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Thanks for logging on today for Episode 5 of Mr. Wugidgem And The Phoenix Journey. Last week we followed Debby, Michael, and Mr. Wugidgem down the mountain to the hut of the Shaman, Lani. They broke Lani out of his hut prison, and then Lani briefed them on the extreme moves by Kapono, the new tribal chief. We left them as they approached the Clearing where his wife, Alika, and the other village women were meeting. Today they plan to fight Kapono to preserve women’s right to vote. Enjoy! DIRECT LINK TO EPISODE 5 MR. WUGIDGEM AND THE PHOENIX JOURNEY Thanks for listening today. If you would like print copies of this of any other of my works, please go to http://www.createspace.com, and then choose the store search window at the top of the page. Then enter Allan Chapman into the window. Please be with me again next week for the exciting conclusion of Mr. Wugidgem And The Phoenix Journey. Thanks again for being with me!

Thanks for logging on today for Episode 5 of Mr. Wugidgem And The Phoenix Journey. Last week we followed Debby, Michael, and Mr. Wugidgem down the mountain to the hut of the Shaman, Lani. They broke Lani out of his hut prison, and then Lani briefed them on the extreme moves by Kapono, the new tribal chief. We left them as they approached the Clearing where his wife, Alika, and the other village women were meeting. Today they plan to fight Kapono to preserve women’s right to vote. Enjoy! DIRECT LINK TO EPISODE 5 MR. WUGIDGEM AND THE PHOENIX JOURNEY Thanks for listening today. If you would like print copies of this of any other of my works, please go to http://www.createspace.com, and then choose the store search window at the top of the page. Then enter Allan Chapman into the window. Please be with me again next week for the exciting conclusion of Mr. Wugidgem And The Phoenix Journey. Thanks again for being with me!