98 episodes

The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope.

Daily Dose of Hope New Hope

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The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope.

    June 13, 2024 Day 5 of Week 11

    June 13, 2024 Day 5 of Week 11

    Daily Dose of Hope - Thursday, June 13
    Scriptures: Deuteronomy 4-5 and Luke 6
    Today's readings from Deuteronomy 4-5 and Luke 6 present us with powerful teachings about the importance of God’s commandments and the radical call of Jesus’ ministry. Let's explore these passages and see how they can shape our daily walk with the Lord.
    In Deuteronomy 4-5, Moses continues to remind the Israelites of the importance of obeying God's laws and commandments as they prepare to enter the Promised Land.
    Moses emphasizes that God's laws are not just senseless rules, but life-giving guidelines meant to set the Israelites apart as His chosen people. These laws are a reflection of God’s wisdom and righteousness. For us today, God's commandments still guide our lives, helping us to live in a way that honors Him. I think we need to reflect on how we see God's commandments. Are they burdensome, or do we see them as a path to life and blessing?
    Moses instructs the Israelites to teach their children about God's laws and deeds. This highlights the importance of passing on our faith to the next generation. How can we share our faith journey and the truths of the Bible with your family, friends, or community? We should consider ways to incorporate God's Word into our daily conversations and routines.
    In Deuteronomy 5, Moses reiterates the Ten Commandments, which serve as a foundation for a life pleasing to God. These commandments cover our relationship with God and with others. Yes, let’s take some time to meditate on each commandment. How can we better align our lives with these principles?
    In Luke 6, Jesus delivers profound teachings, including the Beatitudes and instructions on loving our enemies, which of course challenge conventional thinking and call for a radical and countercultural way of living.
    Jesus begins with the Beatitudes, pronouncing blessings on those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and persecuted. He also warns the rich, well-fed, and those who are praised by others. This teaches us that God’s kingdom values are often the opposite of worldly values. Where our priorities lie? Are we seeking earthly comfort and approval, or are we pursuing the deeper blessings of God’s kingdom?
    Jesus’ command to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us is perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of His teachings. It calls us to extend grace and forgiveness beyond our natural inclinations. I think we all know someone who might be difficult to love. How can we show them kindness and reflect Jesus’ love?
    Jesus concludes with a parable about the wise and foolish builders, emphasizing the importance of not only hearing His Words but putting them into practice. To build our lives on a solid foundation, we must apply Jesus’ teachings daily. What practical steps can we take today to live out Jesus’ Words more fully?
    Let us…
    • Embrace God’s Commandments. View His laws as a guide to a fulfilling life. Look for ways to integrate His commandments into our daily decisions and actions.
    • Teach and Share our Faith. Find opportunities to share God’s Word and our faith experiences with others, especially the younger generation. Consider starting a Bible study or devotional time with our family.
    • Align with Kingdom Values. Reflect on our priorities and make adjustments to align more closely with the values of God's kingdom. Seek ways to serve and bless others, especially those in need.
    • Practice Radical Love. Identify someone we find difficult to love and intentionally show them kindness. Pray for the strength to love as Jesus loves.
    • Apply Jesus’ Teachings. Make a commitment to not only hear Jesus’ Words but to live them out.
    I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
    Dios te bendiga.
    The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal to read the Bible in a year together as a family of

