167 episodes

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. Partially sponsored by the National Lottery Fund.

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    • Religion & Spirituality

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. Partially sponsored by the National Lottery Fund.

    4.31 Behar 5784

    4.31 Behar 5784

    1)     In bentshing on Motzei Shabbos I included Retzei. Do I have to repeat? [1]

    2)     A woman who is expecting sometimes feels exceptionally thirsty. In such an event, is she permitted to drink water: a) before Kiddush/Havdolo; b) in the bathroom? [2]

    3)     What is the reason why we aren’t allowed to count Jewish people? [3]

    4)     May I bake bread or cake in a meaty oven?[4]

    5)     What is the source to allow the use of a kli shlishi where a kli sheni isn’t okay? [5]

    6)     According to the Rambam, wine flavoured with sugar
    is unfit for Kiddush. Is this something I should be careful about, even if the unflavoured wine isn’t as good? [6]

    7)     My Shlichus is with young professionals, and
    we have a monthly Friday night meal. During the summer, is it okay to start Shabbos early that week and on the other weeks to start Shabbos closer to sunset?[7]

    8)     A T-shirt with a Posuk printed on it; must it be removed before entering a bathroom?[8]

    9)     Feedback re. Hagbeh: How recent is the minhag of Chabad to replace the Sefer Torah on the Bima after displaying the script to the congregation? [9]

    10)  Feedback re. singing: The Divrei Yatziv addressed a daughter, not a sister.

    • 1 hr 3 min
    4.30 Emor 5784

    4.30 Emor 5784

    1) When I lift the Sefer Torah (AKA Hagbeh), should I: a) rotate to my right or to my left;

    b) turn to the degree that those in the front of the Bima are able to see the script?

    2) May a brother listen to his sister singing?

    3) Thinking of helping to form Minyonim for Krias haTorah later in the day of Shovuos:

    Does it work for someone to decide that “I’m not going to be yoitze with my hearing

    the reading in Shul in the morning”?

    4) Feedback on the Dikduk discussions: Two comments from the Rebbe:

    5) At supper I ate bread. In error, I said the After-Brocho על המחי'. Do I still have to say

    the full bentsching?

    6) On Monday night I forgot to count Sefiro. On Tuesday I was present at an early

    Maariv, and after I answered Borchu I remembered to count last night’s Sefiro. May I continue counting Sefiro with a brocho?

    7) Feedback (from R’ Dovid Wakser) re. Shabbos-belt:

    Yehuda Clapman (the sofer) once told me that he had fashioned a “belt” by drilling holes in the two ends of his glasses and used a string or elastic to wear them on Shabbos. Once, Rav Zalman Shimon Dvorkin saw that, and told him, “In this matter, you should be able to carry a pot of cholent”!

    • 49 min
    4.33 Bamidbor 5784

    4.33 Bamidbor 5784

    1) Exploring a הערה of the Rebbe to a Maamar:

    2) If there’s a Bris on Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan, is אב הרחמים omitted?

    3) I run a Shabbos group for children. We give them tokens as incentives, and they redeem these tokens for items of nosh. Is that permitted?

    4) To enter our Shul we need an electronic-chip card. May we hand the card to a Goy?

    5) One the 2 nd night of Shovuos, if we eat early evening, when should the candles be lit?

    • 44 min
    4.32 Bechukosay 5784

    4.32 Bechukosay 5784

    1)     We avoid the use of medication on Shabbos, unless one would
    otherwise be indisposed. May one use medicated mouthwash on Shabbos?[1]

    2)    Isthere a concern for Shabbos to wear a luminous watch?[2]

    3)    I awoke on Motzei Shabbos at 2:15 AM - after alos hashachar. I davened maariv (was that correct?[3]). At Havdolo, do I say the brocho over the spices and over the flame?[4]

    4)    I purchased a small Blueberry bush and planted it in my garden. Do I have to now count three years for Orloh?[5]

    5)    I am repairing a used Tallis. May I remove the silk lining from where it is and put a new lining at the other end of the Tallis, effectively turning the Tallis upside down?[6]

    6)    In our Sidur in Modim, we sometimes have the word המרחם and sometimes we have והמרחם. Please clarify:[7]

    7)    I bought some groceries at Sainsbury and used the self-service check-out. Once home I realized that I hadn’t paid for a few items. Do I have to return and pay for them?[8]

    8)    Feedback re. does answering Borchu at a weekday Maariv make it night for me?

