42 min

#06 Jungeun You, Founder & CEO of Mabo & her path of becoming an entrepreneur of the 1st Mindfulness App in Kore #mindshift TALK by CreateMindSpace

    • Mental Health

What an inspiring and incredible woman! Jungeun You is the Founder and CEO of Mabo, the pioneering mindfulness meditation app in Korea, and General Director of Wisdom 2.0 Korea. She comes from a background in organizational development, with a MA in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management and having previously spent 7 years as a HR and OD consultant. Her aspiration is to democratize mindfulness in South Korea to create a happier society.

What an inspiring and incredible woman! Jungeun You is the Founder and CEO of Mabo, the pioneering mindfulness meditation app in Korea, and General Director of Wisdom 2.0 Korea. She comes from a background in organizational development, with a MA in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management and having previously spent 7 years as a HR and OD consultant. Her aspiration is to democratize mindfulness in South Korea to create a happier society.

42 min