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EP 78 - Making Characters Believable Write Effing Now! - Writing, Publishing, Marketing, and Everything in Between One Byte At A Time

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On today's episode of WEN, we’re meeting the characters who are just dying to get to know you in your own book, whether fiction or non-fiction. This is a storytelling element you don’t want to skip!

Why character development is important. People relate to people. We want to make it enjoyable for the reader and easier for them to make sure they can use their emotions so they can connect.
Business books need personality - retention, ease of digestion - this is why we teach the way we do.

Connecting to someone emotionally means you need to define their character.

1. What are the nuts and bolts? Who are they? Why are they acting the way they do?

2. They need to be likable.

3. They need to be believable.

4. They need to be multi-faceted - you have to feel sorry for the villain.

5. Make them human - they are not perfect.


That’s ten tips exactly and our time on this week’s chapter of Write Effing Now. When you need proven tips on getting the best writing on the page, or you’re ready to write your book head to bookmarkpub.com and get in touch. Until next time authors, write on.

On today's episode of WEN, we’re meeting the characters who are just dying to get to know you in your own book, whether fiction or non-fiction. This is a storytelling element you don’t want to skip!

Why character development is important. People relate to people. We want to make it enjoyable for the reader and easier for them to make sure they can use their emotions so they can connect.
Business books need personality - retention, ease of digestion - this is why we teach the way we do.

Connecting to someone emotionally means you need to define their character.

1. What are the nuts and bolts? Who are they? Why are they acting the way they do?

2. They need to be likable.

3. They need to be believable.

4. They need to be multi-faceted - you have to feel sorry for the villain.

5. Make them human - they are not perfect.


That’s ten tips exactly and our time on this week’s chapter of Write Effing Now. When you need proven tips on getting the best writing on the page, or you’re ready to write your book head to bookmarkpub.com and get in touch. Until next time authors, write on.

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