CPTSD Medicine Podcast

Dr. Tanner Wallace
CPTSD Medicine Podcast Podcast

Join Dr. Tanner Wallace from CPTSD Medicine as she delves into the complexities of living with and healing from childhood trauma and Complex PTSD (CPTSD). Discover insights into managing CPTSD symptoms, navigating relationship triggers, and empowering yourself on your healing journey. In each episode, you'll learn practical strategies for overcoming triggers, communicating effectively with your partner about intimacy, and resolving symptoms. This podcast offers everything Tanner wished she knew during her own CPTSD recovery, blending the best of Internal Family Systems, Human Design, and more. Listen in for weekly guidance and inspiration, combining medical wisdom with mystical insights. Whether you're just beginning your recovery journey or seeking advanced embodiment guidance, you'll find the support you need here. Dr. Wallace integrates energy work, Divine Archetypal Resonance, and Lineage Journeying to help you release shame and restore your original state of innocence, joy, and abundance. CPTSD Recovery is about amplifying and purifying your Self Energy, transforming the protective and dark energy within. For those ready to dive deeper, explore the CPTSD Medicine Healing Protocol to unlock your lineage's medicinal gifts and reconnect with divinely-Sourced Energy. You’re not alone on this journey. Tune in and start reclaiming your life today.

  1. 5 DAYS AGO

    Introduction to CPTSD Medicine

    Welcome to the very first episode of our new podcast season, Season 13, where we explore the transformative power of the CPTSD Medicine Healing Protocol. In this episode, I share some context for what CPTSD Medicine is as a movement and mission, and why it was created to fill the gaps in traditional trauma recovery approaches, and how it is larger than just our personal CPTSD recovery. I share the personal story behind the development of this unique protocol, born from my own journey of healing complex trauma and the realization that something more was needed to truly empower survivors to lead themselves through Unburdening using Internal Family Systems. I will also give you a sneak peek of what is to come this season, including expert interviews, practical insights, and tools you can use to apply key aspects of the CPTSD Medicine Protocol to your own life. Key Points: What CPTSD Medicine is and its purpose in trauma recovery. How it bridges gaps in traditional approaches. My personal journey and the story of developing the protocol. What to expect this season: interviews with experts, hands-on insights, and more. Call to Action: Join me on this healing journey by engaging with this season. Be sure to subscribe and share this podcast with others who might benefit. Together, we can catalzye a movement of empowered, trauma-informed healing together.   CPTSD Medicine Podcast CPTSD Medicine YouTube channel CPTSD Medicine on Instagram Students of the Medicine community Learn More About the CPTSD Medicine Training Program