    9)    Feedback on Kli Shlishi:[9]

    10)  Feedback re. Mezonos / HaMoitzi: Waffles for breakfast: HaMoitzi?[10]

    • 55 min
    4.29 Kedoshim 5784

    4.29 Kedoshim 5784

    A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

    The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode:

    This week’s Shiur is dedicated by Mr & Mrs Pinchas Rabin שיחיו in honour of the engagement of their son הרב מרדכי שאול שי' to Miss Etty Halperin תחי' of Monsey.

    1)In the Annotated edition of the Chabad Sidur, in the word דקודשא in Kaddish, has sometimes an asterisk above the second ד' – denoting a Sheva-Na, and sometimes there is no asterisk – denoting a Sheva-Nach. Which is correct?

    2)Another Dikduk question: In the 1st portion of the Shema, should one say Uv-kumecho, or U-veKumecho etc.?

    3)I have a Shabbos-belt. Is it necessary to clip the keys into place before Shabbos, or may I do so on Shabbos?

    4)May I transport my reading-glasses from home to Shul via a belt around my waist?

    5)Does a walk-in fridge or freezer room require a Mezuzah?

    6)Where should I place the Mezuzah for a set of sliding-doors to the outside of the house? There are two such sets in the same room; both have one panel that is fixed in place and the other panel slides. In one set it is the outer panel that slides, in the other set it is the inner panel that slides.

    • 50 min
    4.28 Acharei 5784

    4.28 Acharei 5784

    A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas.

    The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode:

    1) On Yomtov, may I grind coffee-beans with a hand-grinder? [1]
    2) I run a public Seder and then my family Seder. May I drink wine at the earlier Seder?[2]
    3) As above, but – due to the northern position, I cannot do a whole Seder in time to do the mitzvos before dawn. May I drink the first two cups of wine at the public Seder and then join my family from רחצה onwards? [3]
    4) At Duchenen, should the lines או"א ברכנו בברכה המשולשת aloud or in an undertone? [4]
    5) I leave the house on Shabbos and the weather is nice; may I go out wearing a coat - in anticipation that on Motzei Shabbos it will be chilly? [5]
    6) Feedback on rounding off the corner of a Kapote to avoid the need equip it with Tzitzis:[6]
    7) I receive numerous letters requesting Tzedoko, for a variety of causes. Am I obliged to respond to each request?[7]

    [1] שערי תשובה סי' תקד; ביאור הלכה שם סוף ד"ה ואין שוחקין.
    [2] הדין מבואר באו"ח סי' תפד, שלא לעשות כן. וכ"כ בשוע"ר שם. ובפמ"ג הקשה שיקיים "מקום סעודה" בכוס שני של יין. אין לתרץ שאם יברך ברכה אחרונה על כוס הראשון יהי' בזה גרעון בהמשך הד' כוסות – כי בטור סי' תעד הובאו כמה דיעות אם לברך באחרונה אחר כוס א' ב' וג'. אלא שאם עשה כן, רשאי לקדש שנית לבני משפחתו (תו"מ חמ"ח ע' 15, 101). וראה נתיבים בשדה השליחות ח"א פ"ה.
    [3] י"ל דאז כוס שני אין בה משום נראה כמוסיף על מנין הכוסות.
    [4] ברמ"א סי' קכח ס"י הביא המנהג לומר בלחש, וכ"כ בשוע"ר שם סט"ז. אבל בסדורו השמיט אדה"ז תיבת "בלחש", וראה 'פסקי הסדור' , שתיבת "כהנים" אות פד.
    [5] שו"ת מנחת שלמה ח"ב סי' לה אות יב (וע"ש ההמשך), הובא בס' שמירת שבת כהלכתה פכ"ח סעיף לה.
    [6] בקצות השלחן בהוספות לח"א פה ב הביא ממהרי"ל דיסקין דמה"ת סגי בכלשהו ומדרבנן בשיעור לבטל ממנו שיעור כנף. במור וקציעה (סו"ס י') הביא לחקור אם עיגול כנף מועיל, שהרי יש עדיין ד' קצוות לבגד. ונראה דעתו שעיגול הכנף בשיעור זה מבטל מהבגד דין בגד מרובע.
    [7] ס' צדקה ומשפט פ"א הע' ג.

    • 45 min

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