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One America (formerly Black America) is a broadcast series that briefly highlights certain portions of books written by Alfred that is dedicated to inspiring, informing, and celebrating Americans who are dark in complexion and are of African descent.
Black America Would Never Again Remain The Same.
For Much More: www.Alfred.vip

One America (formerly Black America‪)‬ Alfred

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One America (formerly Black America) is a broadcast series that briefly highlights certain portions of books written by Alfred that is dedicated to inspiring, informing, and celebrating Americans who are dark in complexion and are of African descent.
Black America Would Never Again Remain The Same.
For Much More: www.Alfred.vip

    Never Listen To Voices That Try To Divide You : One America

    Never Listen To Voices That Try To Divide You : One America

      Download Link: Click Here To Download The Mp3 Audio File Of:  Never Listen To Voices That Try To Divide You : One America Scriptures References In This Broadcast: Mark 3:25 (ESV) And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

    All Pro - Black & Modern Civil Rights Movements In America Have One Thing In Common. They Have Love Missing : One America : Alfred

    All Pro - Black & Modern Civil Rights Movements In America Have One Thing In Common. They Have Love Missing : One America : Alfred

      MP3 Download Link: Click Here To Download: All Pro - Black & Modern Civil Rights Movements In America Have One Thing In Common. They Have Love Missing : One America : Alfred    Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast: 1 Peter 4:8 (New American Standard Bible) Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. {Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}: hello everybody i'm alfred and i'd like to talk about the racial situation in america you know so-called risk relations we are in a situation where everybody is trying to bring solutions to the racial landscape of america but the entire movement and everything that has to do with it does not have love crt does not have love anywhere around it not even just at the center of it it doesn't have love anyway around it but it's trying to be bring solutions to the racial landscape persuade claims blm has nothing to do with love it does not speak about loving white people it does not even consider or promote the idea of white people or cream-skinned people loving chocolate-skinned people when you look at all the things that are going around that is being pushed all the so-called pro-black stuff that is being pushed none of it has love at the center of it therefore what does that mean not only is it going to break fought hate because you cannot have love come out of something that you do not put love in you cannot go into a situation where a house is on fire and then you don't bring in water you don't bring inside you don't bring in a fire extinguisher you don't bring in anything that is going to be an opposing force and swallow up that so if the problem on ground if the problem is hit if the problem with america when it comes to racism is hate why is love not a solution that shows you what these people are all about many of them don't know so they have their ignorance but now you know that everything that is going on in the name of so-called solution is actually going to make matters worse and it's actually predestined to do so since it does not have love in it so what is it really about we need to teach this share this video tell people about the importance of love if love was emphasized how the racial tension will be dissolved and disappeared as it is written love covers a multitude of sins for more check out alfredo's vip god bless you References:  - RT UK: Black Lives Matter activist writes list of demands for white people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DMf0K6Eg9Q - Fox News: Black Lives Matter releases list of 'demands': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVYVP2OzovE - Are There Any Good White People? - Louis Farrakhan Answers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BntV0Wj56o  - Minister Farrakhan- "Do you hate white people?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGBScQSR9Ko 

    Pro - Blackness Could Lead You To Hell : One America - by Alfred

    Pro - Blackness Could Lead You To Hell : One America - by Alfred

      MP3 Download Link: Click Here To Download: Pro - Blackness Could Lead You To Hell : One America - by Alfred Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast: 1 Peter 2:9 KJV But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:  {Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}: hello everybody i'm alfred i am listening to one america let's open our bibles to the book of first peter chapter 2 verse 9 i'm reading from the king james version of the bible i read boris chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that you should show for the praise of him who had called it out of darkness into his mouth lost lights praise the lord today i want to tell you that you know pro-blackness could lead you to hell now of course i've explained many times why you should not call yourself black or use that word black because you know when you open up the dictionary you see the meaning of black you know it means darkness you know it represents evil it represents that which is unclean you know it represents that which is dirty you know that is what black means you know it's as a as a color it actually means colorless you know now the um there are people who refer to themselves as people of color and that's you know primarily are the people who love to call themselves black bets black by the dictionary definition means colonists and of course by calling a group of people a people of color you are seeing another group the other people don't have color in their life you know understand the meaning of words you know and um do not fall prey to saying things that mean terrible things or referring to yourself by something that is very terrible or actually puts also putting orders you know um in setting boxes you know don't do that that being said you know there's of course the people who love to refer to themselves as the pro black you know folks all these um blm types black panther types you know nation of islam types you know they are everywhere you know but you see this pro-blackness could lead you to hell it's a guarantee that a lot of you you know who are quote-unquote pro-black you know are going to go to hell and the reason is because christianity is a race being a christian you are part of a new race the scripture i just read to you makes you clear but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people that you should show for the the praise of him who has called out of darkness into his marvelous life now when you look at that portion of the scriptures in the amplified version of the bible it actually expansions on it more you know the amplified version doesn't add since that wasn't there it just amplifies it just like you know when someone uses a microphone you know it amplifies their voice it doesn't change the message it just amplifies what they are saying now you know when you look at that personal scripture it's in the amplified version it says but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood this is not talking about jews this is talking about christians but you are a chosen race real priestly consecrated nation a peculiar people the nation here is zion not israel if peculiar especially people for god's own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies and wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections of him who has caught out of darkness into his mouth lights that is a christian called out of darkness now in lights you know so um understand this powerful fact christianity is a race now when you are there proclaiming that you are part of you know the black wrists no quote unquote black or white wrists or asian wrists you are separating yourself from the christian race you are acknowledging a race other than the risk that you have been born into in christ and understand something in christianity what you believe in what you say is v

