7 min

EP06 Sleeping culture | Why we tend to close our eyes public transport? TCM? 睡眠文化│為什麼搭大眾交通工具 的時候要閉目養神? 中‪醫‬ Learn Taiwanese Mandarin With Miss Lin Podcast│Taiwanese Mandarin Conversation│Taiwanese culture

    • Language Learning

✩ Level up complete program : speak Chinese fluently with various topics & Understand Taiwanese News (TOCFLA2/B1/B2)👉 mandarin-with-miss-lin.teachable.com/p/12monthprogram✩ Want to expand your vocabulary and learn natural expressions ? NEW service ❤ Study the transcripts (zhuyin+pinyin) of each episode + English translation 👉 join elephant mountains class ✩ I create, record and edit contents all by myself. Your support on Patreon allows me to keep teaching Tai...

✩ Level up complete program : speak Chinese fluently with various topics & Understand Taiwanese News (TOCFLA2/B1/B2)👉 mandarin-with-miss-lin.teachable.com/p/12monthprogram✩ Want to expand your vocabulary and learn natural expressions ? NEW service ❤ Study the transcripts (zhuyin+pinyin) of each episode + English translation 👉 join elephant mountains class ✩ I create, record and edit contents all by myself. Your support on Patreon allows me to keep teaching Tai...

7 min