17 集

Interviews with authors featured in the American Journal of Ophthalmology that bring their articles to life.

AJO Podcasts Collection AJO Podcasts

    • 科學

Interviews with authors featured in the American Journal of Ophthalmology that bring their articles to life.

    Mortality Risk with Retinal Vein Occlusion

    Mortality Risk with Retinal Vein Occlusion

    Dr. Karen Wai discusses increased risk of myocardial infarction, vein thrombosis and death with centra land branch retinal vein occlusion.

    • 7 分鐘
    Is Regional Anesthesia Safe for Open Globe Repair?

    Is Regional Anesthesia Safe for Open Globe Repair?

    Dr. Jason Fan discusses the outcomes of using regional anesthesia for open globe repair.

    • 7 分鐘
    What are the Missing Elements In Surgical Clinical Trials?

    What are the Missing Elements In Surgical Clinical Trials?

    Dr. Augusto Blanco discusses the uncontrolled variables in clinical trials assessing surgical innovations.

    • 13 分鐘
    Does Cataract Surgery Lower the Eye Pressure?

    Does Cataract Surgery Lower the Eye Pressure?

    Dr. Adam Rothman discusses the effect of stand alone cataract surgery on the intraocular pressure in eyes with and without glaucoma.

    • 8 分鐘
    Shunt for Pediatric Glaucoma

    Shunt for Pediatric Glaucoma

    Dr. James Brandt from the University of California-Davis, tells us about a new option in the treatment of pediatric glaucoma.

    • 14 分鐘
    The Ophthalmologist's Role in the Opioid Crisis

    The Ophthalmologist's Role in the Opioid Crisis

    Dr. Katherine Talcott from the Cleveland Clinic shares a decision support tool that can reduce unnecessary opioid prescriptions by ophthalmologists.

    • 9 分鐘

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