    42 min
  2. 26 JUL

    Unburdening CPTSD Trauma Energies: Lean Into the Lessons Without Shame

    Unburdening Trauma Energies: Lean Into the Lessons Without Shame   Episode S12E12: Show Notes   What would change if you were able to reframe misaligned actions as opportunities to learn? In this episode, I explore the final big idea about CPTSD recovery that I want to share. I also answer a user-submitted question and wrap up Season 12 of the podcast. This one, in particular, is really powerful because it is so connected to all the most important aspects of healing. We are speaking about unburdening Trauma Energies by leaning into the lessons without shame. Through understanding what shame is through the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS), we discover how to alchemize and neutralize Trauma Energies in order to release them. I share how this work results in a release of everything that is not true to our identity, explaining the possibility of releasing Shadow Survival Codes that might be masquerading as personality. When we start to release shame around lessons, we are more able to access a deeper intuition. Join me as I unpack the process of embracing lessons and letting go of shame as a path to more personal power and alignment with our self-essence. Thanks for listening!    Key Points From This Episode:   What this episode entails: the final big idea about CPTSD recovery. Celebrating the meeting of our Podcast fundraising goal. Season 13 plans: an interview series.  Unpacking what shame is via an understanding of Internal Family Systems.  Alchemizing and neutralizing Trauma Energies in order to release them.  How this work results in a release in everything we have absorbed to date.  Witnessing and validating the feelings that contribute to the experience of CPTSD. The possibility of releasing a Shadow Survival Code masquerading as personality.  Differentiating between a becoming process and the restoring process of CPTSD recovery. Putting an end to unconscious action through awareness, evolution, and transformation. How Critical Energies can weaponize lessons to create shame.  Addressing external and internal Critical Energies. Reframing mistakes as learning the hard way through misaligned actions. The deeper intuition that we are able to access when we release shame around intuition.  What happens when we start to take leadership of decision-making: the lessons are not as extreme or as grounded in contrast. Creating momentum to achieve more in less time.  User question: where to start with the work of healing from CPTSD. A word of encouragement that we have all been novices at other things.  An invitation to work with any parts of yourself that resist the work and get curious instead.  Where you begin: with the understanding that this is a long game.    Quotes:   “The origin of shame [is] that a part of you or an entity within you thinks that the bad event or the uncomfortable emotion is happening because something is morally incorrect about you.” — Tanner Wallace [06:21]   “It’s not that we are becoming a different human, instead we are accessing who we were meant to be without all the trauma and conditioning. It’s not a becoming process, it’s a restoring process.” —  Tanner Wallace [11:41]   “Without awareness, without evolution, without transformation, there are no lessons.” — Tanner Wallace [13:13]   “It can’t be a mistake if we learned something.” — Tanner Wallace [17:16]   “When we start to release shame around lessons, we are more able to access a deeper intuition.” — Tanner Wallace [18:16]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: email Tanner for informational session link: Tanner@cptsdmedicine.com Podcast Fundraiser CPTSD Medicine Students of the Medicine Community CPTSD Medicine on Instagram CPTSD Medicine on Facebook CPTSD Medicine on YouTube CPTSD Medicine Podcast (Spotify) The Application Portal: 💎Diamond Circle Application💎

    33 min
  3. 12 JUL

    How do you heal your CPTSD? A "Hold the Energy" Theory of Change

    It's 5:10 am during my morning writing session, dedicated recently to the CPTSD Medicine Healing Protocol. However, I had a breakthrough regarding my big idea and how I want to share it. With newfound clarity, I decided to record this podcast, focused on bringing context to the idea of Holding Your Energy. Join me as I delve into the importance and meaning of milestone number two: Holding Your Energy. I begin by contextualizing with a personal story and then delve into a practical framework designed to navigate complex trauma recovery. I provide an overview of three primary information processing centers, elucidate how nine additional energy centers intersect with them, and discuss the concepts of Parts and Entities, along with how Energies can be generated within systems in your body. Furthermore, we look at what the Restored State looks like and I share more on Trauma Energies and the significance of alchemizing them. I invite you to step closer, don’t miss out on this episode. Start listening now.    Key Points From This Episode:   A recap on the upcoming CPTSD Medicine Training Program (and where to find out more). I open with a story that relates to the focus of today's episode and provides context. Unpacking the big idea for today’s episode; Holding the Energy. Practical framework: a way to conceptualize complex trauma for recovery purposes.  Three information processing centers in our bodies that run Energy.  How nine additional energy centers overlap and intersect with the three information processing centers.  I look at additional structures that are not as intended: Parts and Entities. Energies that can be generated within your own body What a Restored State looks like. I break down the different types of Trauma Energies and how they could be generated. A note on alchemizing before releasing Trauma Energies and not burdening the collective. Perspective and understanding of the significance of milestone number two, Holding Your Energy.  An invitation to step closer.    Quotes:   “I [now] understand that IFS and Parts Work is the foundation for CPTSD recovery, not sufficient but absolutely necessary. It’s the anchor work of complex trauma recovery, in my opinion.” — Tanner Wallace [0:08:51]   “My truest truth is [that] I am a very, very, practical guide.” — Tanner Wallace [0:15:07]   “In CPTSD medicine, one of the things that is a deep value of ours is we never release trauma energies without alchemizing them first because we don’t want to put trauma energies into The Collective that somebody else could absorb.” — Tanner Wallace [0:33:55]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: CPTSD Medicine Training Program | BONUS Promotional Episode CPTSD Medicine Training Program Informational Video Submit a Podcast Interview Suggestion Q&A Form for Listener-Submitted Questions The Application Portal: 💎Diamond Circle Application💎 CPTSD Medicine Students of the Medicine Community CPTSD Medicine on Instagram CPTSD Medicine on Facebook CPTSD Medicine on YouTube CPTSD Medicine Podcast (Spotify) How to Leave a Review on Apple Podcasts Leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is a great way to support our show and help others find us. Follow these simple steps: Open Apple Podcasts: On your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, open the Apple Podcasts app. Search for the Podcast: In the search tab, type the name of our podcast, CPTSD Medicine, and select it from the search results. Go to the Podcast Page: Once on our podcast page, scroll down to the "Ratings & Reviews" section. Tap on "Write a Review": Below the displayed reviews, tap the "Write a Review" link. Rate the Podcast: Tap on the number of stars you want to give us (5 stars would be wonderful!). Write Your Review: Fill in a title for your review and then write your feedback in the review box. Submit Your Review: Once you're satisfied with your review, tap "Send"

