22 min

Waning Into Light | How we keep the light on what fuels us when times feel dark Messy & Magnificent with Karlee Fain

    • Entrepreneurship

🌟 Click to Send Karlee a Text - We Want To Hear Your Thoughts About This Episode 🌟Nature works in phases, rhythms, and cyclical patterns. This is essential for achieving balance and harmony.So when things are feeling particularly heavy or difficult, for you, for someone close to you, or someone in your organization, then it makes sense for us to take a cue from nature, too. When we allow ourselves and each other the space to wax and wane as life naturally dictates, it opens up valuable o...

🌟 Click to Send Karlee a Text - We Want To Hear Your Thoughts About This Episode 🌟Nature works in phases, rhythms, and cyclical patterns. This is essential for achieving balance and harmony.So when things are feeling particularly heavy or difficult, for you, for someone close to you, or someone in your organization, then it makes sense for us to take a cue from nature, too. When we allow ourselves and each other the space to wax and wane as life naturally dictates, it opens up valuable o...

22 min