15 min

Romans 8:31-39 Podcast - Nothing Can Separate You From God Grace Coach Podcast

    • Christianity

Is There Anything that Can Divide You from the Love of God in Christ Jesus? Can Continuous Sin, External Forces, or Even Satan Separate You? Though at times it may seem like we're distanced from God's love, those are merely feelings. Feelings aren't always accurate or based on truth. Tune in to discover why nothing can ever sever you from the love of God.
(0:00) Want to discover your freedom in Christ? Then listen in as Mike Stone and Kevin (0:06) Smith talk about it today on Grace Coach. Welcome to Grace Coach. My name is Kevin (0:13) Smith and I got my best friend Mike Stone with us today.
How you doing Mike? (0:18) I'm doing good. Good to see you. Good to see you too.
We are going to be talking (0:22) about Romans chapter 8 starting in verse 28 and going through the end of the (0:30) chapter and we are excited to get to it because it is talking about the love of (0:36) God and how secure we are in God's love. So I'll start off and just read a couple (0:45) verses in Romans chapter 8 verse 28 which says, and we know that in all (0:52) things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called (0:57) according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be (1:03) conformed to the likeness of his Son that he might be the firstborn among many (1:10) brothers.
And those he predestined he also called, and those he called he also (1:15) justified, and those he justified he also glorified. Yeah, there's a few things (1:22) here that jump out at me that I underlined. Of course that God works (1:27) together for the good of those who love God.
I mean he takes everything, good and (1:32) bad, things that are happy and sad, and he works them together for our good. I mean (1:38) that is just so wonderful to know even when it doesn't feel good, you know, and (1:45) it doesn't feel that God is there for us, but he's always there working everything (1:50) together for good. And then it says in 29 he knew his people in advance, and that (1:57) is like, wow, he didn't force us to believe.
He certainly did know in advance (2:04) who would and who wouldn't believe, and so that's mind-blowing to even think (2:08) about. And then the third thing is that he chose us to become like his Son. (2:14) That's my version.
And when I think about that, you know, I know we're not (2:21) going to perform miracles and raise the dead and do things like that, but it's (2:27) that the God of the universe was living in Jesus, and he was made and (2:37) born in the image of God's likeness. So when I think about that, we have now been (2:43) also made into God's likeness when we came to believe. We were not in the image (2:51) and likeness of God.
We were born in the image and likeness of Adam, but it says (2:56) that he chose us to become like his Son and now to be made in the image and (3:04) likeness of now Jesus. And that only means that the Spirit of God is now (3:10) living in us like it was living in him. Okay, clarify for me what you just said.
(3:17) God was living in Jesus? Yes. Chapter 14 of the book of John. Let me just go there (3:27) real quick.
The only reason why I'm saying that while you're going there is (3:35) because I don't want the audience to be confused that Jesus wasn't God. No, (3:43) he was God. Jesus was God in the flesh, fully God, fully man is what we (3:51) would say and believe.
Yeah, it says in John 14 20, on that day you will realize (3:58) that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. So God was in Christ (4:08) reconciling the world to himself, not counting men's or people's sins against (4:15) them, and so God was in Christ and now God is now living in a born-again (4:22) Christian. So that's how I look at the image of God, that the likeness in the (4:28) image or the Spirit of God is now living in us, and I love it.
All right, let's

Is There Anything that Can Divide You from the Love of God in Christ Jesus? Can Continuous Sin, External Forces, or Even Satan Separate You? Though at times it may seem like we're distanced from God's love, those are merely feelings. Feelings aren't always accurate or based on truth. Tune in to discover why nothing can ever sever you from the love of God.
(0:00) Want to discover your freedom in Christ? Then listen in as Mike Stone and Kevin (0:06) Smith talk about it today on Grace Coach. Welcome to Grace Coach. My name is Kevin (0:13) Smith and I got my best friend Mike Stone with us today.
How you doing Mike? (0:18) I'm doing good. Good to see you. Good to see you too.
We are going to be talking (0:22) about Romans chapter 8 starting in verse 28 and going through the end of the (0:30) chapter and we are excited to get to it because it is talking about the love of (0:36) God and how secure we are in God's love. So I'll start off and just read a couple (0:45) verses in Romans chapter 8 verse 28 which says, and we know that in all (0:52) things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called (0:57) according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be (1:03) conformed to the likeness of his Son that he might be the firstborn among many (1:10) brothers.
And those he predestined he also called, and those he called he also (1:15) justified, and those he justified he also glorified. Yeah, there's a few things (1:22) here that jump out at me that I underlined. Of course that God works (1:27) together for the good of those who love God.
I mean he takes everything, good and (1:32) bad, things that are happy and sad, and he works them together for our good. I mean (1:38) that is just so wonderful to know even when it doesn't feel good, you know, and (1:45) it doesn't feel that God is there for us, but he's always there working everything (1:50) together for good. And then it says in 29 he knew his people in advance, and that (1:57) is like, wow, he didn't force us to believe.
He certainly did know in advance (2:04) who would and who wouldn't believe, and so that's mind-blowing to even think (2:08) about. And then the third thing is that he chose us to become like his Son. (2:14) That's my version.
And when I think about that, you know, I know we're not (2:21) going to perform miracles and raise the dead and do things like that, but it's (2:27) that the God of the universe was living in Jesus, and he was made and (2:37) born in the image of God's likeness. So when I think about that, we have now been (2:43) also made into God's likeness when we came to believe. We were not in the image (2:51) and likeness of God.
We were born in the image and likeness of Adam, but it says (2:56) that he chose us to become like his Son and now to be made in the image and (3:04) likeness of now Jesus. And that only means that the Spirit of God is now (3:10) living in us like it was living in him. Okay, clarify for me what you just said.
(3:17) God was living in Jesus? Yes. Chapter 14 of the book of John. Let me just go there (3:27) real quick.
The only reason why I'm saying that while you're going there is (3:35) because I don't want the audience to be confused that Jesus wasn't God. No, (3:43) he was God. Jesus was God in the flesh, fully God, fully man is what we (3:51) would say and believe.
Yeah, it says in John 14 20, on that day you will realize (3:58) that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. So God was in Christ (4:08) reconciling the world to himself, not counting men's or people's sins against (4:15) them, and so God was in Christ and now God is now living in a born-again (4:22) Christian. So that's how I look at the image of God, that the likeness in the (4:28) image or the Spirit of God is now living in us, and I love it.
All right, let's

15 min