    48 min
  4. 5 JUL

    Bridging As One of the Most Powerful Practices of CPTSD Recovery

    Welcome to this very emotional invitation to become a student and provider of CPTSD Medicine, as I guide you through the ninth concept of our CPTSD Medicine Protocol: Bridge, don’t outsource. But before I get into all that, I want to take a moment to thank you all for being a part of this podcast that means so much to me and to let you all know that I am finally unwilling to hold all this on my own. So, please join our Students of the Medicine Community (and sign up for the pay-what-you-can podcast fundraiser) to see how you can join me in becoming an integral member of the healing community. Okay, now that my tears have dried and been wiped away, let’s dive into today’s fundamental concept of bridging your healing rather than outsourcing it. In today’s conversation, I define “bridging” and “outsourcing” and compare their differences before exploring the role of allies in the healing of complex trauma. I also explain why bridging is the best route to follow with a closer examination of the allies that we can bridge to in our missions of recovery: Divine Archetypal Residences, Energy Centers, Self-Energetic Frequencies, and Gene Keys. Thank you for sharing this space with me, I love you. Key Points From This Episode: Why CPTSD Medicine matters and a call to join our Students of the Medicine Community.  An emotional exploration of why this podcast is so important to me. Wrapping up our previous episode’s conversation on Full Permission. Today is all about CPTSD Medicine Protocol concept number nine: Bridge, don’t outsource. The role of Allies in the healing of complex trauma.  Understanding the differences between bridging and outsourcing.  Why bridging is the best route to follow for healing.  Studying the Allies that we can bridge to in our missions of recovery.  Unpacking Divine Archetypal Residences, Energy Centers, Self-Energetic Frequencies, and Gene Keys.  Quotes:   “Everything you need to heal is already inside of you.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [19:57] “I tune into the distress, not the forward-presenting manifestation of that distress.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [22:56]   “[Bridging] creates independence; creates co-creation; avoids codependency; [and] avoids power dynamics and overpower and hierarchy. It’s such a critical, foundational concept, both for our personal healing but then also for the health of the CPTSD Medicine mission.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [27:31]   “When we have a bridge to intentionally amplify specific frequencies of Self Energy, we’ve helped ourselves [to] really develop the potency of Healing Power required to be a CycleBreaker.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [35:44]   Longer Quotes:   “We need a community. I’ve held a lot of this on my own for a long time and that’s all part of the process but I’m reaching a point where I’m no longer willing to hold this all on my own. – I hope you feel my love and my sincerity in my words and in what I’m trying to communicate in this very heart-centered, grounded place.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [11:37]   How to Leave a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts Open Apple Podcasts: Launch the Apple Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Find Our Podcast: Search for CPTSD Medicine in the search bar. Select the Show: Click on the podcast show’s artwork to go to the main page of our podcast. Scroll Down: On the podcast's main page, scroll down until you see the "Ratings & Reviews" section. Rate the Podcast: Tap on the stars to leave a rating. You can rate the podcast from 1 to 5 stars. Write a Review: Below the star rating, click on "Write a Review." Title and Review: Enter a title for your review and write your feedback in the review box. Submit: When you’re finished, click "Send" or "Submit" in the upper right corner. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! Your feedback helps us improve and reach more listeners.   Links Menti