    • 5 min
    June 12, 2024 Day 4 of Week 11

    June 12, 2024 Day 4 of Week 11

    Daily Dose of Hope - Wednesday June 12.
    Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1-3; Psalm 36 and Luke 5
    Today's readings from Deuteronomy 1-3, Psalm 36, and Luke 5 offer us rich insights into God's faithfulness, the depth of His love, and the transformative power of Jesus' call. Let's explore these passages together and see how they can inspire and guide us in our daily walk with God. 
    In Deuteronomy 1-3, Moses recounts the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the brink of the Promised Land. He reminds them of their past failures, God’s judgments, and His unwavering faithfulness.
    Moses emphasizes the importance of remembering God's faithfulness and learning from past mistakes. As we reflect on our own lives, it's crucial to remember how God has guided and sustained us. How about if we take some time to recall moments where we experienced God's faithfulness. How can these memories strengthen our faith today?
    The Israelites had some big enemies, yet God assured them the victory. Similarly, we encounter "giants" in our lives—challenges that seem impossible. We most trust that God is with us, fighting on our behalf. What "giants" are we facing today? Let us pray for courage to trust in God's power and promises. 
    Psalm 36 contrasts the wickedness of humanity with the steadfast love and righteousness of God.
    David describes God's love as precious and all-encompassing. In times of uncertainty, we can find comfort in the boundless love of God. What if we stop and reflect on the ways we experience God's love daily. How can we share this love with others around us today?
    The psalmist declares, "For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light." God's Presence brings life and clarity. We should seek His light in our decisions and actions today. How can we bring the light of God into our workplace, family, or community?
    In Luke 5, we see Jesus calling His first disciples, performing miracles, and teaching about the Kingdom of God. 
    When Jesus tells Simon Peter to cast his nets after a fruitless night of fishing, Peter obeys despite his doubts, resulting in an overwhelming catch. Obedience to God's Word brings about blessings, even when it doesn't make sense. Is there an area in our lives where God is calling us to trust and obey? We should take a step of faith and watch Him work.
    Jesus' calling transforms ordinary people into brave and bold followers who will change the world for His glory. His calling is powerful and life-changing. How is Jesus inviting us to follow Him more closely and impact those around us?
    Jesus heals a man with leprosy and a paralyzed man, demonstrating His authority to heal and forgive sins. These miracles remind us of Jesus' power to restore and renew. Do you or someone you know need healing, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual? Bring these needs to Jesus in prayer today, believing in His power to heal.
    Let us…
    ·      Remember God's Faithfulness. What if we keep a journal of His faithfulness in our lives and revisit it when we need encouragement?
    ·      Trust in God's Love. Embrace His love and let Him guide our actions. Share His love through acts of kindness and compassion.
    ·      Obey God's Calling. Listen for His direction in our lives and respond with faith. Trust that His plans are bigger and better than ours.
    ·      Seek Healing and Forgiveness. Bring our needs to Jesus, trusting in His power to heal and forgive. Pray for those in our lives who need His touch.
    I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
    Dios te bendiga.
    The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God

    • 5 min
    Daily Dose of Hope - June 11

    Daily Dose of Hope - June 11

    Daily Dose of Hope - June 11
    Scripture: Numbers 34-36 and Luke 4 
    Today's readings take us through Numbers 34-36 and Luke 4, offering us a profound glimpse into God's provision and guidance for His people, both in the Old and New Testaments. But, let's dive in and see how these scriptures can speak to us in our daily lives.
    In Numbers 34-36, we see God instructing Moses on the boundaries of the Promised Land and the allocation of cities for the Levites, including the establishment of cities of refuge. These chapters remind us of God’s meticulous planning and care for His people.
    God sets clear boundaries for the Israelites, ensuring they have a defined and protected inheritance. This teaches us that God is a God of order and intentionality. In our lives, we can trust that He has a plan and purpose, and even when He sets boundaries, they are meant for our good. We really need to reflect on how God has placed boundaries in our lives for our protection and growth. Are there areas where we need to trust His wisdom more?
    The cities of refuge were designated places where someone who accidentally killed another could flee for safety and await a fair trial. This concept points us to the justice and mercy of God. It’s a reminder that in Christ, we have a refuge and a safe place. When life feels overwhelming, or when we feel guilty and condemned, we can run to Jesus, He is our ultimate refuge. Why don’t we take a moment to thank God for His mercy and justice, and for being our safe place in times of trouble.
    Luke 4 presents the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, starting with His temptation in the wilderness and continuing with His teaching in Nazareth.
    Jesus' victory over temptation in the wilderness shows us the power of God’s Word. Each time Satan tempted Him, Jesus responded with Scripture. This is a practical reminder for us to immerse ourselves in the Word of God. When faced with challenges or temptations, we can rely on Scripture to guide and strengthen us. Consider today, setting aside more time to read and meditate on the Bible. How can you use Scripture to combat the struggles you face?
    When Jesus reads from Isaiah in the synagogue, declaring He has come to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, He outlines His mission. This mission is still ongoing through us, His followers, today. As part of the body of Christ, we are called to continue His work. So, let us reflect on how we can bring hope, healing, and freedom to those around us. What practical steps can we take to serve others in our community?
    We should…
    ·      Trust in God's Plan, embrace the boundaries and directions He has placed in our lives, pray for clarity and trust in His provision.
    ·      Seek Refuge in Christ. When we feel lost or overwhelmed, let us remember that Jesus is our haven, spend time in prayer and seek His comfort and guidance.
    ·      Use Scripture in Daily Battles. Equip ourselves with the Word of God. Memorize key verses that can help us stand firm against temptation.
    ·      Continue Jesus' Mission, looking for opportunities to serve and uplift those around us. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact in fulfilling Christ’s mission.
    I am pastor Roberto, and this is your Daily Dose of Hope.
    Dios te bendiga.
    The Daily Dose of Hope is a devotional intended to provide context and reflection to the New Hope Church Bible Reading Plan.  It’s our goal  to read the Bible in a year together as a family of faith.  Five days a week we read.  Two days a week we either rest or catch up.  Reading the Bible is the number one way to grow in our walk with Jesus.  We have to know God’s Word to live God’s Word.  Now for our Daily Dose of Hope… https://www.findnewhope.com

