268 episodes

Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

Vintage Homeschool Moms Felice Gerwitz

    • Kids & Family

Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

    Top Ten Time Savers

    Top Ten Time Savers

    What are the time savers that can help you each day? How do you implement them in a life that is already overflowing with things to do, and people to see? Every mom has her best-kept secrets on productivity and getting things done, and in this podcast, Felice Gerwitz shares her top ten with you.

    Top Ten Time Savers ~ Episode 524

    We all need to save time each day, and I have learned the hard way that making the time to get organized needs to become a priority and not an afterthought. This actually came to me at homeschool conferences. And, it was thanks to people like you, who share your hearts with conference speakers, that I was able to reflect on my own life. One of the most enjoyable parts of speaking over the years at the conference was the people I met and how much I learned from all of you. Your insights and experiences have been invaluable in shaping my understanding of productivity. Oftentimes it was to take a closer look at my life and actually get it as together as people seemed to think that I had my life! I mean, to get to speak at a conference, you have to know what you are talking about, right?

    Sure. On topics of teaching science, implementing hands-on teaching methods in your homeschool, creating winning science fair projects, writing and publishing books, and wait for it..."Getting Things Done" in your homeschool!

    Questions I was typically asked at homeschool conferences:

    "How did you have time to write books and homeschool?" My answer? I made the time.

    Another asked, "How do you do so much?" My answer? "I do many things, but not all of them well."

    or my favorite, "When I grow up I want to be like you." (I smiled and thought -- is she saying I'm old?)

    Time Savers That Help!

    * Mega Lists

    * Organizational Hacks

    Okay, all kidding aside, what are some time savers that help? I have a list that I will share and then explain. The list contains things to help you now with time saving, but really, it goes deeper. It is a matter of training yourself to compete in this world of disorder and distraction and come out on top (or at least in the top ten)!

    Top Ten Time Savers:

    * Saying no.

    * Putting things in their place. Finding your things a place if they don't have one. (Keys, books, etc.)

    * Do it now.

    * Write it on a mega list. (electronic - Evernote - or Notes on Mac)

    * Child discipline

    * Avoid distractions.

    * No phone conversations/ texts

    * Errands/ appointments on one day

    * Shop online

    * Get refreshed

    Number One: Saying No! 

    Moms, quit volunteering. I know it is fun, it makes us feel productive, but it is a time suck. Maybe do it for one year, but not consistently. People will take advantage of you, and I learned that it was better to pour the time and effort into my own family rather than work myself to the bone and ignore my husband and kids because I had to prepare 42 cupcakes for co-op and plan a lesson because otherwise it would not get done. There is a season for volunteering, it is not when you have little ones and no energy or time. Harsh? Maybe, but true.

    Number Two: Putting Things In Their Place 

    How many hours have you spent searching for things? Lost keys, books, toys, papers? Am I right? If you have a place to hang your keys (or leave them in a special pocket in your purse, a file for papers, a notebook for homeschool papers, a homeschool shelf, or a bin for books, it will save you a lifetime of searching.

    Number Three: Do It Now

    Fun Summer Project: Write A Book

    Fun Summer Project: Write A Book

    Fun Summer Project: Write a Book - Episode 432

    Why write? It is fun, and what better fun summer project than to write a book. For some children, this may be just what they need to get their creative juices flowing and for others, it may be better to begin with baby steps. This is a just for kid’s episode but parents are always invited, so get your kids and let’s begin!

    Did you know storytelling is something that people did long ago for entertainment? Now we have television, video, and streaming apps, but long ago the way that people enjoyed themselves was to tell stories of real events or to exaggerate things that happened to make them more exciting.

    Tips to Write a Book

    For example, instead of saying… I was walking down a path, and I got to the end, and I turned right. After that, I kept going until I got home. Boring right?

    Well, someone might tell the story like this. As I was walking down a path I thought I heard something rustling in the bushes, in fact, the noise got closer and closer, so I hurried along trying not to make it obvious that I was afraid and really, really scared. There are often lions in the woods and I knew that it was close to their feeding time, and if I didn’t hurry I might be some lucky lion’s dinner. As I walked I looked back, and the rustling was still following me and it was getting faster.

    So, I picked up my speed. And, yes – you guessed it the thing – whatever it was in the bushes was also picking up speed as well. I saw my house ahead and I ran as fast as I could as if my life depends on it. Because it did. As I opened the door and threw myself in, I heard a roar and a whoosh of air right behind me. Then a horrible scratching at my door. I looked out of my front window and there is was an angry, pacing lion who had just lost its tasty dinner. Me.

