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059 | The cost of pay me later Tomorrow – A podcast by Allianz Research

    • 商業

Corporate financing constraints hit a record high in 2023, mainly driven by the largest jump in payment terms since 2008. In this episode, we speak to Ana Boata, Head of Economic Research at Allianz Trade, and Maxime Lemerle, Lead Analyst for Insolvency Research to find out why it is taking companies longer to get paid.


• Read the full report "The cost of pay me later": https://t1p.de/ea9kq

• You can also subscribe to the Ludonomics newsletter on Substack to stay up to date with all our latest research: https://ludovicsubran.substack.com/

Corporate financing constraints hit a record high in 2023, mainly driven by the largest jump in payment terms since 2008. In this episode, we speak to Ana Boata, Head of Economic Research at Allianz Trade, and Maxime Lemerle, Lead Analyst for Insolvency Research to find out why it is taking companies longer to get paid.


• Read the full report "The cost of pay me later": https://t1p.de/ea9kq

• You can also subscribe to the Ludonomics newsletter on Substack to stay up to date with all our latest research: https://ludovicsubran.substack.com/

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