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They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.

Where's the Lemonade‪?‬ Darren & Paige Pulsipher

    • 兒童與家庭

They say when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Making lemonade is not always easy or possible. For us, we found ourselves single in our 40's with kids at home and starting life over again. Luckily we found each other, online no doubt. When we began blending families, schedules, traditions, and laundry, we discovered lots of lemons. Our podcast is a reflection on how we get through the hard times and enjoy the good times on our new journey together, all with ten kids in tow. Sometimes when life gives you lemons, you make lemon squares. Lemonade might come later.

    #6.10 Having kids now vs 20 years ago

    #6.10 Having kids now vs 20 years ago

    Darren and Paige have 4 grandkids. 8, 5, 3 and 6 months. They are so fun to be around and it is so fun to see our kids be parents. They were just talking about how so much has changed since they had babies. From childbirth, what to feed your babies, how to raise them, parent involvement etc.. Let’s explore the differences and see if these differences are for the better or ….
     Medical Advances

     Prenatal Care and Screening:

    * Then: Limited prenatal screening options; basic ultrasound and some genetic tests.

    * Now: Comprehensive prenatal screenings, including non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for genetic conditions, 

     3D/4D ultrasounds, and detailed anomaly scans.

     Fertility Treatments:

    * Then: Basic fertility treatments like IVF were available but less refined.

    * Now: Advanced reproductive technologies, including improved IVF techniques, egg freezing, and genetic screening of 


     Birth Practices:

    * Then: More routine use of episiotomies, less emphasis on natural birth, 1 in 20 births were c section

    * Now: Greater emphasis on natural and personalized birth plans, midwifery, and doulas; increased options for pain 

     management and labor support.1 in 5 births are c section.


     Information Access:

    * Then: Reliance on books, limited internet resources, and advice from family and friends.

    * Now: Extensive online resources, parenting apps, telemedicine consultations, and virtual support groups.

     Monitoring and Gadgets:

    * Then: Basic baby monitors, fewer technological aids.

    * Now: Smart baby monitors with video and health tracking features, wearable devices for babies, and smart nursery 


     Societal and Cultural Changes

     Parental Leave:

    * Then: Shorter and less comprehensive parental leave policies in many places.

    * Now: Improved parental leave policies in many regions, with some countries offering extended and paid leave for 

     both parents.

     Work-Life Balance:

    * Then: More traditional roles with often one parent staying at home.

    * Now: Increased focus on work-life balance, remote working options, and more fathers taking active roles in 


     Lifestyle and Parenting Trends

     Parenting Styles:

    * Then: More authoritative and traditional parenting styles.

    * Now: Emphasis on gentle parenting, attachment parenting, and positive discipline.

     Health and Safety:

    * Then: Basic safety guidelines and fewer regulations.

    * Now: Stringent safety standards for baby products, awareness of safe sleep practices (e.g., back-to-sleep campaign),

     and more focus on mental health.

     Financial and Economic Factors

     Cost of Raising a Child:

    * Then: Lower overall costs, but fewer resources to manage expenses.

    * Now: Higher costs associated with childcare, education, and healthcare, but more financial planning tools and resources.

     Economic Conditions:

    * Then: Different economic pressures, often influenced by regional economic stability.

    * Now: Current economic challenges, such as housing costs and student loan debts, affect family planning decisions.

    These differences highlight the evolution in healthcare, technology, societal norms, and economic conditions that impact the experience of having and raising a child today compared to 20 years ago.

     Lemonade moment of the week:

    David is gone we miss him. But he is working hard trying to become a state lifeguard.



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    #6.9 It's summer time with teenagers

    #6.9 It's summer time with teenagers

    Darren and Paige celebrate summer with a house full of teenagers and young adults, which makes the summer busy and fun. As their kids transition into adulthood, scheduling and managing expectations can be difficult. Listen to their approach to this tricky time for parents and children.
    Paige and Darren just graduated, Sam. He will be headed off to BYU in the fall. Now, they are just down to one child at home, who will be a senior next year. They will ease their way into empty nesting. But what about the summer? This is a unique challenge when you have older kids as opposed to littles. Let's delve into how they will handle the summer.

    * Give the kids a schedule. This was a lifesaver when kids were little—they had a schedule for the morning. Flexible in the afternoon. But what about older high school and college kids? Schedule? Do they need a schedule?