    Which story would you want to read? The first one or the second one? I agree the second one sounds more exciting and both say the same thing just in different ways.

    Writing Fiction

    Fiction is very close in some ways to true events and if you can think of something that has happened to you, you may be able to turn it into a short story that people will enjoy. Because that is what storytelling is, it is a way to entertain or bring enjoyment to another person. And, who doesn’t want to make someone else happy?

    I wrote three novels with my daughter and that is called being a co-author. We wrote different parts of a story and put the parts together. I wrote some scientific facts in the book and she wrote the fun, action-adventure, mystery part. We worked on it together and it was a wonderful experience. You can find the books on my website at MediaAngels.com and they are the Truth Seekers Mystery series.

    How did we come up with this idea? I wanted novels that taught good information and my daughter wanted to write an action novel with kids that actually did something that wasn’t dumb. For example, if there is a noise in the basement no one is dumb enough to go down the dark stairs alone to check it out like in all the books where they get caught. I have a podcast where I interviewed my daughter and you can get more of an idea, here.

    So – back to writing.

    Let’s say you always wanted to write a book and just didn’t know how to begin. One of the best ways to begin is through brainstorming. If you can brainstorm an idea, it helps to work out the angle you want to take. My daughter and I did this with the Truth Seekers Mystery Series TM. So you can begin with a marker board or a large sheet of paper. You can draw a diagram, and start with a circle in the middle and write the word, story… then draw spokes around your primary topic or goal.  And add to these, it can have characters (and spokes off of that circle to name your main characters),

    • 15 min
    Organization Hacks For The Busy Mom

    Organization Hacks For The Busy Mom

    Organization Hacks For The Busy Mom - In Five Minutes or Less ~ Episode 523

    Ready for some organization hacks that can save you hours of time in just five minutes? In this podcast, Felice Gerwitz will share a proven method for reclaiming your time. The podcast may run a little longer than five minutes, but the time you'll save is worth it.

    Ready to take control of your time? Visit the Media Angels website for a range of products, planners, and other time-saving tools. We're here to support you on your journey to better time management.

    As a busy mom, I felt that some days nothing was accomplished! In fact, I called it a win if I had the children clothed, fed, and safe for the day. Many times I felt frustrated because I was wasting so much time finding lost items, to say nothing of never getting to errands that needed to be completed. So, after much frustration, I sat down and made a plan. In fact, it came to me as I was cleaning up yet another of my little one's spilled juice. (This was before the days of sippy cups; be happy for those innovations, Mom!) Remember, you're not alone in these struggles.

    Method for Organization Hack #1

    The first thing I did was take a sheet of paper and fold it into four squares. On each square, I wrote one thing. My headings used to say - Personal Needs - Kid's Needs - Must Do Today - Errands for the Week. But it morphed into the samples below that I used each week during the days I homeschooled my children. Faith - Kids - School - Household. This simple act of organizing my tasks into these four categories brought a sense of relief and control to my chaotic days.

    4-Square Planner – Blank

    4 Square Planner – Filled Out Example

    It doesn't matter what your headings read; what is underneath them counts. Start small.

    Questions to Answer - Organization Hack #2

    * What has to get done today?

    * What can wait for another day?

    * What will make you feel better if it gets done today?

    If you can answer these questions, that will help your anxiety and allow you to accomplish more. I have learned that when I stress, I can't think; when I can't think, that's right! Nothing gets done. When I was able to plan out my 4 squares weekly, the checks beside the list grew because I had all the things clearly laid out and briefly. I didn't make long, detailed lists; there wasn't a need.

    Routines - Organization Hack #3

    I didn't have detailed plans because many things on the list were routine items we did each day.

    * Wake up, make coffee, pray

    * Wake up, kids (if you are not already up). If the older children are up, they are to play quietly until breakfast.

    * Eat breakfast (mom reads Bible story and short lesson).

    * Start school (another set schedule).

    * Lunch / one or two chores as time permits

    * Finish school

    * Lessons, sports, free time, etc.

