69 episodes

Mommas Helping Mommas 媽媽們彼此連結
Motherhood × Early Childhood Development x Fitness
母愛 x 幼兒早期發展 x 健身

Kungfu Momma Show 功夫媽媽‪秀‬ Sarah Chang 張學仁

    • Kids & Family

Mommas Helping Mommas 媽媽們彼此連結
Motherhood × Early Childhood Development x Fitness
母愛 x 幼兒早期發展 x 健身

    Nurturing the Love for Stories

    Nurturing the Love for Stories

    One of the greatest tools of early learning is storytelling. In this week's podcast, Kathleen Pelley, children's book author, educator, and storyteller, talks to us about how important reading out-loud to our children and how to do.  With more than 20 years of experience in children's literacy, Kathleen has spoken at hundreds of schools globally on how the writing process and how children can nurture their own creativity. Her storytelling podcast, Journey with Story, is one of the leading educational podcasts for children (Top 25 Podcasts in Education for Kids) - it features traditional folktales from around the world introducing children to new cultures, vocabulary, and important life lessons.

    早期兒童教育最棒的工具之一就是朗讀讀故事。在本週的集數中,兒童讀物作家、教育家和故事家Kathleen Pelley 與我們討論了將故事朗讀出來對我們的孩子有多麼重要,以及如何開始朗讀給兒童們聽。擁有 20 多年兒童閱讀素養經驗的Kathleen曾在全球數百所學校發表關於寫作過程以及兒童如何培養自己的創造力的演說。她的Podcast頻道Journey with Story(與故事一同旅行) 是領先的兒童教育Podcast之一(兒童教育中排名前25)—她的Podcast包含了來自世界各地的傳統民間故事,並且向孩子們介紹新的文化、詞彙和重要的人生課程。

    For more information 更多訊息: https://kathleenpelley.com/journey-with-story/

    • 27 min
    Preventing Allergies and Making Meal Time a Happy Time

    Preventing Allergies and Making Meal Time a Happy Time

    According to the recent studies, around 8-10% of children develop food allergies. During infancy the immune system is still learning about different proteins, so having a diverse diet including common allergens such as peanut, wheat, and oat can decrease the risk of allergies in the future.  In this week's podcast, Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson educates us about feeding our babies in those early years.   Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson is a leading pediatrician, an entrepreneur and consultant, an author and media contributor and voice online. She was a health contributor to Seattle’s NBC affiliate station for 6 years, and continues to be an official spokesperson and public speaker. She is the Chief Medical Officer of Before Brands, makers of SpoonfulOne, leading communication and health translation to clinicians and parents to protect against the development of food allergies. 

    根據研究指出,大約 8-10% 的兒童會出現食物過敏症狀。在嬰兒時期,寶寶們的免疫系統仍在學習不同的蛋白質,因此多樣化的飲食過敏原包括常見的花生、小麥和燕麥,可以降低未來產生過敏的風險。在本週的集數中,Wendy Sue Swanson 醫生將與我們介紹如何在嬰兒時期餵養寶寶們飲食。  Wendy Sue Swanson 博士是一位領先的兒科醫生、創業家和顧問、作家和媒體撰稿人並時常在網路上發聲。她為西雅圖的 NBC 附屬電台擔任了 6 年的健康內容的撰稿人,並繼續擔任官方發言人和公眾演說家。她是 Before Brands(SpoonfulOne 製造商) 的首席醫療官,負責向臨床醫生和父母溝通並提供健康內容翻譯,以防止發展出物過敏症狀。

     For more information 更多訊息: https://www.wendysueswanson.com/

    • 35 min
    Eliminate Toxins: Create a Safe Environment for Your Child

    Eliminate Toxins: Create a Safe Environment for Your Child

    Cheryl Ann Meyer was suffering from inflammation and autoimmune disease, thus began an odyssey that culminated her award winning book "It Feels Good to Feel Good: Learn to Eliminate Toxins, Reverse Inflammation and Feel Great Again." Through her journey she found that eliminating toxins was a big step in reducing her chronic pain and healing her leaky gut, which is the cause of inflammation. As she regained her health, she returned to school and became a health coach to share her new knowledge with others. She comments, “I wrote this book for people with autoimmune disease and inflammation, but really, it’s for everyone. Inflammation is a root cause of many of our illnesses and disease, cancer, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression, Type I and Type II diabetes, possibly even autism. In this week's podcast, Cheryl shares with us how to start eliminating toxins in our own households to make a safe environment for our children.

