6 min

Be Fruitful (The Hungry Starves‪)‬ Verspiration

    • Christianity

Picture your famished self entering a popular restaurant; you are warmly welcome, greeted and relaxed into a seat and handed a menu. You glance through slowly but carefully as you salivate at the mouth watering options. You finally make a choice and signal the waiter towards your table.
As you place your order; the thought of satisfaction elicits a sigh of relief. This thought doesn’t linger long enough as it is interrupted with the sight of the waiter apologetically emphasizing that there is no food in the restaurant.
Question is why open?
Why welcome and hand in a menu when there’s no food!

This is the same situation that met a hungry Jesus. He saw the fig tree by the road and must’ve heaved a sigh of relief only to be struck with the disappointment of finding nothing but leaves.

Leaves? Where are the fruits?
Beloved, where are your fruits?
God has commanded man to be fruitful.
Are you bearing fruits?

There are two things we can learn from the fig tree;
Firstly, The fig is cultivated and celebrated for its intense nourishment. And this is who the believer must be. When people come to pluck of your fruits, they must leave nourished and nurtured. Are people nourished when they leave your presence? Or you leave them starved and deprived?

Secondly, Figs don’t grow overnight. They produce two harvests of fruits in a year; this means that it takes time to culture and nurture them. Their maturity indicates that the gardener has been continuously and steadfastly tending to their growth over the years. so does Jesus when we abide in Him. He carefully cultures and nurtures us to bear fruits that attract the hungry.
That is why we need to be connected to the vine. We need to abide for we cannot bear fruits that satisfy of ourselves.
John 15:4 says
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

Many in the world today are searching, looking for answers to the tough questions life throws at them.
Others are looking for something to fill the emptiness within. They seek the wisdom of men, and even though they agree to its accuracy it doesn’t satisfy, they still want more.
Just like the fig tree was by the road, God has planted you in places where your fruits must attract people so you can satisfy their hunger. So the question is “Are we bearing fruits?”

People need their storms calmed and their hearts unburdened. And this is reason why we must bear the fruits of the Spirit.
They are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:22-23‬ ‭

Do people experience the fruit of love when they come to your tree? How about joy? Peace? Long suffering? Kindness? Oh goodness? What of faithfulness, gentleness and self control?

As we learn to abide in Christ, we bear these fruits the hungry needs.
And when they eat and they are filled, they can truly testify that they are nothing without Jesus.

Learn to abide in Christ;
Creation awaits the manifestation of your fruits to satisfy their insatiable hunger.

Are you really bearing fruits?

Picture your famished self entering a popular restaurant; you are warmly welcome, greeted and relaxed into a seat and handed a menu. You glance through slowly but carefully as you salivate at the mouth watering options. You finally make a choice and signal the waiter towards your table.
As you place your order; the thought of satisfaction elicits a sigh of relief. This thought doesn’t linger long enough as it is interrupted with the sight of the waiter apologetically emphasizing that there is no food in the restaurant.
Question is why open?
Why welcome and hand in a menu when there’s no food!

This is the same situation that met a hungry Jesus. He saw the fig tree by the road and must’ve heaved a sigh of relief only to be struck with the disappointment of finding nothing but leaves.

Leaves? Where are the fruits?
Beloved, where are your fruits?
God has commanded man to be fruitful.
Are you bearing fruits?

There are two things we can learn from the fig tree;
Firstly, The fig is cultivated and celebrated for its intense nourishment. And this is who the believer must be. When people come to pluck of your fruits, they must leave nourished and nurtured. Are people nourished when they leave your presence? Or you leave them starved and deprived?

Secondly, Figs don’t grow overnight. They produce two harvests of fruits in a year; this means that it takes time to culture and nurture them. Their maturity indicates that the gardener has been continuously and steadfastly tending to their growth over the years. so does Jesus when we abide in Him. He carefully cultures and nurtures us to bear fruits that attract the hungry.
That is why we need to be connected to the vine. We need to abide for we cannot bear fruits that satisfy of ourselves.
John 15:4 says
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

Many in the world today are searching, looking for answers to the tough questions life throws at them.
Others are looking for something to fill the emptiness within. They seek the wisdom of men, and even though they agree to its accuracy it doesn’t satisfy, they still want more.
Just like the fig tree was by the road, God has planted you in places where your fruits must attract people so you can satisfy their hunger. So the question is “Are we bearing fruits?”

People need their storms calmed and their hearts unburdened. And this is reason why we must bear the fruits of the Spirit.
They are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:22-23‬ ‭

Do people experience the fruit of love when they come to your tree? How about joy? Peace? Long suffering? Kindness? Oh goodness? What of faithfulness, gentleness and self control?

As we learn to abide in Christ, we bear these fruits the hungry needs.
And when they eat and they are filled, they can truly testify that they are nothing without Jesus.

Learn to abide in Christ;
Creation awaits the manifestation of your fruits to satisfy their insatiable hunger.

Are you really bearing fruits?

6 min