59 分鐘

The Deutsch Files III Naval

    • 商業

Proving something about AGI is inherently impossible 0:00
Creativity is not just mixing things together 3:05
The superiority of explanatory knowledge 7:48
Knowledge laden information is more resilient than any physical object 12:36
The problems of cloning people 15:05
Objections to Taking Children Seriously 19:23
“Do what you like” is bad advice 38:17
Creativity versus nature 41:57
Deutsch’s “fanciful” conjectures 47:52
We must give up on the idea of an ultimate explanation 53:06

Transcript http://nav.al/deutsch-files-iii

Proving something about AGI is inherently impossible 0:00
Creativity is not just mixing things together 3:05
The superiority of explanatory knowledge 7:48
Knowledge laden information is more resilient than any physical object 12:36
The problems of cloning people 15:05
Objections to Taking Children Seriously 19:23
“Do what you like” is bad advice 38:17
Creativity versus nature 41:57
Deutsch’s “fanciful” conjectures 47:52
We must give up on the idea of an ultimate explanation 53:06

Transcript http://nav.al/deutsch-files-iii

59 分鐘

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