    Cheryl Ann Meyer患有炎症和自身免疫性疾病,因此開始了一段尋找健康生活的旅程,並最終寫出獲獎的著作《感覺良好:學習消除毒素、逆轉炎症並獲得健康生活》。通過尋找健康生活的旅程,她發現消除毒素是減輕慢性疼痛、治愈炎症和腸道滲漏的一大步。隨著她開始恢復健康,她回到校園並成為一名健康教練,與他人分享她的新知識。她說:「我為患有自身免疫性疾病和炎症的人寫了這本書,但實際上,它是為所有人寫的。炎症是我們許多疾病和疾病、癌症、心臟病、中風、阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症、抑鬱症、I 型和 II 型糖尿病,甚至可能是自閉症的根本原因。」在本週的節目中,Cheryl 與我們分享如何在自己的家庭環境中消除毒素,為我們的孩子創造一個安全的環境。

    For more information更多訊息:


    • 46 min
    Child Behavior Explained: Why They Do What They Do

    Child Behavior Explained: Why They Do What They Do

    Often times we expect our children to listen to us, while we haven't been listening to them and what is going on developmentally for them.  Allana Robinson Registered Early Childhood Educator, Developmental Specialist, and Parenting Coach breaks down the developmental leaps that children 2-7 years old go through and help parents understand why their children are misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. With over 15 years of experience in the early childhood behavior management space, Allana also shares with us several common parenting misconceptions that can completely transform the way we think about parenting. "One of the reasons of why I do what I do is because parents were making decisions based on bad information, old information."  Tune into this week's podcast to really find out what's going on in your child's brain.  

    很多時候,我們都希望孩子乖乖聽我們的話,而我們卻時常忽略他們的意見以及他們的發展情況。 Allana Robinson 是位註冊幼兒教育家、幼兒發展專家也是育兒教練,她打破了 2-7 歲兒童經歷的飛躍期,幫助父母了解他們的孩子行為不合適的原因以及如何在不大吼大叫,羞辱或暫停他們的娛樂的情況下解決問題。憑藉在幼兒行為管理領域超過 15 年的經驗,Allana 還與我們分享了一些日常生活中常見的育兒小錯誤,瞭解並修正這些誤解可以完全改變我們對育兒的看法。 「我之所以從事我的工作的原因之一是因為新手父母常常根據不確定的信息、老舊信息做出決定。」收聽本週的Podcast,來真正了解各位孩子大腦中正在發生的事情。

    For more info 更多訊息:www.allanarobinson.com

    • 40 min
    Studying Your Child’s Temperament: The Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

    Studying Your Child’s Temperament: The Key to a Good Night’s Sleep

    Sleeping and relaxing are all learned skills.  Especially in the early years, these simple things can seem impossible.  But by studying your child's unique temperament, personality, and developmental stage you can tailor a sleeping routine that can make a difference.  This week's podcast guest Rebecca Michi - Children's Sleep Consultant , Author, and mother of two teenage daughters, shares some tips on how to manage your child's sleep.

    睡覺和放鬆都是可以後天加強的技能。尤其是在兒童前期,這些看似理所當然的事情似乎永遠無法在他們身上實現。但是通過研究孩子們獨特的氣質、個性和發育階段,父母們可以定制一個可以為孩子們帶來影響的睡眠習慣。本周Podcast嘉賓 Rebecca Michi 是兒童睡眠顧問、作家和兩個十幾歲女兒的母親,她分享了一些關於如何管理孩子睡眠的技巧。

    For more info 更多訊息 :


    • 42 min
    Forget the Meds! Let's Talk About Natural Birth Control

    Forget the Meds! Let's Talk About Natural Birth Control

    Typical forms of contraception would include some type of hormonal pill, patch, or IUD, these rarely include options for natural family planning.  Have you ever felt there must be another way to avoid pregnancy than having to take medication?  Natural family planning helps you identify the signs and symptoms of fertility so you can plan or avoid pregnancy. In this week's podcast we have a doctor of pharmacy and certified instructor or natural family planning, Emily Kirkwold, to teach us how we can achieve our family planning goals naturally.  

    典型的避孕方法包括使用某種賀爾蒙的藥丸、避孕貼或宮內節育器(子宮環),很少有包括家庭自然計劃生育的選項。大家是否覺得必須包含另一種方法來避免懷孕而不是一直使用藥物來控制呢?家庭自然計劃生育可幫助我們了解並識別生育的跡象和症狀,以便計劃生育或避免懷孕。在本週的Podcast中,我們邀請到一位藥學博士和自然計劃生育認證講師,Emily Kirkwold,教我們如何自然地達到家庭計劃生育的目的。

    For more information 更多訊息: https://nfppharmacist.com/

    • 36 min

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