10 min

Divine Counsel Malan Jones

    • Christianity

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Sometimes we put our trust in others, because of their age or position. Yet this should never be the only reason we trust their advice - because they’re human just like us.

In 1 Kings 13, there was an old prophet who lied to a younger prophet from Judah. The prophet from Judah was commanded not to stay in the city where he prophesied, but the older prophet persuaded him with a lie… saying an angel told him to come to his house and eat. The prophet of Judah disregarded the command of the Lord, and because of this was killed by a Lion when returning home.

Sometimes elders and teachers can give you bad advice. But when you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and following his commands you can’t go wrong.

Psalms 119:98-100 says,

Your commands are always with me

and make me wiser than my enemies.

99I have more insight than all my teachers,

for I meditate on your statutes.

I have more understanding than the elders,

for I obey your precepts.

It is important that we obey God’s word in all situations for this is true wisdom. We should pray for good counsel, and listen for what the Spirit of God is saying. We must first seek God’s council through reading the Bible, and prayer. Once we know what he says, then we can choose wisely whose advice to accept, and reject. Take a deep breath, release it. With this, we release our limited point of view and ask God to give us His divine counsel.

Open your hands…with this we open our heart to receive and give godly counsel.  Lift up your hands… with this, we offer our plans to God, and accept his divine directions.

Let God’s Love saturate you. Be filled with his presence, be filled with His peace, and be filled with counsel.

Let’s Pray

Dear heavenly Father, we honor you above everything. We say that your council is above everything else. We receive your power, we receive your wisdom, and we will walk in your presence forever amen.


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Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Sometimes we put our trust in others, because of their age or position. Yet this should never be the only reason we trust their advice - because they’re human just like us.

In 1 Kings 13, there was an old prophet who lied to a younger prophet from Judah. The prophet from Judah was commanded not to stay in the city where he prophesied, but the older prophet persuaded him with a lie… saying an angel told him to come to his house and eat. The prophet of Judah disregarded the command of the Lord, and because of this was killed by a Lion when returning home.

Sometimes elders and teachers can give you bad advice. But when you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and following his commands you can’t go wrong.

Psalms 119:98-100 says,

Your commands are always with me

and make me wiser than my enemies.

99I have more insight than all my teachers,

for I meditate on your statutes.

I have more understanding than the elders,

for I obey your precepts.

It is important that we obey God’s word in all situations for this is true wisdom. We should pray for good counsel, and listen for what the Spirit of God is saying. We must first seek God’s council through reading the Bible, and prayer. Once we know what he says, then we can choose wisely whose advice to accept, and reject. Take a deep breath, release it. With this, we release our limited point of view and ask God to give us His divine counsel.

Open your hands…with this we open our heart to receive and give godly counsel.  Lift up your hands… with this, we offer our plans to God, and accept his divine directions.

Let God’s Love saturate you. Be filled with his presence, be filled with His peace, and be filled with counsel.

Let’s Pray

Dear heavenly Father, we honor you above everything. We say that your council is above everything else. We receive your power, we receive your wisdom, and we will walk in your presence forever amen.


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10 min