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The Sales Formula - Never Sell the Product, Sell the Result Goldmyn Radio

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In sales you never sell the product or service, you sell the result of the product or service. This is what separates money-making businesses from the rest. 
This is the first step in creating a winning sales message. We call is establishing what is it that your customer REALLY TRULY DESIRES? Believe it or not, it is this crucial step that determines whether you will be successful or not. Many a business that had a fantastic product has fallen over time simply because they failed to answer the REAL TRUE DESIRE, and instead simply offered the product or service they were selling.
In today's episode of Goldmine Radio, we're going to cover what True Desire is, and how you can use it to reach your business goals.

In sales you never sell the product or service, you sell the result of the product or service. This is what separates money-making businesses from the rest. 
This is the first step in creating a winning sales message. We call is establishing what is it that your customer REALLY TRULY DESIRES? Believe it or not, it is this crucial step that determines whether you will be successful or not. Many a business that had a fantastic product has fallen over time simply because they failed to answer the REAL TRUE DESIRE, and instead simply offered the product or service they were selling.
In today's episode of Goldmine Radio, we're going to cover what True Desire is, and how you can use it to reach your business goals.

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