16 min

1641 God Has Been Waiting BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women

    • Christianity

Who could you become? What could you do? You’ve been given this one life to figure that out and give it all you’ve got.

Honey, if cauliflower can become pizza and chickpeas can become pasta, you my friend, can do anything! Nothing in your past can hold you back from your future. You have been set free to move forward. Today is a step in your journey towards the life of your future, make sure you’re stepping in the right direction.

Where you are today is a result of steps you took in the past. Maybe you walked out of something behind you, or maybe you walked into something right now. Recognize, it was your choice one step at a time. Understand God never expected you to wander blindly through this life. He has promised to be your guide. He has promised to direct your steps. He is always available to show you the best way.

Will you simply seek him here? Will you surrender your way to seek his way?

In the New Living Translation of the Bible, Isaiah 30: 18-21 is titled “Blessings For the Lord’s People”. With a title like that, understand this is for you. Don’t excuse yourself from this blessing. YOU are God’s girl. You are his prized creation. You are here seeking him and he is responding to you personally. Verse 18 says:

So the Lord must wait for you to come to himso he can show you his love and compassion.For the Lord is a faithful God.Blessed are those who wait for his help.

Woah … God has been waiting for YOU. Waiting for you to come to him so he can show you love and compassion. That’s what has always been waiting for you. As you ran. As you tried everything on your own. As you failed. As you made a mess. God has been waiting. Not waiting with punishment. Not waiting with judging eyes and condemnation. No, waiting with love and compassion specifically for you. All this time he has wanted to bless you, but you have to come to him.

I have this image of God leaning over his mighty throne in heaven, looking down on us with his loving eye, hopeful that today will be the day we let his love catch us. Hoping today will be the day he gets to show us his goodness.

Won’t you let him catch you today? Won’t you come to him and receive that love and compassion? Won’t you let his blessings pour over you now? Won’t you let him help you? He can and he will if you will come to him.

For the past 5 years I’ve been in a personal season of understanding God’s waiting on a deeper level. We’ve been waiting on one of our own who has left our family, believed the lies of the enemy and stepped into his plan of danger and destruction. She imagines I wait with judgment, but truthfully I wait with a hope she will return to the goodness that was always here for her. The goodness of a family who found her, fought for her, adopted her, and called her their own. A goodness she can’t dismiss. A goodness that will still be waiting 30 years from now if that’s how long it takes.

And even more so, God waits for each of us to come to him to receive the goodness he has always had for us. He waits and he hopes today will be that day. Why wouldn’t today be that day? Why not take that step today? It’s not condemnation that awaits us, it’s redemption. It’s a life far better than we have ever dared to dream of.

If you can imagine me awaiting the return of my daughter, imagine your heavenly father awaiting the return of his girl. Yeah, it’s like that! Condemnation doesn’t await you upon return, love, forgiveness, healing and restoration await you! But honey, you have to accept it and turn to it.

Who could you become? What could you do? You’ve been given this one life to figure that out and give it all you’ve got.

Honey, if cauliflower can become pizza and chickpeas can become pasta, you my friend, can do anything! Nothing in your past can hold you back from your future. You have been set free to move forward. Today is a step in your journey towards the life of your future, make sure you’re stepping in the right direction.

Where you are today is a result of steps you took in the past. Maybe you walked out of something behind you, or maybe you walked into something right now. Recognize, it was your choice one step at a time. Understand God never expected you to wander blindly through this life. He has promised to be your guide. He has promised to direct your steps. He is always available to show you the best way.

Will you simply seek him here? Will you surrender your way to seek his way?

In the New Living Translation of the Bible, Isaiah 30: 18-21 is titled “Blessings For the Lord’s People”. With a title like that, understand this is for you. Don’t excuse yourself from this blessing. YOU are God’s girl. You are his prized creation. You are here seeking him and he is responding to you personally. Verse 18 says:

So the Lord must wait for you to come to himso he can show you his love and compassion.For the Lord is a faithful God.Blessed are those who wait for his help.

Woah … God has been waiting for YOU. Waiting for you to come to him so he can show you love and compassion. That’s what has always been waiting for you. As you ran. As you tried everything on your own. As you failed. As you made a mess. God has been waiting. Not waiting with punishment. Not waiting with judging eyes and condemnation. No, waiting with love and compassion specifically for you. All this time he has wanted to bless you, but you have to come to him.

I have this image of God leaning over his mighty throne in heaven, looking down on us with his loving eye, hopeful that today will be the day we let his love catch us. Hoping today will be the day he gets to show us his goodness.

Won’t you let him catch you today? Won’t you come to him and receive that love and compassion? Won’t you let his blessings pour over you now? Won’t you let him help you? He can and he will if you will come to him.

For the past 5 years I’ve been in a personal season of understanding God’s waiting on a deeper level. We’ve been waiting on one of our own who has left our family, believed the lies of the enemy and stepped into his plan of danger and destruction. She imagines I wait with judgment, but truthfully I wait with a hope she will return to the goodness that was always here for her. The goodness of a family who found her, fought for her, adopted her, and called her their own. A goodness she can’t dismiss. A goodness that will still be waiting 30 years from now if that’s how long it takes.

And even more so, God waits for each of us to come to him to receive the goodness he has always had for us. He waits and he hopes today will be that day. Why wouldn’t today be that day? Why not take that step today? It’s not condemnation that awaits us, it’s redemption. It’s a life far better than we have ever dared to dream of.

If you can imagine me awaiting the return of my daughter, imagine your heavenly father awaiting the return of his girl. Yeah, it’s like that! Condemnation doesn’t await you upon return, love, forgiveness, healing and restoration await you! But honey, you have to accept it and turn to it.

16 min