    41 min
  5. 5 JUL

    CPTSD Medicine Training Program | BONUS Promotional Episode

    Welcome to this special bonus episode of the CPTSD Medicine podcast! In this episode, I aim to introduce the upcoming CPTSD Medicine Training Program launching this October. My goal is for you, our podcast listeners, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the program’s offerings and the passion behind its creation. Join me as I dedicate this episode to explaining what the program is, why it exists, and why I am so deeply passionate about bringing it to life!  Key Points From This Episode: What listeners can expect from this special bonus episode. The highlights behind how I have arrived at the launch of the CPTSD Medicine Training Program. What the training program needs to look like.  Why the standard of the treatment provider is embodiment. I unpack the three-year clinical part of the program.  The big vision explained.  The three different tiers of investment (pricing for the program).  Who this is for: my vision for participants in the training program.  What the application process includes.  My passion for showing up for this program.    Quotes:   “Without unburdening we are not moving through CPTSD recovery at the level that needs to happen to experience permanent resolution of our CPTSD.” — Tanner Wallace [0:11:59]   “To get through complex trauma recovery you must, you must, you must take back your seat of power.” — Tanner Wallace [0:17:50]   “I am in my body. I am grounded. I am devoted to this [CPTSD Medicine Training Program] and I am showing up in service. This is so squeaky clean for me — [and] I want this so deeply for us because I know what we can unlock.” — Tanner Wallace [0:40:19]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: The Application Portal: 💎Diamond Circle Application💎 Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma CPTSD Medicine Students of the Medicine Community CPTSD Medicine on Instagram CPTSD Medicine on Facebook CPTSD Medicine on YouTube CPTSD Medicine Podcast (Spotify)

    42 min
  6. 28 JUN

    The Unburdening Sequence: Giving Yourself Full Permission to Express and Channel Parts, Energies, and Entities

    Looking back on our healing journey, we recognize how many of our decisions were made in survival mode. As we rebuild our lives on stable ground and embody our true selves, we may be surprised by the things we choose to let go of and what we carry forward with us in unexpected ways. CPTSD recovery is not merely a developmental process but a profound learning experience that requires movement and progress toward mastery rather than a finite accomplishment. In today’s episode, we continue our exploration of the big ideas of CPSTD Recovery with idea number eight: full permission. Tuning in, you’ll discover why granting full permission is essential for navigating the unburdening sequence, how embodying truth resonance can enhance your recovery, and the critical role of breathwork and vocalization in this journey. I also pose reflective questions to help you explore the importance of full permission in your recovery and everyday life while identifying blocks and barriers to expressing your truths, Parts, Energies, and Entities. Don't miss this opportunity to strengthen your healing containers, identify and clear blocks to full permission, and embrace new perspectives to advance your CPTSD recovery and live a more embodied and truthful life.   Key Points From This Episode:   Teachings I have carried forward from my training as an educator and researcher. Why the big ideas of CPTSD Recovery are important for building a shared fount of knowledge. Reviewing the big ideas of CPTSD Recovery that we’ve covered in the podcast so far. Why today’s idea, full permission, is such an important part of the unburdening sequence. What it means to embody truth resonance as a goal of CPTSD Recovery. Distinguishing between protected, sacred, and safe realms and those that are wounded. The important role of breathwork and permission for amplifying SelfEnergy and unburdening. Insight into the significance of full permission in CPTSD recovery and day-to-day life. How to know if you need to “clean up” full permission in your life and recovery. Determining the strength, potency, and trustworthiness of your healing containers. Ways to identify the blocks to full permission in your healing containers. A powerful closing blessing to take you through the upcoming week.   Quotes:   “You cannot make it through unburdening every Part, Energy, and Entity without mastering the milestone of full permission.” — Tanner Wallace [09:41]   “In the CycleBreaking frequency, we want to show up grounded, radiating Self Energy. In our healing containers, we want to understand what the blocks and barriers are to full expression of the truths, Parts, Energies, and Entities.” — Tanner Wallace [15:50]   “Once things can be vocalized, Parts, Energies, or Entities can be expressed, there’s permission to channel Parts in safe, structured – healing containers, you [start] to move and soften blocks. What needs to be spoken out loud can be witnessed.” — Tanner Wallace [19:05]   “What are the emotions and energies that constrict or constrain full permission in healing containers? Can I get curious about this? What does this show me and all me about [the next things I need to] to explore in my CPTSD recovery?” — Tanner Wallace [27:19]   How to Leave a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts Open Apple Podcasts: Launch the Apple Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Find Our Podcast: Search for CPTSD Medicine in the search bar. Select the Show: Click on the podcast show’s artwork to go to the main page of our podcast. Scroll Down: On the podcast's main page, scroll down until you see the "Ratings & Reviews" section. Rate the Podcast: Tap on the stars to leave a rating. You can rate the podcast from 1 to 5 stars. Write a Review: Below the star rating, click on "Write a Review." Title and Review: Enter a title for your review and write your feedback in the review box

