43 min

Live in Your True Self with Brandon Evans: Lead to Succeed 141 Lead to Succeed

    • Careers

Within each individual resides a unique essence waiting to be unearthed—a truth that embodies their deepest values, passions, and aspirations. "Live in Your True Self" is not merely a directive but a profound invitation to embark on a transformative quest towards embracing one's genuine identity. That's precisely what our guest, Brandon Evans, will guide us through in this episode.

Brandon is the Founder and Chief Elevation Officer of 1heart. Before 1heart, his path of building large tech companies in New York led him to financial success but lacked greater meaning, fulfillment, and joy. When his article “Lost on Purpose” unexpectedly went viral, Brandon was called to serve all those with similar stories reaching out for support.

Brandon founded 1heart to create new paths for leaders seeking more fulfilling and purpose-driven lives. 1heart combines top facilitators across modern and ancient modalities to support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being via a highly curated, best-in-class program.

Brandon and his wife Jeanette lead retreats and create experiences that support others in creating lives fully aligned with their soul's calling.

Within each individual resides a unique essence waiting to be unearthed—a truth that embodies their deepest values, passions, and aspirations. "Live in Your True Self" is not merely a directive but a profound invitation to embark on a transformative quest towards embracing one's genuine identity. That's precisely what our guest, Brandon Evans, will guide us through in this episode.

Brandon is the Founder and Chief Elevation Officer of 1heart. Before 1heart, his path of building large tech companies in New York led him to financial success but lacked greater meaning, fulfillment, and joy. When his article “Lost on Purpose” unexpectedly went viral, Brandon was called to serve all those with similar stories reaching out for support.

Brandon founded 1heart to create new paths for leaders seeking more fulfilling and purpose-driven lives. 1heart combines top facilitators across modern and ancient modalities to support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being via a highly curated, best-in-class program.

Brandon and his wife Jeanette lead retreats and create experiences that support others in creating lives fully aligned with their soul's calling.

43 min