    * Limit screentime. When little, this is much easier. I had a jar of popsicle sticks with things to do on them. I don’t think the older kids would be interested in those sticks. Do you limit an 18 or 19-year-old screentime? 

    * Work during the summer? Yes or no? Paige and Darren say yes. But if not, give them something productive to do. Sleeping in until noon every day is not a good way to spend three months of summer. They need productive days to feel a purpose. Internships, volunteering, taking summer classes, helping out with projects at home…

    * Managing three different work schedules. Calendar, Calendar, Calendar!

    * Family activities. Can everyone be together in the summer? It's a question we often ask ourselves. But it's important to make time for these shared experiences, as they create lasting memories and strengthen our bond as a family. 

    * Follow basic family etiquette. Where are you? What time will you be home? Check in. Clean up after yourself. Be polite. 

     Lemonade moment of the week:

    Sam graduated. It's a bittersweet moment, seeing Sammy grow up so fast. The time has flown by, and I'm filled with a mix of sadness and excitement for his future. He's off to BYU, with his siblings close by. We'll miss him, and the house will feel empty without his friends. The pantry will be lonely… But it's also a moment of pride, knowing that we've guided him to this point in his life.


    * https://www.almostemptynest.net/how-to-survive-the-summer-with-your-high-school-and-college-kids/

    * https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/blog/4-summer-coparenting-schedules


    In today's world, navigating the intricacies of parenting can often feel like walking a tightrope. This was the focus topic in a recent 'Where's the Lemonade?' podcast - guiding teenagers and young adults through adulthood while maintaining the delicate balance of freedom and safety. 

    The hosts, Darren & Paige Pulsipher, shared their unique nighttime rule. Once their children reach the ages of eighteen or nineteen, they must send a midnight update about their location, companions, activities, and estimated return time. If their adventures are to last beyond the initially stated time, they need to check in once more. This rule, the hosts believe, is a fine balance between freedom and responsibility, fostering a culture of transparency between parents and their offspring, promoting respect in the familial ecosystem.

    Living under the same roof with their college-aged children brings its own set of anxieties for the hosts. Whether it’s the late-night worry about their children’s safety or the accommodation chaos left behind after a party, navigation through these circumstances becomes crucial. This is where the 'we’re home text' rule comes into play, a necessary measure to reassure worried parents about their child's safety.

    As the parents highlight, forming and adhering to rules is a significant part of growing up. One such rule stressed the importance of cleaning up after oneself. The hosts mentioned that they do not function as a restaurant, and their children are expected to clean their

    • 27 分鐘
    #6.8 Have fun on your work cruise!!! Without me!!

    #6.8 Have fun on your work cruise!!! Without me!!

    Darren recently returned from a “work cruise” while Paige was left at home to hold down the fort. Darren frequently travels for work and, when not traveling, works from home, so it is all or nothing. How does this impact their relationship? How do they handle the separation? Does Paige party and look forward to Darren being gone?? Does Darren party and look forward to work trips?? 
    Your partner has an amazing job. They love what they do and they get to travel. How hard is it to be supportive when you are the one left home with all the daily tasks and they are enjoying lunches, dinners, parties, beaches, golfing, etc?

     Tips to cope with being home alone:

    * Get up before your kids. Gives you time to get things organized before the chaos begins.

    * Hire a sitter or ask a family member for help. It might save your sanity, even if it's just going to the store by yourself.

    * Start bedtime early. By the end of the day everyone can be grumpy and tired. Without your partner to help in the nightime routine, it can be very hard. 

    * Start early, be patient and get those kids to bed so you can have some alone time.

    * Make contact with mom or dad, whoever is gone. It will be helpful for everyone if you can keep them in the loop.

    * EASY DINNER!! Yes please. You dont need the stress of having to deal with everything alone and making a complicated dinner. Keep it easy, order out if possible, mac and cheese.

     Protect your relationship:

    * Discuss things beforehand. How long will they be gone? What will they be doing? What are the expectations of communicating while apart? Are there expectations of things to get done? 

    * Develop rituals while apart. “Landed” 

    Talk daily. You need that time to connect and discuss what's happening on both sides. 

    * Take time to have some intimate time before their trip and right after. 