    35 min
  7. 21 JUN

    See Training Grounds and Initiations In Your CPTSD Recovery

    If you’re listening to this podcast, I believe you are here to contribute something very important to this transitional period of human evolution. This episode focuses on training grounds, initiations, and the frequency of CycleBreaking. We consider how our ingrained way of relating to hardship pairs with collective pessimism to create negative bias, and how this can impact the healing process. Differentiating between unresolved and untreated CPTSD, we delve into what it might look like to unwind the shame spiral that training grounds and initiations can trigger in us. What would change if we approached a training ground as an opportunity to deepen into our identity and how we want to show up? This episode explores interdependence and how we can take ownership of our own healing, eradicate shame, and reframe the stories that Protective Parts have told about the difficult experiences in our past. Don’t miss this important piece of the puzzle. Tune in today.  Key Points From This Episode:   The important work we are called to do as we recover from CPTSD.  A reminder of Season 11 which focuses on partnership.  How Season 12 is addressing the big concepts of CPTSD recovery. An invitation to join the Students of the Medicine peer support group. This episode’s big idea: training grounds and initiations.  How our ingrained way of relating to hardship integrates with collective pessimism. Differentiating between unresolved and untreated CPTSD. Unwinding the shame spiral during training grounds and initiations.  Deepening into the idea of identity when the training grounds come.  What truly heals all wounds.  Interdependence in the relational field.  Eradicating the shame in mistakes in the frequency of CycleBreaking.  Reviewing touchpoints from the past and unpacking the stories that relate to these experiences. Considering how you would show up differently after these challenging events in the relational field.  Understanding the importance of your self-leadership. Weekly challenge: share your story.  An exercise to remind yourself why you are here.   Quotes:   “One of the key hallmarks of complex trauma is this inheritance of not only hurt, but fear.” — Tanner Wallace [12:48]   “I heal all wounds. I don’t give my power over to time and wait. I have reclaimed my sovereignty, my leadership, my value.” — Tanner Wallace [23:11]   “All of us are exquisite, important, and matter. We are not the same without each other.” — Tanner Wallace [24:07]   “Everything happens in a relational context.” — Tanner Wallace [32:18] How to Leave a Podcast Review on Apple Podcasts Open Apple Podcasts: Launch the Apple Podcasts app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Find Our Podcast: Search for CPTSD Medicine in the search bar. Select the Show: Click on the podcast show’s artwork to go to the main page of our podcast. Scroll Down: On the podcast's main page, scroll down until you see the "Ratings & Reviews" section. Rate the Podcast: Tap on the stars to leave a rating. You can rate the podcast from 1 to 5 stars. Write a Review: Below the star rating, click on "Write a Review." Title and Review: Enter a title for your review and write your feedback in the review box. Submit: When you’re finished, click "Send" or "Submit" in the upper right corner. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review! Your feedback helps us improve and reach more listeners.   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: First episode of Season 11 on partnership Students of the Medicine community CPTSD Medicine on Instagram CPTSD Medicine on Facebook CPTSD Medicine on YouTube Opt-In to 'The Calling' Monthly Newsletter CPTSD Medicine Podcast

