1 hr 13 min


    • Comedy Interviews

Hey My X's welcome back for another episode.
This week I'm joined by the one and only Sergio from Sergio Talks Podcast . If you are an OG listener you know he's been on the pod before.... situations a little different and we talk all about it. We dive into what it's really like having a podcast, how to make money and what are the best outlets for Canadians. I feel like we always talk about icks in men, and today it's all about getting it thrown back in our face wommen .....its about time. The battle of the podcasters are here to debate and discuss everything you need in order to still be lost with dating haha. Here are some things we covered: -Stopping to drink for productivity -How to start a podcast -How to approach someone -How to ask for a girls number -why dating has changed so much -red flags / icks in women -dating -celebrities and etc Enjoy this episode. Comment down below I would love to hear from yall 🤍
Sponsor: Joymode https://try.usejoymode.com/Ao4S/CDLZG?tw_source=google&tw_adid=690815670645&tw_campaign=19954433919&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYfqdcueokOqsLlkM_eIx6MwTfpHjk4tmTeFe-ZYVCcxbekIYG8YTmhoC57cQAvD_BwE
----Buy now and use discount code : XTHEPODCAST for 20%.

Hey My X's welcome back for another episode.
This week I'm joined by the one and only Sergio from Sergio Talks Podcast . If you are an OG listener you know he's been on the pod before.... situations a little different and we talk all about it. We dive into what it's really like having a podcast, how to make money and what are the best outlets for Canadians. I feel like we always talk about icks in men, and today it's all about getting it thrown back in our face wommen .....its about time. The battle of the podcasters are here to debate and discuss everything you need in order to still be lost with dating haha. Here are some things we covered: -Stopping to drink for productivity -How to start a podcast -How to approach someone -How to ask for a girls number -why dating has changed so much -red flags / icks in women -dating -celebrities and etc Enjoy this episode. Comment down below I would love to hear from yall 🤍
Sponsor: Joymode https://try.usejoymode.com/Ao4S/CDLZG?tw_source=google&tw_adid=690815670645&tw_campaign=19954433919&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYfqdcueokOqsLlkM_eIx6MwTfpHjk4tmTeFe-ZYVCcxbekIYG8YTmhoC57cQAvD_BwE
----Buy now and use discount code : XTHEPODCAST for 20%.

1 hr 13 min