    Errands - Organization Hack #4

    Going on errands used to be a time-and-day wrecker! I learned to plan for multiple errands on one day and to plan a route so that I could mimimze my time. I would think about where I needed to go and plan my errands (if possible) to the closet to the house first (on the right side of the road), with the last errand being the closest to the house that needed cold or frozen things stored -such as groceries. At times I needed to go to the bank and it was opened yet, so I'd leave that for on the way home.

    Best Graduation Gifts – Episode 82

    Best Graduation Gifts – Episode 82

    Let's Talk About The Best Graduation Gifts that Teens Really Want!

    With five children and a group of friends with many children, I've participated in my fair share of graduation celebrations in recent years. However, it was after really thinking about my own graduation and those of my children that I realized what children really desire is not what they receive. In this podcast, Felice shares her ideas of what a graduation celebration should be and ways you can make lasting memories with your own special graduates.

    Show Notes - Best Graduation Gifts 

    A study by Hallmark reveals:

    * 95 percent give money for gifts for graduation from high school or college

    • $25 is about the average amount spent for a close friend (or child of a close friend)

    • 67 percent believe that $50 or more is appropriate for a close relative

    • $20 is the average for a not-so-close friend

    • And many would give no gift to a not-so-close friend, but they might send a card.

    Some of the Best Graduation Gift Ideas:

    * A book where the child can begin their memoirs – one leather-bound book entitled: “My Life Story Thus Far”

    * Jewelry

    * Necklace, bracelet, earrings

    * Watch

    * Money Clip Holders

    * Posters with great sayings on it.

    * Personalized gifts

    * Personalized wooden box

    * Personalized jewelry – necklace/ ring/ bracelet

    * Mugs, glasses

    * Candy wrappers

    * Picture albums

    * Backpacks

    * Picture frames

    * Baseball bats

    * Luggage

    * Throw Rug

    * A Bible with their name engraved – if they don’t already have one.

    * Popular gifts but they also become dust collectors

    * Paperweights

    * glass shadow boxes - elegant glass boxes with your grads name so they can store and see their special treasures

    * a globe that is made of cork with pushpins to mark the countries visited

    * The year with a spot in the 0 for their picture

    * Personalized wooden box

    * Personalized jewelry – necklace/ ring/ bracelet

    Nothing replaces spending T-I-M-E with your teen or soon-to-be graduate, making memories through gift-giving, if the right gift is selected helps.

    Podcast #83 - Creating Memories on Vintage Homeschool Moms


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    • 20 min
    Summertime Healthy Snacks

    Summertime Healthy Snacks

    Top Summertime Healthy Snacks Episode 279

    Summertime Healthy snacks do not have to taste like cardboard or break the bank. In this episode, of Vintage Homeschool Moms, I will share some yummy snacks with you that are crowd pleasers and even the kids will love them--promise!

    There are so many healthy snacks that appeal to kids! However, I've learned that my kids will eat different things when they help in the prep! Teach kids some safety rules.

    * Wash hands before preparing any food to eat.

    * Use care with knives. Don't put your hands by the blade.

    * Use a cutting board when slicing fruit or vegetables.

    Listen to the audio to learn about many more! 

    Summertime Healthy Snacks

    * Cucumber sandwich - you can use two slices of cucumber, sharp cheese, and sliced meat.

    * Crackers and peanut butter.

    * Frozen yogurt

    * Hard boiled eggs.

    * Cucumber and tomato salad. Drizzle olive oil.

    * Smoothies - use your child's favorite fruit and blend with ice.

    *  Banana and peanut butter popsicles. Blend bananas and peanut butter until creamy. 2 large bananas or 3 small bananas - ripe work best plus 2-3 Tablespoons of peanut butter (or your favorite nut butter). Nutella works well.

    * Apple muffins are always a favorite. Use grain-free alternatives if needed for gluten-free.

    * Ketogenic - high fat, low-carb. Shakes as well as various snacks such as coconut balls. See recipe here.

    * Chocolate peanut butter: Mix 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with 5-10 chocolate chips, eat with a tiny spoon

    * Melt peanut butter with coconut oil - unless you live in FL like I do and coconut oil is liquid here, stir in the cocoa and add the sugar. Take it off from the heat and mix in the van. extract. Pour it into a candy mold - or simply line a cookie pan - lipped with wax paper and pour it in, cut into tiny squares or break once it is cooled. You may need to put it in the frig to Harden.

