How (Not) to Deal with Death Dwell College Bible Teachings

    • Christianity

Ecclesiastes 3:1-21. In the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon confronts the fact in the end God will judge every deed. All of man's efforts to wrestle meaning out of life is for nothing if there is no God who holds eternity in His hands. Because God has set eternity in the human heart, Solomon can confidently conclude: Fear God and obey His commands. In God, there is ultimate meaning and significance. Your actions matter into eternity and death cannot rob you of your joy.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-21. In the third chapter of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon confronts the fact in the end God will judge every deed. All of man's efforts to wrestle meaning out of life is for nothing if there is no God who holds eternity in His hands. Because God has set eternity in the human heart, Solomon can confidently conclude: Fear God and obey His commands. In God, there is ultimate meaning and significance. Your actions matter into eternity and death cannot rob you of your joy.