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060 | Allianz Trade Global Survey 2024: Protectionism Mithridatism Tomorrow – A podcast by Allianz Research

    • 商業

For the third edition of the Allianz Trade Global Survey, we asked over 3,000 companies in China, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, the UK and the US about their outlook for global trade in the year ahead.

We found that exporters are more optimistic in 2024 but also more worried about geopolitical risks, shortages of inputs & labor and financing & non-payment risks.

In this episode, we find out more about the results from Senior Economist Françoise Huang and Head of Corporate Research Ano Kuhanathan.


• Read the full report "Allianz Trade Global Survey 2024: Protectionism Mithridatism": https://t1p.de/grxff

• You can also subscribe to the Ludonomics newsletter on Substack to stay up to date with all our latest research: https://ludovicsubran.substack.com/

For the third edition of the Allianz Trade Global Survey, we asked over 3,000 companies in China, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, the UK and the US about their outlook for global trade in the year ahead.

We found that exporters are more optimistic in 2024 but also more worried about geopolitical risks, shortages of inputs & labor and financing & non-payment risks.

In this episode, we find out more about the results from Senior Economist Françoise Huang and Head of Corporate Research Ano Kuhanathan.


• Read the full report "Allianz Trade Global Survey 2024: Protectionism Mithridatism": https://t1p.de/grxff

• You can also subscribe to the Ludonomics newsletter on Substack to stay up to date with all our latest research: https://ludovicsubran.substack.com/

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