17 min

March 24, 2024 - Jesus Is King Eternity Church PodCast

    • Christianity

A Sunday morning by Youth Group Members and Pastor Brett Deal.Imagine if you heard someone was raised from the dead. What would your reaction be? Would it change the way you see the things in your life that need healing?Sure, may you have heard bits and pieces of miracles: crippled limbs restored, blind eyes opened and deaf ears healed. Over the years you’ve heard here and there about a man’s daughter raised to life at her wake, or a window’s only son who was revived at his own funeral procession (Mark 5:21-43, Luke 7.11-17)! But this resurrection is different. The girl’s body was still at home, the man not yet buried. But this, this man named Lazarus was dead and entombed for four days before Jesus went to the grave and called to him.Not only did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life, He also made an astonishing claim: “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11.25)! With these words and with the living proof of Lazarus standing witness before a shocked world, word spread everywhere.As people gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, the annual festival recognizing the Exodus where God freed His people from bondage in Egypt, word broke out that Jesus was riding into the city on a donkey. In that simple act of humility, He signaled to all of Jerusalem He was the prophesied Messiah: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9.9).How else would you respond?! You were already exhilarated to hear about the resurrection of Lazarus, now the Messiah Himself is riding into the city! Imagine the questions burning in their hearts: Is He bringing us peace and restoration now? Will He lead us into a new exodus, out from under the control of Rome? Will He save us now?!This is why they shout “Hosanna!” The people recognized their need for salvation. “Save us!” they cry! “Save us, like you did Lazarus! Be our resurrection and life!”Friend, this prayer is not locked in time and knows no age limit. This week, Palm Sunday, we gather to see Jesus the King! And as a special act of worship, our children and youth will be leading us to meet with Him (Matthew 19.14)! 

A Sunday morning by Youth Group Members and Pastor Brett Deal.Imagine if you heard someone was raised from the dead. What would your reaction be? Would it change the way you see the things in your life that need healing?Sure, may you have heard bits and pieces of miracles: crippled limbs restored, blind eyes opened and deaf ears healed. Over the years you’ve heard here and there about a man’s daughter raised to life at her wake, or a window’s only son who was revived at his own funeral procession (Mark 5:21-43, Luke 7.11-17)! But this resurrection is different. The girl’s body was still at home, the man not yet buried. But this, this man named Lazarus was dead and entombed for four days before Jesus went to the grave and called to him.Not only did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life, He also made an astonishing claim: “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11.25)! With these words and with the living proof of Lazarus standing witness before a shocked world, word spread everywhere.As people gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, the annual festival recognizing the Exodus where God freed His people from bondage in Egypt, word broke out that Jesus was riding into the city on a donkey. In that simple act of humility, He signaled to all of Jerusalem He was the prophesied Messiah: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9.9).How else would you respond?! You were already exhilarated to hear about the resurrection of Lazarus, now the Messiah Himself is riding into the city! Imagine the questions burning in their hearts: Is He bringing us peace and restoration now? Will He lead us into a new exodus, out from under the control of Rome? Will He save us now?!This is why they shout “Hosanna!” The people recognized their need for salvation. “Save us!” they cry! “Save us, like you did Lazarus! Be our resurrection and life!”Friend, this prayer is not locked in time and knows no age limit. This week, Palm Sunday, we gather to see Jesus the King! And as a special act of worship, our children and youth will be leading us to meet with Him (Matthew 19.14)! 

17 min