    You Need European Role Models, Icons & Mentors From Other Races In Your Life : One America - by Alfred

    You Need European Role Models, Icons & Mentors From Other Races In Your Life : One America - by Alfred

    MP3 Download Link: Click Here To Download: You Need European Role Models, Icons & Mentors From Other Races In Your Life : One America - by Alfred Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast:Proverbs 11:14 KJVWhere no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 4:5 KJVGet wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. {Automated Transcript. Contains Typos. Not Yet Edited By A Human}: hello everybody i'm alfred i am listening to one america family called black america you know of course you know why i had to change that you know black is not a word that is positive and should not be used to refer to any race of people because black means darkness it means evil black means unwanted you know undesired you know so it is something that is dirty and it's something that was actually created as a racial slow but a lot of people are ignorant of that they are not aware of the origins of that they have not bothered to open a dictionary and look at the meaning of the word black especially when you know that what was used to refer to a race of people you know what was the dictionary definition of black den you know so you can't look at any more new oban dictionary definition of black you have to be realistic and look at it when the word was created to use to refer to a race of people what was the meaning of the word black you know versus what is the meaning of the world white you can see i know it was chosen to give a great distinction a color-based distinction and a way to condemn one race of people because of their color versus the other you know but that being said i've gone into that lots of times when i explained that you can listen to past broadcast or past works or projects and get more on that but in any case today's broadcast the topic of today's broadcast is you need european role models icons and mentors from other races in your life you know one issue with a lot of african-americans you know of people of african descents you know especially in america is that you see them saying things like um finally there's somebody that looks like me that's in this position or finally there's somebody that looks like me that i can look up to you know there are a lot of people that didn't believe that an african-american or someone their skin color could be presidents until barack obama and that is why you never achieve because you are waiting for somebody else to achieve when somebody else achieves that has your skin color then you believe it is possible for you to achieve that is why you are behind you see and this attitude of when you look at a lot of african-americans it is so cliche for them to admire to pack or a notorious big how can you become successful or great how can you expect the future of a race to be great when all your role models is either to park b.i.g or own basketball play or the other when you interview a lot of young african-americans so many of them they either want to be a rapper or a basketball player why won't african americans dominate the nba when and it's an entire race that is actually trying to get in there so any person of european descent to any place that is light-skinned that made it into the nba it means that you are better than an entire race of people within a specific country because basketball is the primary game that all african americans just go to either that or american football you know the majority aspect is basketball how many african-americans look at what are things like kayaking look at tiger woods you know he'll be remembered because of the color of his king not because of the quality of his game now his game is extraordinary to go fast to people who play golf they will look at tiger woods because of his game but outside that his fame the the film of tiger woods because of the color of his skin and that is a problem you know when um your skin color has now been used in your mind it is something that you are b

    How To Reverse The Hatred Of Blacks That BLM & ANTIFA Are Increasingly Creating : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred

    How To Reverse The Hatred Of Blacks That BLM & ANTIFA Are Increasingly Creating : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred

    Click Here To Download: How To Reverse The Hatred Of Blacks That BLM & ANTIFA Are Increasingly Creating : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred   Backup Download Links: Backup Download Link #1

    If You Spend Your Whole Life Fighting & Protesting For The White Man To Lift You Up, It Means You Believe You Are Worthless & Only The White Man Can Lift You Up : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred

    If You Spend Your Whole Life Fighting & Protesting For The White Man To Lift You Up, It Means You Believe You Are Worthless & Only The White Man Can Lift You Up : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred

    Click Here To Download: If You Spend Your Whole Life Fighting & Protesting For The White Man To Lift You Up, It Means You Believe You Are Worthless & Only The White Man Can Lift You Up : One America (formerly Black America) : hosted by Alfred   Backup Download Links: Backup Download Link #1

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