    Realize it's not a fairy tale. It's easy to feel like your traveling partner is seeing and doing amazing things during their work trips. It’s not all fun and games. A work trip is not a vacation…unless it is! Your partner is working, and they are tired from jet lag, sick of eating out, missing you and kids, they are lonely. 

    * Be understanding. Don't let resentment build up.

     Take care of yourself:

    * Socialize. Set up a playdate with friends if the kids are little. Go out to lunch with your bestie. Get out of the house.

    * Look at your time alone as a positive. You don't have to share the TV. You can work on projects you have been putting off. Read a book and relax.

    * Escape when they get home. Your partner might not want to manage the kids alone when they first get home, but it's good for them. Sleep in or get out alone.

    * Think about the points your partner is racking up for a fun vacation together!!

    # Links:


    # Lemonade moment of the week: 

    Darren was out of town so Paige was lonely, but the lemonade is she got a lot done around the house. Pantry, closet, office all clean. And…. had the tv all to herself, and didn't eat big meals.

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    #6.7 Generative AI in the Household

    #6.7 Generative AI in the Household

    This week, Darren and Paige join forces for the first cross-over episode of Embracing Digital Transformation and Where's The Lemonade. They talk about GenAI in the household and how it can help manage a big, complex family.
     Embracing the Future with Generative AI

    Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is not a thing of the future but a present reality that has been seamlessly intertwining with our lives, often without us even noticing. From streamlining business operations to making household management a breeze, GenAI has the potential to make our lives easier and more productive. Paige Pulsipher, the CEO of Our Home, emphasized this during a recent discussion. 

     GenAI - A Personal Secretary?

    Do you recall the countless hours you've spent searching the web for the best theater play in a city? With GenAI, you could get the answer in just a few seconds. It's about more than providing information promptly; GenAI is interactive, making it more user-friendly. It understands complete sentences and specific descriptions and provides the information accordingly, without requiring you to tweak your language to fit an algorithm.

     Trusted Companion or Potential Deceiver?

    While GenAI makes life easier, Pulsipher highlights an important aspect - "trust, but verify." You entrust tasks and queries to GenAI, but it's equally crucial to verify the results it provides. A healthy dose of skepticism can prove beneficial in making the best use of this revolutionary technology.

     The ‘CEO of Your Household’ Gets a Digital Upgrade

    Running a large household or a successful business can be quite a task. Luckily, GenAI can assist with answers to specific queries, planning efficient schedules, and more. It could offer valuable insights and suggestions to help you manage your responsibilities more productively.

    GenAI is arguably the next step in the evolution of artificial intelligence. Capable of generating human-readable content and interacting seamlessly with users, GenAI is a game-changer in technology and productivity. As Pulsipher revealed through her experiences, a little trust and intentional interaction could significantly enhance our relationship with technology, simplifying our lives.

    Here's a call to action for all tech enthusiasts and those apprehensive about embracing technology. Why not give GenAI a try and experience the wholesome blend of ease, productivity, and innovation it brings? Additionally, feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with GenAI in the comment section below, and let's embrace this digital transformation together.

     Lemonade Moment of the Week

    Darren's Betta fish "ED-T" gets a new home, and he continues to stream his ED-T fish cam to help promote his other podcast, "Embracing Digital This Week." Check out the fish cam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs_UlYlGAs0

    That’s it for this post, but stay tuned for more insights, information, and entertainment. Don't forget to share this post and spread the word about the wonders of GenAI.

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    #6.6 True Crime!!! Why do we love it so much???

    #6.6 True Crime!!! Why do we love it so much???

    Darren and Paige delve into the topic of True Crime entertainment, including podcasts, documentaries, and books. They discuss the reasons behind the fact that women make up the largest demographic of listeners and viewers in this genre.
     Encountering Evil from Safety

    True crime stories echo our deepest fears and curiosities about the most disturbing aspects of human behavior. In a controlled and safe environment such as a book, a podcast, or a TV show, we become observers on the sidelines of evil, weighing in on the battle between right and wrong. Our fascination with these narratives, thus, could be understood as an exploratory mechanism - a means of understanding the extremes of the human psyche.

    The fight between good and evil has been a staple in story-telling for centuries. It allows us to confront our fears and anxieties about crime and punishment in a relatively safe environment without the direct threat of physical harm. By examining the mind of a criminal and witnessing their eventual punishment, we can vicariously experience the thrill of danger, all while huddled comfortably on our couch.

