57 min

Top LinkedIn Profile Tips with Sandra Clark Thought Leadership

    • Marketing

In this episode, we had a conversation with Sandra Clark, a LinkedIn specialist who helps individuals, teams, and companies to make the most out of their LinkedIn presence. Say "Yes" only to clients who are a great fit and say "No" to everyone else.To be able to pick your clients you need a consistent and predictable flow of new potential clients.Position yourself as the go-to thought leader in your niche and you will create that flow.We can help by becoming your personal branding agency.Try ...

In this episode, we had a conversation with Sandra Clark, a LinkedIn specialist who helps individuals, teams, and companies to make the most out of their LinkedIn presence. Say "Yes" only to clients who are a great fit and say "No" to everyone else.To be able to pick your clients you need a consistent and predictable flow of new potential clients.Position yourself as the go-to thought leader in your niche and you will create that flow.We can help by becoming your personal branding agency.Try ...

57 min