    • 4 min
    June 10, 2024; Day 2 of Week 11

    June 10, 2024; Day 2 of Week 11

    Daily Dose of Hope
    June 10, 2024
    Day 2 of Week 11
    Scripture:  Numbers 30-33; Psalm 35; Luke 3
    Welcome back to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that complements the New Hope Bible reading plan.  Let’s get right into our Scripture.
    Today’s passage in Numbers is difficult.  I’m talking especially about chapter 31.  After the Israelites conquer the Midianites, the army returns and Moses gets quite angry at them.  Why?  Because they allowed the women to live.  Now, many of these were the women who had led the Israelite men into sin but still, these guys had minds of their own too.  And then there were the children.  The boys were killed and the young girls were saved, presumably to be slaves or concubines.  This is all very, very hard to swallow.  What is going on here?  This doesn’t seem to be consistent with the character of God. 
    I have to lean into Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  God had a reason for dealing with the Midianites the way he did.  We know that God said he would have vengeance against the people of Midian.  They were evil in God’s eyes.  They worshipped many gods and engaged in some pretty horrible rituals to those gods, include child sacrifice and temple prostitution.  They were a violent people with no moral compass.
    That being said, the passage is still troubling and raises questions within me that I can’t answer.  But when we find ourselves in a place like this, we are left at a crossroads:  we can either call God to account based on our twenty-first century human understandings OR we acknowledge our limited grasp of God and his purpose and plan for people.  I have intentionally chosen the latter.  I am a mere human with my limited understanding and doubts.  Yet, God has never failed me, even if there are times I simply don’t understand.  I have chosen to trust God and not get too preoccupied with some passages in Numbers when I have a whole Bible to learn and understand.  Remember, we have to always look at the whole narrative of Scripture and not get too worked up over a passage.  I hope that offers some help and didn’t muddy the waters too much.
    Psalm 35 is another Psalm of David.  In it, King David is detailing the sins of his enemies and asking God to conquer them.  There is a desperation to his words.  While this psalm isn’t connected to a specific instance in David’s life, there were certainly several times in which David could have potentially written it, including when Saul was after him or when Absolom wanted him dead.  I think it’s normal to want revenge against one’s enemies but on the other side of the cross, we have different marching orders.  Jesus was pretty clear about loving one’s enemies, something pretty revolutionary at the time.  Think about Paul’s letter to Romans 12:17-21, Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.
    With that, let’s move on to our New Testament passage for today, Luke 3.  This text, when John baptizes Jesus, marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.  This call to ministry was accompanied by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and confirmed by God’s voice from heaven.  It is a beautiful picture of the Trinity.  What’s interesting and even a bit puzzling about this scene is that John’s baptism was one of repentance.  It was for sinners to come, repent, and be cleansed. 

    • 6 min
    June 9, 2024, Day 1 of Week 11

    June 9, 2024, Day 1 of Week 11

    Daily Dose of Hope
    June 9, 2024
    Day 1 of Week 11
    Scripture:  Numbers 26-29; Luke 2
    Welcome back to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that complements the New Hope Bible reading plan.  We are starting week 11 today.  Can you believe it?  Please keep me posted on what you are learning and how God is speaking to you.  Also, just so you know, the next four weeks will be a little different.  I will be doing days 1 and 2 of these weeks and we will have guest hosts on days 3-5.  This week, Pastor Roberto will be our guest host on days 3-5.
    Let’s get right into Numbers.  Chapter 26 has the Israelites numbering themselves again.  Moses has the various tribal leaders count their people.  This is to determine how much of the land each tribe will receive.  Larger tribes receive a larger inheritance of land and smaller tribes receive a smaller inheritance.  Makes sense.
    It won’t be long now.  The Israelites will soon cross over into the land of milk and honey that God promised them.  Because Moses won’t be allowed to go into the land, God has him go to the top of a mountain and look over at the promised land.  Moses’ earthly life will soon end and he knows that God needs to appoint a new leader.  That new leader is Joshua and in chapter 27, we see the changing of the guard so to speak.  Why did God choose Joshua?  First and foremost, the Spirit of God dwelt in him.  Scripture makes this clear.  But he was also one of the spies who believed that God could bring them victory.  He wasn’t afraid because he knew God was with them.  These are two pretty critical traits of a leader – Spirit-filled and trusting of God. 
    Our New Testament reading is Luke 2. Like yesterday, this is going to be pretty familiar Scripture.  It’s the traditional Christmas story and the words are beautiful and joy-filled.  I could literally read them over and over again.  Take some time and meditate on the first twenty verses. 
    However, I wanted to choose something a little less familiar to talk about as well.  Joseph and Mary are good, law-abiding Jews.  Thus, they visit the Temple at just the right time to give sacrifices for Mary’s purification (done about 40 days after giving birth.)  It was also at this time that they dedicate their first-born son to the Lord. The new parents offer a pair of doves or two young pigeons, which would have been the sacrifice offered for those who are poor or possibly middle-class.  This just serves to reinforce that Jesus did not come from money or influence. 
    The Spirit leads an older man in the Temple, named Simeon, to greet Jesus and his parents.  The Scripture says that Simeon was righteous and devout and had been waiting for the consolation of Israel.  This consolation does not refer to the Jewish political hopes of conquering the Romans but rather the hope that will come with the Messiah, the salvation of Jesus Christ and the coming of God’s Kingdom.  Simeon’s song to God is quite beautiful. He says that now he has seen God’s salvation, he can die in peace.  Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles and the glory of the nation of Israel.  It says that his parents marveled at what was said about him.  Remember, they knew their child was special but as sleep-deprived parents of an infant, all of this was probably pretty difficult to wrap their heads around. 
    Simeon’s words are prophecy.  Jesus’ message will divide the nation.  Some will believe and others will oppose him.  The journey toward promise-fulfillment will be a difficult one.  To walk with Jesus will bring pain and persecution and many will int urn reject him.  Mary’s heart will be broken or pierced as well.  It is incredibly painful for a mother to see her child rejected.  Most moms I know would gladly endure pain and suffering so their child wouldn’t have to do so.  Simeon is preparing Mary for what’s to come. 
    One more phrase of