     Discovering the Dark Side of Human Behavior

    True crime stories also satisfy an inescapable curiosity about aberrant human behavior. What prompts someone to plot and commit a dreadful crime? Why would someone feel the justification – or even the entitlement – to cause harm or take lives? These narratives delve into the psyche of the criminals, offering us unique insights into the murkier side of human nature – an aspect that most of us would generally prefer to avoid contemplating.

    Understanding such boundaries of aberrant behavior also serves as a potent reminder of the thin barrier that separates civility from chaos. It's a stark homage to our capacity for good and a powerful reminder of the dark side that lurks within the spectrum of humanity. 

     The Impact of Over-indulgence

    With an ocean of true crime content available, however, there's a risk of developing a skewed perspective of reality. Consuming an excessive amount of this type of content can generate a false impression that gruesome crimes are rampant, thus possibly inflating fear and anxiety levels.

    Maintaining a balance is key. Moderate consumption and an alternating between consuming a true crime series and lighter, more uplifting content are essential. Such balance can help avoid creating an atmosphere of paranoia or fear that can come with prolonged exposure to violent, gruesome content.

     The Charm of True Crime

    Our fascination with true crime is a mix of curiosity, fear, empathy, and the need to traverse the extremes of human behavior. True crime stories serve as a pathway, enabling us to experience the darker side of human nature vicariously and from a safe distance. They allow us to navigate the peripheries of danger without physical risk and force us to grapple with the unfathomable acts that some are capable of. Remember to watch in moderation and mix the viewing schedule to maintain a healthy balance!

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    #6.5 Embarking on an Adventure: Traveling with Teens

    #6.5 Embarking on an Adventure: Traveling with Teens

    Darren and Paige report on a trip with their 18 year old getting ready to graduate this spring. His last spring trip before we send him off to college in the Fall. Listen to their tips and tricks to travelling with teens in Europe.
    We all know that family vacations are meant to relax, unwind, and spend some quality time with our loved ones. But, how do you ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip when your travel companions are unpredictable, opinionated, and passionate teenagers? Based on the experiences of one family who recently traveled abroad during their spring break to Italy, we reveal some important tips that could make your next family overseas trip a lot easier.

     Involving Teens in Travel Planning: Fostering Excitement and Learning

    Traveling with teenagers is all about giving them a sense of ownership and understanding their unique perspectives and interests. This starts right from the planning stage. By involving teenagers in decision-making, you not only allow them to contribute meaningfully but also keep their enthusiasm and interest alive throughout the journey.

    Guiding them to form opinions about various options in different cities gives an opportunity for everyone to learn about new locations together. Keeping room for flexibility can ensure that the plans are adjusted as per the evolving interests and energy levels of young travelers. By doing this, you make them feel considered and in charge, reducing their possible resentment of being dragged into the trip.

     Handling Different Personalities: Striving for Balance

    Handling different personalities during a vacation is another challenge that requires both patience and strategy. Your stoic bookworm may want nothing more than to quietly immerse themselves in the intricacies of the local culture and history, while your fiery, outgoing teen could want to try everything the locale has to offer.

    The families who experienced these personality differences amongst their children when abroad highlighted the importance of personal space and independence. Allow your children the time and room to follow their own interests, within reasonable boundaries of safety and time. Allow them to play games, read books and even explore museums independently. This way, they can enjoy their vacation in their own ways.

     Optimal Vacation Planning: Balancing Preferences and Participation

    To foster an environment that encourages both - enjoying the moment and creating unforgettable memories together, it is necessary to ensure everyone's preferences are considered and everyone feels involved in the planning process. 

    This family’s experience teaches us a significant truth - to have a memorable and enjoyable family vacation, especially with teenagers, it's important that we listen, compromise, and accommodate everyone's preferences and styles. The objective should be to create a balance between group activities and individual exploration. 

    Traveling offers an excellent opportunity to bond with our children, understand them better, and make unforgettable memories together. Remember, the success of your family vacation largely depends on how open, flexible, and considerate you are during your travel planning and execution stages. Don't forget to involve your teenagers in the decision-making process and you will enjoy a smoother and memorable journey together.

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