    40 min
  8. 14 JUN

    Old Evidence is Likely Bad Evidence Once You Begin Your CPTSD Recovery

    We are now fully immersed in the CPTSD Medicine Protocol since beginning our exploration of it in episode one of season 12. Today, in the seventh episode of the season, I bring you big idea number six: old evidence is likely bad evidence. Now, CPTSD recovery, in essence, is equivalent to personal development, and a major hindrance to personal growth is the shame we attach to ourselves. The Conviction of the CycleBreaker is the first step to ridding ourselves of shame as it opens the gateway to Eternal Directional Calling. From there, we learn perspective in Present Directional Calling, understand how old evidence manifests in Past Directional Calling, how we keep stories alive in Liminal Directional Calling, and the peace of Future Directional Calling. I believe that full completion can only be achieved with a combination of both spirituality and science, but I’d love to hear your thoughts as well, so please, reach out whenever you’re ready. I love you.     Key Points From This Episode:   How CPTSD recovery is akin to personal development.  Introducing the sixth big idea: old evidence is likely bad evidence.  The role of shame in hindering recovery.  How the Conviction of the CycleBreaker leads to the gateway of Eternal Directional Calling.  Gaining the perspective of Present Directional Calling.  What I learned from REVEAL, my very first healing container. How old evidence manifests in the present as revealed by Past Directional Calling.   Understanding completion; where the spiritual meets the scientific.  Liminal Directional Calling: the in-between spaces and the ways that we keep stories alive. Future Directional Calling; the new evidence – the other side of CPTSD.    Quotes:   “CPTSD recovery is simply personal development.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [05:01]   “Post-CPTSD recovery, it is a whole other world of what you can accomplish and what is possible and what you feel in your body. I’m saying these things from the other side, and it’s beyond what I could’ve imagined.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [06:38]   “Shame is the same substance for all humans, but how it codes, and corrupts, influences, replicates, disrupts – it’s so unique to the human.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [13:20]   “It’s not that no one got any sense of who you might be underneath all the trauma and conditioning; it’s just, it was so distorted and off in some way. That’s the old stuff.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [22:31]   “We have to be better readers and interpreters of the evidence as it is in this moment.” — Dr. Tanner Wallace [25:47]   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:   CPTSD Medicine Website Students of the Medicine community CPTSD Medicine on Instagram CPTSD Medicine on Facebook CPTSD Medicine on YouTube CPTSD Medicine Podcast

    40 min


Join Dr. Tanner Wallace from CPTSD Medicine as she delves into the complexities of living with and healing from childhood trauma and Complex PTSD (CPTSD). Discover insights into managing CPTSD symptoms, navigating relationship triggers, and empowering yourself on your healing journey. In each episode, you'll learn practical strategies for overcoming triggers, communicating effectively with your partner about intimacy, and resolving symptoms. This podcast offers everything Tanner wished she knew during her own CPTSD recovery, blending the best of Internal Family Systems, Human Design, and more. Listen in for weekly guidance and inspiration, combining medical wisdom with mystical insights. Whether you're just beginning your recovery journey or seeking advanced embodiment guidance, you'll find the support you need here. Dr. Wallace integrates energy work, Divine Archetypal Resonance, and Lineage Journeying to help you release shame and restore your original state of innocence, joy, and abundance. CPTSD Recovery is about amplifying and purifying your Self Energy, transforming the protective and dark energy within. For those ready to dive deeper, explore the CPTSD Medicine Healing Protocol to unlock your lineage's medicinal gifts and reconnect with divinely-Sourced Energy. You’re not alone on this journey. Tune in and start reclaiming your life today.

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