    • 5 min
    June 6, 2024; Day 5 of Week 10

    June 6, 2024; Day 5 of Week 10

    Daily Dose of Hope
    June 6, 2024
    Day 5 of Week 10
    Scripture:  Numbers 22-25; Luke 1
    Welcome back to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that goes along with the New Hope five day a week Bible reading plan.  Let’s get right into our Scripture for today.
    We are about two-thirds through the book of Numbers.  You are doing great.  I know this isn’t the easiest book to read and digest.  But it is still God’s Word and we need to read it and understand it. Today’s reading is quite fascinating to me.  The story of Balaam doesn’t involve Moses, Aaron, or any specific Israelites and yet is lasts several chapters.  In case you didn’t quite get it (because I didn’t at first), Balaam was a seer, or a prophet for hire.
    The king of Moab has been keeping up with Israel’s conquests and is very fearful.  He knows its only time before it’s the Moabites turn.  Thus, the king of Moab, Balak, hires Balaam to curse Israel.  The king knows he can’t win in a physical battle but maybe he can make sure that the Israelites are cursed and that will give him an upper hand.  But Balaam realizes there is no way he can curse Israel.  First, God tells him not to.  Then, he physically prevents him from doing so by sending an angel to block his path.  Finally, God gives the donkey speech so that Balaam knows he means serious business!  In the end, Balaam does not curse Israel but actually blesses Israel.  The blessing restates God’s promise to Israel, that they will conquer their enemies and settle in Canaan.
    In chapter 25, we find the Israelites camping at Shittim.  While there, the men begin to have sex with the Moabite women and worship their gods.  I don’t think this would have gotten a mention in Scripture if it were just a few rogue philanderers.  Rather, the impression is given that this was an epidemic.  God is justifiably enraged and orders Moses to have all those who engaged in this activity killed.  Literally, as people were weeping in penitence near the Tent of Meeting, an Israelite man very openly brings a Midianite woman into his tent.  The son of the priest, Phinehas, sees this and kills them both with his sword.  This puts an end to the immorality and Baal worship but by this time, 24,000 had been killed. 
    I’m not even sure what to say about this, except for the fact that we are sinful and broken people.  When I hear people say how bad things have gotten in the current day, I’m always a bit confused.  You mean we used to be righteous and obedient?  No, our sinfulness runs pretty deep.  Maybe the popular forms of sin have changed throughout generations but humans have always been broken.  That’s why we need a savior, then and now.
    That leads us nicely into our New Testament reading.  We are starting the Gospel of Luke today.  Luke 1 starts with what Bible scholars consider a very well-written prologue. Luke speaks highly of those writers who have gone before him.  Many ancient writers would start by disparaging others who wrote on the topic, but Luke does the opposite.  He also very intentionally creates credibility for his account.  While he was not an eyewitness, he makes it clear that  gathered is from people who were.  He also did a thorough investigation himself.  This isn’t sloppy scholarship but clear, well-researched authoritative writing.  Luke was orderly and very careful in his work.
    But my question has always been, who is Theophilus?  Most likely, this would have been a believer (his name means lover of God) who financed the cost of Luke’s research and writing.  Considering the title, “most excellent,” this was probably someone with some rank and respect.  Or, it could be that Theophilus was simply someone who was questioning about Jesus and Luke wanted to provide an account that encouraged and convinced him of the validity of Jesus, that these events surely have been fulfilled among us.
    The bul

    • 5 min

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