    * Use mixed nuts and place in a shallow pan, toast them in the oven and sprinkle’ with sea salt. Drizzle with melted chocolate and refrigerate until set. Store in a mason jar and enjoy

    * Kale chips - wash and place leaves on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with sea salt and drizzle with olive oils - be sure to watch carefully and bake until toasty - break up into chunks, cool and eat. Very low cal and yummy. Great rainy day activity.

    * Homemade Applesauce - Wash apples in vinegar to take off waxy polish sometimes on the skin. Core the apples and place whole in boiling water until mushy. Take out and process in a food processor or remove the skin and mash with a fork. Sprinkle with cinnamon and enjoy!

    * Roll banana in peanut butter and then roll in crunchy cereal

    * Snack tray -- pretzels, applesauce, banana chips, raisins, nuts, cereal

    * Yogurt and fruit parfait. Try instant pot recipes for yogurt - super yummy!

    *  Yogurt bark. Spread yogurt on parchment paper, top with fruit such as blueberries or strawberries. Freeze. Break into chunks once froze. A family favorite.

    * Frozen banana pops. Cut bananas in half, thread popsicle stick in banana. Dip the banana in melted chocolate. Place on wax paper lined cookie sheets and freeze.

    * Pinwheels: take a soft, tortilla and use a spread such as mayo or mustard. Layer your meats or cheeses, add lettuce, tomato, roll up and slice. Have the children add their favorites.

    *  Melted chocolate. Use fresh fruit to dip!

    * Frozen grapes. Try them, they are a yummy snack!

    * Homemade trail mix - add your favorites.

    * Fruit and veggie platters. Use favorite salad dressing for a dip.

    • 18 min
    Successful Parenting ~ That Works!

    Successful Parenting ~ That Works!

    Successful Parenting That Works ~ Episode 522

    As parents, we want to be appreciated, but what does successful parenting look like? Are your goals met? Do you have goals, and where do you see your child in five, ten, or even fifteen years down the road? In this episode, we will look at some misconceptions about parenting and ways you can have a peaceful home.

    Visit MediaAngels.com for books, classes, and downloadable printables.

    Have you ever felt that success or failure is typically in the eyes of the beholder? I certainly have, and the articles I've read often discuss the fact that we set our own standards. In other words, what you consider a success or a failure might not fit my definition. I've come to realize that without a plan, I will struggle and fail. Unfortunately, parenting does not come with a manual, although some would argue that the Bible is all the manual you need! But even Christians like me face challenges when it comes to parenting.

    Parenting Little Ones:

    Your kids aren't little forever, and when I was expecting my first I read every parenting book I could get my hand on. There is a ton of advice now on blogs, video and everyone is an expert, just ask them. While I'm not saying I'm an expert, I've spent most of my adult life as a wife and mother. More than 43 years at this point with five children and nine grandchildren. When my grandkids come to Sunday family meals, they know what is expected. Sometimes it takes a gentle reminder, or I appeal to my daughter, their mother for help. When kids know what is expected it is so helpful!

    One misconception about parenting is that there is one right way, and your neighbor is doing a better job than you or anyone else. Another misconception is that parenting is one size fits all—or, in some cases, most! We equate our success in parenting with how well our children listen or like the family rules (if you have them).

    Parenting is not the same as friendship. Sure, you should have a relationship with your child, but parents who attempt to be "friends" with their children end up struggling with discipline.

    I have felt successful with some of my children and a failure with others. I can list all the excuses, but that doesn't help with a solution. This is regarding children who are now grown up. Parenting looks different when the children are younger.

    No matter what your level of success or failure, one thing that is certain is there is always room for improvement and apologies when needed. It is okay to admit you were wrong; it isn't easy, but it is necessary and can go a long way toward repairing damage in relationships.

    Successful Parenting That Works for Elementary Age:

    * You have family rules. These are fluid and may change, but your children know what is expected.

    * You say what you mean and you do what you say. (Threatening and repeating parents rarely are happy with the outcome.)

    * Your child knows there will be follow-through.

    * You are encouraging and look for opportunities to praise and encourage.

    * Punishments work.

    Successful Parenting That Works Looks Like This: (Older Children/Teens and Young Adults)

    * You and your child have mutual self-respect.

    * You listen (and they listen). Discussion is allowed. There is open communication, you may not like what they have to say, but you will hear them out.

    * Advice is considered and taken.

    * Rules are mutually set, with the parents having more weight on the final outcome. (Especially for children who live at home or dependent children.)

    There is, God willing always tomorrow for a "do-over" if yo...

    • 20 min

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