25 min

Romans 8:12-30 Podcast - What You Have in Christ Grace Coach Podcast

    • Christianity

Our ministry is centered on empowering Christians to grasp the full extent of their inheritance in Christ. Through our efforts, we also aim to share the good news of the gospel, which can lead unbelievers to salvation. We rejoice when individuals embrace this message.
In Romans 8, the Apostle Paul endeavors to enlighten Christians about their spiritual possessions in Christ while simultaneously highlighting what those without Christ lack. Here's a summary:
For Born-Again Christians:
God resides within you. You dwell in the realm of the Spirit. God has infused life into your mortal body. Eternal life awaits you with God. You are embraced as a child of God. You have been legally adopted into God's family. You are an heir of God and share in Christ's inheritance. The Spirit has bestowed upon you His first fruits. God orchestrates all things for your benefit. God has foreseen and chosen you. You are being transformed into the image and likeness of God. For People Without Christ:
You lack the indwelling of the Spirit. Pleasing God is unattainable without Christ. There is hostility between you and God. You are confined to the realm of the flesh. You do not belong to Christ. The Spirit does not abide within you.   Transcript



(0:00) Want to discover your freedom in Christ? Then listen in as Mike Stone and Kevin (0:06) Smith talk about it today on Grace Coach. Welcome to Grace Coach, my name is Kevin (0:11) Smith. I got my best friend Mike Stone with me today.  
What's up Mike? Hey good to (0:18) be here and I'm glad I'm still your best friend. Nothing's changed from the last (0:23) podcast. From the last podcast.  
I don't think anybody's ever gonna overtake you (0:28) as much things as we've been through. I think you're in. But there are a couple of people (0:36) that are close second.  
I'll duke it out with them. You better take me out to (0:41) dinner again sometime soon. Okay.  
All right, so today we're talking, we're (0:48) actually probably not going to finish Romans chapter 8. This chapter has got so (0:53) much in it. It is unbelievable. And it is just an affirmation of what we have in (1:03) Christ.  
And it's rock-solid. It solidifies our standing with God in so (1:13) many different aspects of it. So we really hope you guys listen up, get your (1:20) Bibles out.  
We're gonna be starting in, we're actually gonna backtrack a little (1:25) bit. We covered up to Romans 8 11 last week, but we're gonna backtrack just a (1:30) little bit of a review. I'm gonna read Romans chapter 8 verses 8 through 11.  
(1:37) Which says, that's why those who are still under the control of the sinful (1:43) nature can never please God. But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You (1:51) are controlled by the Spirit, if you have the Spirit of God living in you.  
And (1:57) remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not (2:02) belong to Him at all. And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will (2:09) die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right (2:15) with God. The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.  
And (2:22) just as God raised Christ from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies (2:28) by this same Spirit living within you. Wow. That is incredible right there.  
That (2:37) is packed full of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are dead and (2:43) we are alive by the Spirit. If you look in your Bibles, many of the chapters (2:49) headings, I don't know what Bible you have, but most of them are has something (2:55) to do with life in the Spirit.  
And that's a major theme of this chapter and what (3:01) we're going to be talking about today. Yeah, and I especially love Romans 8-11, (3:08) Kevin. Whenever you talk to somebody and you ask them what's your understanding (3:13)

Our ministry is centered on empowering Christians to grasp the full extent of their inheritance in Christ. Through our efforts, we also aim to share the good news of the gospel, which can lead unbelievers to salvation. We rejoice when individuals embrace this message.
In Romans 8, the Apostle Paul endeavors to enlighten Christians about their spiritual possessions in Christ while simultaneously highlighting what those without Christ lack. Here's a summary:
For Born-Again Christians:
God resides within you. You dwell in the realm of the Spirit. God has infused life into your mortal body. Eternal life awaits you with God. You are embraced as a child of God. You have been legally adopted into God's family. You are an heir of God and share in Christ's inheritance. The Spirit has bestowed upon you His first fruits. God orchestrates all things for your benefit. God has foreseen and chosen you. You are being transformed into the image and likeness of God. For People Without Christ:
You lack the indwelling of the Spirit. Pleasing God is unattainable without Christ. There is hostility between you and God. You are confined to the realm of the flesh. You do not belong to Christ. The Spirit does not abide within you.   Transcript



(0:00) Want to discover your freedom in Christ? Then listen in as Mike Stone and Kevin (0:06) Smith talk about it today on Grace Coach. Welcome to Grace Coach, my name is Kevin (0:11) Smith. I got my best friend Mike Stone with me today.  
What's up Mike? Hey good to (0:18) be here and I'm glad I'm still your best friend. Nothing's changed from the last (0:23) podcast. From the last podcast.  
I don't think anybody's ever gonna overtake you (0:28) as much things as we've been through. I think you're in. But there are a couple of people (0:36) that are close second.  
I'll duke it out with them. You better take me out to (0:41) dinner again sometime soon. Okay.  
All right, so today we're talking, we're (0:48) actually probably not going to finish Romans chapter 8. This chapter has got so (0:53) much in it. It is unbelievable. And it is just an affirmation of what we have in (1:03) Christ.  
And it's rock-solid. It solidifies our standing with God in so (1:13) many different aspects of it. So we really hope you guys listen up, get your (1:20) Bibles out.  
We're gonna be starting in, we're actually gonna backtrack a little (1:25) bit. We covered up to Romans 8 11 last week, but we're gonna backtrack just a (1:30) little bit of a review. I'm gonna read Romans chapter 8 verses 8 through 11.  
(1:37) Which says, that's why those who are still under the control of the sinful (1:43) nature can never please God. But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You (1:51) are controlled by the Spirit, if you have the Spirit of God living in you.  
And (1:57) remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not (2:02) belong to Him at all. And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will (2:09) die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right (2:15) with God. The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you.  
And (2:22) just as God raised Christ from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies (2:28) by this same Spirit living within you. Wow. That is incredible right there.  
That (2:37) is packed full of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are dead and (2:43) we are alive by the Spirit. If you look in your Bibles, many of the chapters (2:49) headings, I don't know what Bible you have, but most of them are has something (2:55) to do with life in the Spirit.  
And that's a major theme of this chapter and what (3:01) we're going to be talking about today. Yeah, and I especially love Romans 8-11, (3:08) Kevin. Whenever you talk to somebody and you ask them what's your understanding (3:13)

25 min