?

    Let’s get into it in today’s podcast.

    - In order to reach full consciousness, to live in the energy frequency of unconditional love, we have to retrain our human selves to learn to live from the soul.
    - The idea of soul and ego isn’t a new thing.
    - It’s your brain (your mortal, human thing) mismatching with your soul (your eternal, God thing).

    The Path Back to You
    When you feel like you're losing your mind, I’m here to help you restore your soul.
    In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.
    Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you. And just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.
    Join me on The Path Back to You here: jessicazimmerman.com/the-path-back-to-you-course

    My Ted Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw

    My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

    Subscribe to Zimmerman Podcast: zimmermanpodcast.squarespace.com/
    Rate and Review: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/zimm…st/id1476438143
    Become a Zimmerman Insider: jessicazimmerman.com/#newsletter-home
    Get the Sparknotes Version of My Story: jessicazimmerman.com/about
    Get Sleeping with a Stranger: jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger
    Check out Zimmerman Education: jessicazimmerman.com/courses
    Follow Jessica on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jessicazimmerman_/
    Shop My Favorite Things: www.amazon.com/shop/jessicazimmerman_

    • 12 min

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